As title suggests, I am building a bankroll.
I would like to have roughly $10,000 for the upcoming commerce hold'em series and LAPC in 2013.
I'm stationed in hawaii so there are no legally sanctioned games, but I play in home games that I can find where i find equity in playing better than others and low rake games.
So far, when playing with some marine buddies I scooped a $40 tournament structure cash game for $160 and the next week make another $50 in the same game.
Last night, I went to a vegas style home game that had 5% rake. The deciding factor was a $25 bonus for new players that I could cancel out with the high rake. So here's the big hands from that night and my analysis. I welcome all the critique and questions thanks!
Bought in for $100 + $25 bonus in this 1/3 game; started getting cards in hijack. Folded until I was UTG and button straddled for 6. The sb made it $17, bb folded, and i made it $45 with KK. Folded around to villain who saw how deep I was and folded.
Two hands later, UTG+1 limps for 3, one late position caller, and I am in BB with 77. I check. FLOP JJ5. Early limper bets $11 into $9, late position limper folds, and I call because, at the time, I thought he wouldn't overbet the pot with trip J. So his range is ak, hit the 5, and any pocket pair. The turn was a 6 and he fires $20. I make an extremely loose call based on his giant stack and my tiny stack. River is an 8 and i check he bets another 20. I make a crying call for 5-1 odds and he has J8 for full house. I mark him as solid snake or SS.
Next big hand is when i have 4-2os in the BB. everyone has limped making family pot and i check. The flop is magical 356. I check, late position shoves 33 into 16 with 34OS, button reraises to 100, i put in my last 80. I dodge buttons set of 5 for scoop.
I AM UTG+1 with AKs. UTG has straddled to 6 and i flat. Everyone in the world calls and we see a flop of AJ9. I bet 20 and SS calls. The turn is a nice blank, 4. I put SS range on any ace, q10,810, and rarely a loose jack. I bet 35 on turn planning to reevulate j9, a9, and sets if he raises, but he calls. The river is another blank, 5. I tank, and shove. I don't believe I can induce a bluff from OESD after firing two barrels. he folds and i overhear him say if he had spiked his k or 9, i would have shoved because i am reckless.
This sets us up for a big hand later. SS straddles to 6 from UTG. I am SB and make it 26 with q10s. He calls. FLOP is 783. Good texture for cbet and i fire 35. He hesitates and makes it $95 to go. I started the hand with ~450 and he has me covered. And here is why i make it $225. We had just played that hand with AK and although it was a different board texture, he saw me fire 3 barrels when out of position. With that in mind, i had to remove all sets that he could trap with from his range. That leaves two pairs, one pair, and straight draws. I reduce his chance of raising with two pair to exponentially reaching 0% because as the solid snake, he would RR the turn. Any one pair combo that he has must fold to my 3bet on this board(no combo draw). That leaves me facing a reshove from any OESD. but if i have his entire range of hands to continue to OESD and folding 100% of other hands, then i felt i got massive fold equity in this 3bet. Maybe some players will call with the 99,1010,jj in this spot. The meta game part of this hand is that his 3x raise is a bet that is impossible for me to call even with AA because of what he is representing. He says he has KK and folds.
SS and i dance agian. From early, i make it 15 with AJ and he calls along with two other loose donks. the flop is aq5 with aqs. I c-bet 25. he calls. both donks fold. the turn is a 5 and i check. right now, i put his range to any ace or flush draw. if he had pair+fd on flop, he hit a miracle. he bets $25. I understand his betting pattern by now and $25 is a lone ace. trip 5s bets big for thin value vs scare card and flush draw will check or bet big, not build a pot. If i raise he will re-evulate and fold so instead i plan to check and lead on river. the river is a 8. i bet $70. he tanks and folds his ace rag.
but to be honest, here's two hands i lost to solid snake
ss straddles in UTG. i call from SB with k10s. he makes it $26 and i call. the flop is KQ5 with KQhearts and i check he bets 25. Now, understanding his betting pattern i know i am ahead most of the time here. He builds the pot when he has equity but doesn't bet big if he doesn't beat alot of my range. i decide to trap with my top pair and call. the turn is another 6 making it two flush draws. i check and when he checks, i put him on AJ or any pair from JJ to 77 as otherwise he would protect his hand. The river is a second Q and i check and he bets $35. I call and he has AQ. lots of things wrong with this hand
Soon after, i am losing and we are 6 handed so i make it 14 with a6 of diamond. solid snake calls and so do two LAGS in late position. the flop is Ak7 and i cbet with $20. solid snake makes it 50. there are no draws on the board but the 7 is a diamond so with my top pair and backdoor draw i call another $30. the turn is a Q. i check and snake makes it $50. i know i am beat 80% now with a failed redraw, but what if he made a position raise(into two people that hadn't acted yet?) and now he's making a second barrel at the lowest amount of chips possible. so i convince myself to call. the river is a 5 and i check, he bets $50. i muck and he shows AQ
one of the bigger hands of the night when we were 5 handed at 2am. button straddles to 6 and i call with 55 from sb, everyone calls and button goes all in for 15 more. i call and so do the next 3 players but then the cutoff goes all in for $199 more. I tank because this hand makes no sense. He had his opporunity to raise for the $40 or so pot so unless he was trapping the short stack raise, he's got nothing. i make a loose call with 55. he has 10-5s. button has Q4. 348 flop is nice but running queens and i take down only the $400 sidepot
i'll take any hand critique seriously and gratefully. thanks!
in the end, i came up $470, took a $20 taxi ride back to base. small step for commerice hold'em series
Last edited by shaveurself; 05-19-2012 at 05:06 PM.