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Bottom set makes Bottom boat Bottom set makes Bottom boat

10-07-2015 , 02:37 PM
$1/2 game

Hero BB - $370 - hero playing pretty standard - not showing down junk but 3betting a lot. Playing slightly aggressive

Villain 1 UTG - $200 - Just sat down so no reads other than a MABG.

Villain 2 BTN - $200 - MAWG - Seems pretty bad but kind of tight. Doesn't like to raise many hands.

Hero gets dealt 22 in the BB and 6 limpers and I check.


Pot $14

Hero donks $10
Villain 1 calls
Villain 2 calls

Ranging someone on at least an A or 8 here. Doubt someone has 2 pair because they should raise with a flush draw on board - but you never know with these randoms you find at the table.

Pot $44

Turn is A

Hero donks $30
Villain 1 calls
Villain 2 folds

Pretty sure Villain 1 has an A now. He could have a boat but I should still be good. I really with I bet more here.

River is 5
Pot $104

Flush missed and it's unlikely he has a strong ace due to limp pre flop but anything is possible since he is an absolute unknown and just sat down.

I was torn between betting and check/calling but I think betting is better. I don't think he ever pays off a check /raise with out a boat. I think he would call a $80 bet though with a weak ace like A7 or A4.


One other thing - do you like donking flop or check raising flop? It is 7 way on the flop.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 02:49 PM
I think the decision between donking flop or c/r is totally dependent on the table and the villains you're playing with. On river I would b/f $85.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:21 PM
I like the line. Definitely donking the flop -- way too many passive players at the casino where you (and I) play. Very easy for the flop to be checked through even if someone has an ace in their hand.

River I'd bet $75-85, since you have no reason to expect he'll bluff a busted draw. One problem though: if he raises, I'm not 100% sure I can comfortably fold in your shoes. I've seen a LOT of 1/2 tourists think that trips is the nuts, and wait to the river to raise with their A6o. And $75 is half his stack, so if he jams you'll be looking at a min-raise and better than 3:1 odds. Since V1 is new enough that we don't have strong reads, I think it probably becomes an unfortunate $75/call instead of $75/fold.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 03:40 PM
I would have bet $20 on flop and $45 on turn. As played I would just stuff it on the river. People aren't folding an ace here when the FD missed.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:27 PM
Isn't donking a specific term meaning "Leading into a pre flop raiser?"

When you lead in a limped pot, I don't believe you are donking, you are just leading out.

Anyway.. Shove the river.. You are aiming at the poor sap with an Ace that just can't let it go.. If you run into A4 or A8 then so be it...
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by BROKEinCOLLEGElol
I think the decision between donking flop or c/r is totally dependent on the table and the villains you're playing with. On river I would b/f $85.
Please don't b/f.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:40 PM
Id bet more on flop and especially turn since we are really just targeting Ax for value at this point anyway.

As played b/c big, dudes not folding trips here.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:45 PM

I think river is a pretty clear b/f. No raise came in so we can weigh heavily against AK-AJ in his range(which might be the only hand that he raises that we beat) , besides the fact that he might not even raise those when we bet 80 anyway. He can't fold his aces so we need value, and if he does have an ace and we check then he almost certainly bets less than we do and we can't really raise for value after checking imo, we kinda just value own ourselves.

Turn c/r would've been a strong option imo however I'm not going to argue against a lead

Donk flop also good, let's start the hand out getting people to call rather than getting them to fold. The lead gives everyone in the hand the chance to call $10 whereas a c/r might end up having to come from the btn

*** the obligatory +1 for wj, 20/45/jam looks really good, ap I don't like the 165 jam into 104 so much, but debatable

Last edited by sungar78; 10-07-2015 at 04:52 PM.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by DontBeThatGuy
Please don't b/f.
Please don't b/c vs MAWGs here
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by sungar78
Please don't b/c vs MAWGs here
but what about MABG??
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by DontBeThatGuy
Please don't b/f.
What is he going to raise the river with that we beat?
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-08-2015 , 01:10 AM
15 flop then ck turn if HU, bet if MP.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-08-2015 , 05:47 AM
Donking more than pot is mandatory on the flop, but betting only 2/3 pot on turn is a million times worse than your flop play.

On the flop they are inelastic but on the turn they are the exact definition of inelastic.

If they don't have an ace or a sticky flush draw then boo hoo move on to the next hand.

20 on the flop or gtfo. Pot+ ott regardless of flop action or stop playing poker.

Do you really think bet sizing has the impact on these guys that your bet sizing implies??? You have the ****ing nuts here. VALUE VALUE VALUE
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-08-2015 , 06:23 AM
I don't mind your line, but I do agree that you could've missed some value here.

AP 10 + 30 = 40 leaving 160 behind into 105

?? 15 + 45 = 60 leaving 140 behind into 145

Since you didn't raise PF (high volume player) you probably aren't being put on an Ace, more like a flush draw or 8x hand. So donking the Flop and Turn make good 'sense' here.

Your issue is the River .. what do you bet with a missed flush draw into a MAGB?

1) NEVER bet folding here ... EVER
2) Check (like I missed the flush) and hope for a bet. Not a bad play, but with no reads I don't really want to take a chance at missing value here. This would come down to a table live read for me ... especially the speed of the bet/calls that I/he made. If he thinks we missed the flush, why would we call a bet? If he has Arag, would he chance being out kicked here?

3) Bet for value .. 55 to 80 into his 160 stack. This may ring an alarm ... or he just sees his cards and calls/raises based on his kicker.
4) Shove as a bluff .. Just as we could've bet more on Flop/Turn this is a risk that alarm bells go off and we only get called when beat. OR, if we sold the flush draw route, then we get called by all Ax hands and don't have to count on them shoving over the top of our 'value' bet.

Checking allows V to bet based on his kicker size, or not at all. Live read here.
Betting for value again is a live read IMO .. probably $65 for sure.
Shoving would be if he has insta-called and we have sold our flush draw line via our live read.

So I am coming down to betting based on my live read .. $65 to shove. GL
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-08-2015 , 07:32 AM
If these guys are the folding-trips business, then bluff them every pot. If they're not, shove ott.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-08-2015 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by BROKEinCOLLEGElol
What is he going to raise the river with that we beat?
Every Ax, because to these guys, trip A are the nuts?
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-08-2015 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by eldiesel
If these guys are the folding-trips business, then bluff them every pot. If they're not, shove ott.
how would you know they are folding trips?
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-08-2015 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by SwolyswoND
Every Ax, because to these guys, trip A are the nuts?
I disagree, but if trips are the nuts, why wouldn't you shove ott?
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-09-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by eldiesel
I disagree, but if trips are the nuts, why wouldn't you shove ott?
Because his turn calling range is wider than Ax and we want value from those hands too.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-09-2015 , 01:57 PM
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-09-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by sierradave
I like the line. Definitely donking the flop -- way too many passive players at the casino where you (and I) play. Very easy for the flop to be checked through even if someone has an ace in their hand.

River I'd bet $75-85, since you have no reason to expect he'll bluff a busted draw. One problem though: if he raises, I'm not 100% sure I can comfortably fold in your shoes. I've seen a LOT of 1/2 tourists think that trips is the nuts, and wait to the river to raise with their A6o. And $75 is half his stack, so if he jams you'll be looking at a min-raise and better than 3:1 odds. Since V1 is new enough that we don't have strong reads, I think it probably becomes an unfortunate $75/call instead of $75/fold.
Agreed. for this reason i may just open shove river as i find it unlikely that we are folding out anyone with trips. I think people can miss a lot of value in these spots by not exploiting people. I mean if you saw this guys hand and it was a medium/weak A would you ever try and bluff him?
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-09-2015 , 02:06 PM
15+ on the flop. It depends how active we have been at the table so far, and how stationy other people are. But at least $15 here.
$40 on the turn as played. $45 - $55 on the turn depending on how fast people call the flop if we bet the flop bigger.

Easy value shove on the river if we bet bigger the whole way through.
As played, tank for 15 seconds and shove.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
10-09-2015 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by BROKEinCOLLEGElol
What is he going to raise the river with that we beat?
any ace. this is live 1/2.
not saying he WILL raise any ace, but a raise doesn't mean we are beat.
Bottom set makes Bottom boat Quote
