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Boat in 3-bet pot Boat in 3-bet pot

04-05-2012 , 10:01 PM
Live 1/2 NL. I am not that experienced in live cash. Villain is a good amateur player who likes to play big pots, bluffs a lot and has good reads. Villain views me as an OK player, but a random and a nit. I have $150, villain $350.

I raise in 3rd position to $8 (less than standard) with 77. Folds to villain in HJ who 3-bets to $20 (3-bets not that common). Folds to me and I call HU.

Flop comes A95 with a 2-flush. Check/check. Turn is a 7, putting a 3-flush on the board. Check/check.

River is an ace for A957A with a 3-flush. What is my play and plan? Comments on earlier play? Any reads on what type of hand villain has?
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04-05-2012 , 10:17 PM
I would check flop, bet turn and bet river, I would get it in regardless of what he does. His range would be JJ +
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04-06-2012 , 12:26 AM
Concur with above, though AK is in there too until the turn check.
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04-06-2012 , 12:34 AM
I would bet somewhere between pot and all of the chips on the river.
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04-06-2012 , 12:37 AM
Pre is marginal even though its just a minraise. Problem is we have like 75bb or so preflop so there are less implied odds. I bet pot OTR
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04-06-2012 , 06:48 AM
Asp i agree w above w pre is marginal w a shorter stack, i would also bet the pot on river.
But i would bet the turn
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04-06-2012 , 07:20 AM
i would checkraise the turn. as played, i would overbet river.
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04-06-2012 , 10:58 AM
I bet $25 on the river. Villain goes through this about how he can't see what I can have, but he doesn't think I am capable of bluffing. Then he folds TT face up and kept going on an on about whether I was bluffing afterwards.

Kind of annoyed I got no more money in when he had 3-bet preflop and I hit a set. Actually think he probably bet/folds the river if I check.
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04-06-2012 , 11:07 AM
Against this kind of opponent, this is pretty much a lose-lose situation. If he is too scared to cbet when there is only one over card OTF, the chances of you extracting any value are slim to none.

With that being said, you should've folded pre due to stack sizes, but you didn't, and you should've bet the turn, but you didn't. The river is obligatory but pretty pointless.
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04-06-2012 , 12:11 PM
be happy he misplayed it on the flop, so you got at least the pot, which is a good result. u could not really get any value out of that guy i think, so, as is said, i might try an overbet here, just in case he slowplayed an A and got scared on the turn or whatever. i recommend bluffing this guy a lot.
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04-06-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by sauhund
be happy he misplayed it on the flop, so you got at least the pot, which is a good result. u could not really get any value out of that guy i think, so, as is said, i might try an overbet here, just in case he slowplayed an A and got scared on the turn or whatever. i recommend bluffing this guy a lot.
This guy is very agro, but thought I was a nit and wouldn't pay off with a worse hand after he 3-bet. He said he would have value bet against a normal player. However, good to bluff him since he thinks I never bluff.
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04-06-2012 , 12:46 PM
Why no cbet flop? We get a call and hit set I bet pot. River pot again calling a shove. He can have Ax here having us beat but I can easily see him having a flush or a worse boat as well.
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04-06-2012 , 12:48 PM
Plus I doubt he's folding hands like ATs+ leaving him with only trips.
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04-06-2012 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Hicham009
Why no cbet flop? We get a call and hit set I bet pot. River pot again calling a shove. He can have Ax here having us beat but I can easily see him having a flush or a worse boat as well.
The flop check is okay. AJs+ is definitely in villain's 3bet range. When he checks the flop, we can most likely discount a flush draw, but villain could still have the ace or even top set and is trying to trap. Either way, when we turn a set, we need to bet, even if the flush draw completes.
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