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calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb
View Poll Results: Call or fold 4 bet shove with KK >300bb deep
22 48.89%
23 51.11%

11-17-2011 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by StandardDeviate
Oh, BTW; I'm the villian who made the "terrible" play, and picked up $500 bucks I saw lying in the street. Wouldn't you?? ;-p
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
11-17-2011 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
You realize that if you didn't play it ******ed there's a possibility you would have picked up 80%*(3.9k+dead money) off the street right?

Also $500 bucks makes no sense idk why I felt like pointing that out but it tilts me when I see that for some reason.
Boggles the mind. By reading your "post", it is obvious you have made assumptions about my hand that will never be known. Normally a fairly intelligent contributor, this time your clueless.
It's the combination of your arrogance and ignorance that tilts the rest of us.

Peace out.
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
11-18-2011 , 09:33 AM
of course we will never know what you had, its one of the big mysteries in the poker world.

fwiw, i made that "ridiculous play" once myself.
my reasoning was: it was against a tightish player who also 3bet way too big. and didnt 3bet bluff ever, so he has to have a value hand. and he is not really keen on folding (why 3bet so much when you fold ... lol exploitable) so i figured he doesnt fold for any amount, well lets bet the maximum. (effective stack like 250-300 bb ? his 3bet was 30 - 35 bigblinds i think something like that...)
i shipped it, he thought for about two hours and talked like how stupid that is, why would i do that bla and then called with jacks. i had aces.

he made the one card straight and gave me bull**** for what a ******ed way that was to play aces.

and obv it is, he made his straight.... face palm
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
11-18-2011 , 09:36 AM

that's what i would put him on a lot
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
11-18-2011 , 03:51 PM
need more info. a lot more. what you think your image is to villain. your history of pre flop wars. and what you think villain is capable of or whether you have seen him do anything like this before.

I folded KK pre to a small 4 bet the other day and felt so good about folding cuz I knew the guy was the biggest nit in the world.
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
11-21-2011 , 06:47 AM
This is usually AK depending on of course the player and their particular mood. The thinking is something like "i can't fold AK to this guy and I don't want to navigate flop if i miss plus he will fold QQ" A winning 5-10 reg will bump it to 8something with aces most of the time. depending on how they see you of course. His raise is nonsensical with AA unless he had a read on you that you 3bet smaller with bluffs and so he read you for KK exactly.

I don't think it's a huge leak to never fold KK. I don't fold it pre and while it has probably cost me a little money it has saved me a lot of second guessing and that horrible feeling that you left 2k sitting on a table.
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
This is usually AK depending on of course the player and their particular mood. The thinking is something like "i can't fold AK to this guy and I don't want to navigate flop if i miss plus he will fold QQ" A winning 5-10 reg will bump it to 8something with aces most of the time. depending on how they see you of course. His raise is nonsensical with AA unless he had a read on you that you 3bet smaller with bluffs and so he read you for KK exactly.

I don't think it's a huge leak to never fold KK. I don't fold it pre and while it has probably cost me a little money it has saved me a lot of second guessing and that horrible feeling that you left 2k sitting on a table.
Eff. stacks were 3.9k, not 2k.
It cost me ~3.6k to win ~4.4k. I just think there are a ton better spots when playing this deep.

So you don't fold KK pre ever?
What's the max amount you are willing to stack off to a 4bet shove with KK pre?
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:48 AM
stacks might be 3.9 but thats not your EV vs. AK and I was thinking the smaller stack was 300bb from the title. I think that is an area to think about folding the kings at 400bb. I don't think I have ever had anyone ship on me for that much preflop ever in a 5-10. However I would still call because sometimes I just have to see things to believe. I would fully expect to see AK. Honestly I would be more confident the guy had aces if he raised to 7 or 8something. I just don't think a winning player would be that risky with the aces, risking that you have exactly KK and will call or else basically wait another 2 months for a spot that good. No one is calling with QQ. Your range in his mind is QQ(maybe JJ and rare bluffs)-AK. Is he really going to let you fold most of your range? when he is a big favorite to get a lot more of your stack making a standard raise? With AA he is making a huge gamble that you have an exact hand, KK, which is probably less than a quarter of your range. Is he going to gamble with 4 buy ins? Most winning players would not.

But if he does and you get leveled by a good player every once in awhile thats OK. Not to mention you can always hit a set

No I don't fold KK pre ever. I have been lucky in that respect since I don't think it has happened to me as much as some people I know. I did get it in vs. a nit one time. He raised, a fish reraised and since it was a straddled pot and I was ahead of the fish I shipped. When I flopped a set the nit asked me what did I think he had like I should have folded lol.
calling 4bet shove PreFlop w/ KK >300bb Quote
