I think this thread has run its course but I just wanted to say thanks to all the advice. I followed it to a "t" and it saved me at least $200 on one specific hand.
I raised to 13$ in middle position with AQs and received 3 callers. Flop is Q7h6h. I have TPTK in a decently dry board, although there is a flush draw and somewhat unlikely straight draw. I bet $35 into a $53 pot. It is reraised to $85 and someone else short stacked shoves over the top for their remaining 150. Although this is probably an easy fold for a lot of regulars, it's also perhaps a call I would have made in the past hoping one of the players was on KQ and another one on flush draw. But I thought back to all the advice from this forum and quickly realized that I'm almost never good here. I could be dead to one person having a set and the other having a flush draw. I quickly folded.
One person showed KK and the other one showed Q10 with the hearts and hit the flush on the river.
That laydown was part of an epic night for me where I had my best ever night at $1-2. Seemed like every draw I had hit and every bluff I tried worked. I successfully pulled off two 3 barrell bluffs early and showed. Of course, I didn't bluff again the rest of the night, but it set me up well because I was able to value bet and get called every time after that. Seems like I hit well and everytime I folded it was the right fold. I didn't play marginal hands preflop like I am often inclined to do, etc. After 13 hrs. I I cruised to the best session of my 1-2 life and walked away with $2200! not saying this to get into another debate about my win rate, only to say I appreciate the advice. I probably could have figured it out on my own, but getting embarrassed publicly was probably what I needed to induce me to play error free, even if just for one night. So thanks