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c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2

03-15-2012 , 01:09 AM
weird hand, villain's line looked so strong that I don't think I could him with anything, analysis would be greatly appreciated.

Hero: recently table changed, just won a decent pot without showdown. (280ish)

Villain: not much history at the time when the hand went down. he had a huge stack. (covers)

villain raises to 10 from the HJ, hero calls OTB with 9 10 , 2 more callers after. It might be a bit loose PF, but with the stack sizes and in position, it's close..

Flop: (40)

J 10 4

checked to the villain who bets 20, hero calls behind, everyone else folds. getting 3:1 on the flop, I think it was a call to see what happens on the turn.

Turn: (80)


Villain bets 30, hero calls. I really really struggled with this play, I thought about raising this turn, but am I really getting called by anything worse? I have a huge draw against an overpair that I'm laying more than enough odds to draw against, if I turned my hand into a bluff or protecting my equity against a hand like AK, I felt like my hand is too good against villain's range to be turned into a bluff, and if I shoved the turn then I'm never getting called by anything worse and can't expect an unknown to lay down AA-QQ in that spot.

Plz help guys, what's the play here, I really really struggled..anyways, I called.

River: (140)


villain checks, hero bets 50, villain moves all-in... for some reason I like value betting thin, so I bet my two pair expected to get called by AA-QQ...

after I folded I started talking to the villain, he asked if I laid down a flush, after I told him that I folded a big hand, he then said he had which I
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-15-2012 , 07:27 AM
standard bet/fold on the river.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-15-2012 , 09:19 AM
Pf is a fist-pump call ip. Nothing wrong there. Flop call is good. Turn I hate raising here. He bet 30 into 80 and you have 2nd pair with a redraw- pretty standard call. What you can do better here is river bet sizing. This is a good spot to smash something from 70-120 and of course you have to fold to the shove. When draws come in they go into this mode where you have that or air and you can get looked up way light. Unfortunately with my line, you would have lost more in this situation but he played the hand beyond awful and he should have been able to get stacks in on his own without counting on you to bet that river, which most 1/2 players would never do with your hand and he'd roll over a flush and wonder how he didn't get it all. You're clearly better than an average player though so you are going to make those thin value bets and sometimes get value-owned or just owned by bad play (but not really cause we're folding to the shove). I think you posted this cause he said he had aces and that planted a small seed of doubt in your mind, right? Don't worry, good fold.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-15-2012 , 11:22 AM
i like the value bet on the river would have made it a little bit bigger to like 70. Just wondering how many overpairs are in his range with his betsizing? Wouldn't he bet alot bigger on the flop and turn with a over pair?
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-15-2012 , 11:52 AM


Villains at this level almost never check raise bluff on the river so he almost always has a big hand here. All we beat here are single pair hands and after the river completes the flush and the straight he's never raising those hands.

I think the turn call is fine because when we hit our backdoor flush we are almost always getting paid off. I also like the b/f line on the river given your hand because your only getting called by worse and raised by better.

Last edited by HandsomeRob; 03-15-2012 at 11:58 AM.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-15-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by kramink14
i like the value bet on the river would have made it a little bit bigger to like 70. Just wondering how many overpairs are in his range with his betsizing? Wouldn't he bet alot bigger on the flop and turn with a over pair?
that's what I thought too, and I can never give 1/2 players credit for turning their hands into a bluff there..however, it'd be an amazing play if he did have AA with the A and get me to fold my entire range,
the reason why I bet 1/3 pot instead of 1/2 is just because his hand did not play like an overpair and that was the only hand in his range that I beat there on the river
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-15-2012 , 05:06 PM
he had the nut or second nut flush

or maybe a set of jacks or tens

i agree, lol at aces
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-15-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by WestNoob
that's what I thought too, and I can never give 1/2 players credit for turning their hands into a bluff there..however, it'd be an amazing play if he did have AA with the A and get me to fold my entire range,
the reason why I bet 1/3 pot instead of 1/2 is just because his hand did not play like an overpair and that was the only hand in his range that I beat there on the river
Doubtful, he would have to know you are capable of laying down a flush there. Do you really think he is folding to $70, but calling $50?
I think the small river bet encourages some players to bluff raise with missed draws.

Agree it is a fold, but I like a bit bigger river bet if I am going to bet.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 08:07 AM

Uggg..... I absolutely, positively HATE your river bet.

Lets back up and look at the hand.

Flop is wet, KQ and flush draws are the big hands i'm leary off.

this is a spot where I'm not thrilled to see a 9 tbh.

Based on the turn bet, to me, the turn bet is a 100% pure blocking bet. To me, it screams KQ or Flush draw. I can't see any made hand AJ, QQ-AA betting $30 into an $80 pot on turn.

So once the turn hits, I think you are ahead; however, I'm not itching to try to take the pot down or anything. We have decent equity and imo we know V is on a draw. So, I'd prefer for a diamond or brick to hit river so V can bluff his busted flush draw. Best card for us on river is A as it makes both the broadway straight or it gives the nut club draw top pair.

However, once the river hits and V checks, there is NO WAY IN HELL i'm betting here. I mean, what hand can V have?

Imo, the vast majority of V's range in this spot is going to be the flush draw or KQ straight draw. And one of the fishiest things fish love to do when they hit their draw on the river is c/r and you fell right into it.

River is a check back AINEC.

I can't tell you how many times I check back river in these spots and then villain turns over the nuts and says, "Damn, I thought you were gonna bet."


I should bet river when the most obvious draw hits????

but apparently you did

seriously, super easy river check back.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by kramink14
i like the value bet on the river would have made it a little bit bigger to like 70. Just wondering how many overpairs are in his range with his betsizing? Wouldn't he bet alot bigger on the flop and turn with a over pair?
Originally Posted by HandsomeRob


Villains at this level almost never check raise bluff on the river so he almost always has a big hand here. All we beat here are single pair hands and after the river completes the flush and the straight he's never raising those hands.

I think the turn call is fine because when we hit our backdoor flush we are almost always getting paid off. I also like the b/f line on the river given your hand because your only getting called by worse and raised by better.
Why on earth are we betting rivers in which the OBVIOUS draw hits and V's line is consistent with someone who is drawing? Hell, Stevie Wonder could see that V is drawing and hit is draw on this river.

Why are we betting rivers in which lessor hands cannot call?

Please give me a range of hands that bet $30 into an $80 pot on turn and thus pricing in the flush draw/straight draw but simultaneously calls Heros 1/3rd size value bet on river?

Do we expect V to call us on this river with QJo? And would QJo bet $30 on turn? Do we expect V to show up with KTo here?

BTW, I don't believe Villain, no way he played AA like that. He was drawing, pure and simple and hit his draw.

I'm sure he did a whole hollywood routine and dramatic sigh right before he c/r Hero .
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 09:15 AM
I'm raising the flop.

Failing that I'm raising the turn.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 09:18 AM
I dont really like the river bet His line screamed i have a flush draw and then you bet/ fold when the most obvious draw made it?? ASP FOLD

If it was me his line tells of a draw so on the turn i would raise to 80ish.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 11:00 AM
Some people fold up to like KK if you raise this turn, if villain's one of them raising is obv good.

Against most opponents, call is better (you sometimes have the best hand + decent implieds w/ BDFD).

OTR, b/f > check > b/c, unless you know for a fact that villain is a strong player who has a c/r bluffing range OTR and won't c/c one pair.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 11:17 AM
I don't agree with betting the river here at all. His sizing looks exactly like a blocking bet and I think that we have essentially turned our hand into a bluff by the river if we bet it. I can literally think of no hand he calls with on the river that we beat. KJ? QJ? AT? Maybe a c/r bluff? None of that makes sense. I think that a nut or second nut flush here makes sense. I mean our hand looks like what he has, either KQ or clubs. We have represented no strength whatsoever along the way and now bet when the river comes club... and it looks like we are taking him to v-town with a 1/3 pot bet???! Just check it back and hope he doesn't have what he has.

I think the real tricky spot is the turn. Do we raise here? I don't know who it was but I think they made a good point earlier saying that the call is good because we are still ahead of his range and want to keep in hands that will bet rivers if they have missed draws and we can just simply call without inflating the pot or getting jammed on the river. Because if we raise turn we are only representing JT or better there (definitely not calling flop with 6's though so we had to have had it on flop). PLus whatever raise you put in for will inflate the pot against what is most likely a drawing hand considering his turn sizing. I think you're turn call is perfect and I can understand the river bet, but honestly the thought process of 'we haz ze two pair....we must ze bet' isn't a good line given the whole context of the hand.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 12:45 PM
ye, I hated my river bet too..I think I was just on auto pilot mode when the river came..."oh, I got two pair and I must get value from an overpair", even though he had very little overpairs in villain's range...

which brings me back to the turn play...I put him on a draw, most likely two overs + straight/flush draws type of hand, but I don't think I can ever raise enough for him to fold out his monster draws on the turn...tricky spot there
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 01:47 PM
We also raise on the turn to charge him $ to draw to his hand not just to make him fold, you want him to make the incorrect play by calling to much to draw.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 02:57 PM
I really don't understand people that are saying we should check this river. Sure he may have hit a draw, but saying villains line is "obviously a draw" is a little silly. There are plenty of tp/overpair hands that he would probably play like this.

Pretty easy b/f imo. I may have made it a little bigger, but there is value in betting here.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
03-16-2012 , 03:00 PM
And I don't really see a reason to raise the flop. We have a hand that has good showdown value and I don't mind seeing a turn in position.

On the turn we pick up a bunch of equity and I think its worth a raise against someone we don't have much history with. He may fold some better hands and he may call with some worse hands (draws).

Its probably important here to not have too much history with him if you raise because otherwise your line would look basically exactly like what it is.
c/r on the river, did I have to fold everything?? 1/2 Quote
