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Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Can we fold a full-house in this spot?

01-22-2022 , 02:11 PM
2/3 NLHE, 9-handed

3 callers.
Hero buys the button. Hero holds pocket 5s and checks.
BB checks.


Flop is Q, J, 5 rainbow

5 players total
H bets $10
V calls from MP
everyone else folds


Turn is 10

H bet $30
V calls


River is 10

H bets $100
V snap raises to $200

Can H fold here?

H and V both have $300 to start the hand. V is loose and limps with a wide range.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 02:43 PM
Is V the type to limp AK? If you don’t know, I probably call. If you know he isn’t, you can fold.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 02:44 PM
Noob perspective:

No, you can't fold here.

You lose to every boat, but V also has a ton of Tx that you have destroyed.

It's very easy to envision them having a KT/T9/T8-type hand that was on a straight draw and backed into trips, and raises thinking that you'd call down with top pair.

Could they be taking this line with QT/JT/T5? Sure. But there are enough Tx solutions (even a QJ) that it's worth the call of 100 into ~400-ish. Hell, they could even have 98 or K9 for a straight that isn't even thinking about a boat.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 03:55 PM
What's with all the folding boats threads lately?

No. Don't fold..
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 04:37 PM
Call. Without knowing anything about villian this screams 10-something. K-10 and 9-10 more likely than boat but im not raising here.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 06:19 PM
I call, also please put pot sizes on every street when writing a HH, also comments on suits is often useful, I get no flush is possible as described here though.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 06:23 PM
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 10:53 PM
I hate the situation, you're probably beat with his silly c-i-b, but still call. It probably is JT. There's enough other stuff it could be---and it's only 100 more---that calling is good still.

Though part of me---and I don't think you're deep enough for this to work, nor is V someone who would fold to it---wants to shove right over him. (After looking back at the HH) Nah, you can't rep QQ-JJ here. Just call. You're probably beat though; don't get shirty about it. Just laugh.

I don't understand "buy the button." At some point in the hand, you should have been shoveling money in with both hands, flopping a set. Per WereBeer, pot sizes and suits are very helpful for us. Maybe you bet as much as was reasonable; maybe you could've shoved in more. As described, it's hard to tell.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-22-2022 , 11:14 PM
wtf no
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-23-2022 , 01:16 PM
If you're folding, or thinking hard about folding, full houses or better in NLHE then you need to find a different game or quit poker altogether.

Only exceptions are on double-paired or better boards. And against not only rocks, but rocks who never misread their hands. I know plenty of tight players who thought they had "the nuts" only to realize as their opponent is scooping the chips that they didn't see the flush/straight etc. on the board
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-23-2022 , 11:21 PM
No, easy call. Never raise. You will lose to higher boats sometimes but frequently you will see Tx or even AK.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-24-2022 , 01:41 PM
Please indicate all player tendencies and stack sizes.

Pre: Raise to $20. If you are more than 100 BB deep effective, and players respect your bets, then I would always raise here preflop. I’m surprised other posters haven’t written this. By calling pre, you cap your range—your opponents now know you don’t have AQ+, 99+, KQ. Now you won’t be able to bluff effectively when it checks through on the flop. Furthermore, if you call pre, and you hit your set on a dry flop, your hand is less concealed than if you had raised. By calling pre, you are not taking most advantage of your position on the button. You are just playing fit or fold. When on the button, always punish the limpers. Limping is a huge leak, and to exploit the limpers, you have to raise. I would call pre here only if the players are sticky calling stations, and effective stacks are below 100 BB.

On the flop: bet closer to a pot-sized-bet. When you hit a set, you want to build a pot

Turn: well played. V check-called, right? Indicate that when you post

River: Snap call. You have to be ahead just 25 percent of the time for this call to be profitable.
Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
01-24-2022 , 01:51 PM
I'm fine with preflop.

I might donk a bit larger on the flop (there is exactly 0% difference in calling frequency regarding a $10 versus $15 bet on the flop at these steaks, so go on the bigger side when we want to build a big pot, imo).

I might go slightly smaller on the turn now that some draws did get there but whatever.

Next time post pot sizes on each street so we know what we're dealing with. Weird river card as it could both move us ahead or behind. Looks like there is $95 in the pot. I think I'd go about $60ish; kinda feel our PSB is a little too large?

Really gross spot facing a minraise to a large PSB on the river. Most people don't overplay Tx (like T9) in this spot and will just call. Straights would have typically raised the turn, and might even still just MUBSy call the river. Those who don't overplay a middling two pair could easily just call the turn here. Highly doubt this is ever a bluff at these sizings. Gross spot. But I think I would need some fairly solid reg reads before I could fold, especially against an unknown.

Can we fold a full-house in this spot? Quote
