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Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ

03-16-2015 , 07:55 AM
Borgata, Sunday afternoon. All the tables are full as a tournament has brought a lot of players for the weekend.
H: tag. Recently lost 150 overplaying ATs against a loose player with two pair on AQ4 board (pop in that hand had Q4) and V2 in this hand saw that hand. H still has winning image.
V1, sat five hands ago and posted, has raised every hand preflop, whether raising from 2 to 14 or 2 to 5. He's raised every hand. He can fold post flop but he's clearly looking to gamble. He's also overly friendly, sitting on Hs immediate left, chatting my ear off, to the point where I was in a hand and had to tell him to give me a min. He also smells a little and reeks of cigarettes. He's kind of putting me on life tilt tho he seems nice enough. I've decided I might table change or go for a long walk he sticks around a while. He's young but not giving off the bot grinder vibe at all.

V2, regular, TaG. MAWG with partial sleeve tattoo that includes spades, clubs, etc. Obvi fashions himself a player and hero has played with him a lot tho not recently. Can over play one pair hands, but mostly, very aware of cards and position. Likes to raise preflop with somewhat wide range esp if he can ISO someone specific.

The hand:
H is big blind, stack 250
V1 straddles, stack 175
Action folds to V2, who makes it 11
V2 has 400
Three callers, and the action to H
Pot is now 51.

I decide to just call. My reasons:
I expect V1 to raise a high percentage of the time with any pair, any Broadway cards and most SC. He just can't help himself.
I also don't want to bloat a pot 6 way OOP and most importantly, if I raise and V2 comes over the top, I have to muck.

V1 says, too many limpers, I raise, and makes it 50.
V2 looks a little pained and tanks for 90 seconds, finally calls. Action folds to me.
Pot is now about 150

Had V2 folded, I insta shove, but now???

Any and all input welcome. Btw, general room vibe was very loose, lot of gambling, and this table was a great combo of some deep stacks and some lousy players dropping 2-400 and being replaced by folks doing the same thing.

Last edited by Dutchstreetfish; 03-16-2015 at 08:00 AM. Reason: More V description and pot sizing
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 08:07 AM
I would shove here pretty quickly.
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 08:47 AM
all in
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 09:03 AM
Is V2 going to be flatting a huge hand with a bunch of players to act behind him? and he just minraised AA or KK the first time around? I don't think you're right about V1's three betting range. 78s? no way. But for sure I think he could raise - and definitely raise fold - hands like KQ, 99, ATs.

Anyway I guess we have can give V1 some action. all in.
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 09:30 AM
If your plan was for V1 to raise, you got it. Now go all in.
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 10:51 AM
Call or fold.

I would have 3b Preflop. V1 may have a wide range, but that does not mean a wide 4b range. In this spot, everybody and their mother is in the hand so I would consider his 3b range as wide, but not as wide as his raising range.

Once V2 calls I would let it go. You didn't want to play a bloated 3bet pot OOP.

I would tell no one that I folded JJ.
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 11:06 AM
I would've 3bet also. This really isn't a spot to be afraid of getting 4-bet. 3b/f (if V2 4bets not V1) and worse never 4-bets, better probably never flats, you get value from everything that calls, a few hands 4-bet and tell you they're 80% favorites, and plenty of dead money not that it's a bluff but getting all folds doesn't hurt.

AP, I would back-shove. I can't see V2 flatting QQ+ when V1 puts in 30% of his stack, not worried about him, V1 can have you beat but he also has plenty of TT/AK/AQs hands too, factor in the dead money, happy to get ai for $175.
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 11:06 AM
"dealer, i would like to wager all of my gaming cylinders"

based on V2s initial raise to 11, i'd be pretty happy to get it in against him. 11 in a straddled pot is asking to get the hand 5 handed, which is not what AA-QQ really wants here and then he flats, it just doesnt really screem great hand to me.

you called specifically for this situation, did you not anticipate a situation where V2 would overcall a raise by V1? if he's literally raising every hand he has been at the table, you can't really assume you are the only person who has picked up on that.
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 02:17 PM
If I was sure V1 would raise, I'd do exactly what you did -- as long as you shoved now.
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
03-16-2015 , 05:22 PM
So, I jammed all in.
V1 called quickly, said, I'm rooting for you.
V2 took a long time to call but finally did.

As dealer got side pot figured, I said to V1, guess I'm behind, no way my hand is good. I asked him, you have a pair, and he showed me tens.
Flop: Axx. V2 was visibly upset by the A, and since action was complete I considered that a reliable tell. Turn J, that's me! I tabled my hand. River Q, set of J holds up.
V2 told player next to him he had KK but never showed (he busted shortly after and player next to him revealed).
If that's the case, I think he needs to re raise after V1 makes it 50 from the straddle to knock me out of the hand.
Kk is 80% fave against TT, and 66% against JJ and TT.
So, 80% heads up is $280 equity from a 350 pot. Once I'm in there, it's a 625 pot and his equity grows to $410, so I guess it's the right play?
Me, would have jammed KK there and got it heads up.

Last edited by Dutchstreetfish; 03-16-2015 at 05:26 PM. Reason: Math
Borgata, loose 1/2 w JJ Quote
