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Best tell in LLSNL Best tell in LLSNL

01-12-2015 , 05:43 PM
3AM Strip poker. Full 1-2 game, very live, several non English speaking Asians. Perfect.

UTG L, F,F,F, L, I raise to $15 ($270) with the red Qs (QhQd), Button calls ($280), BB($400), UTG($800) and MP L ($200?) all call.

($75) 5 WAY FLOP = 9c 7s 3c

Check to me, I bet $50 and only button calls. He's a tourist that's up too late, just taken a serious beat that involved a HUGE laydown to a turn three flush push. I feel certain AA, KK, QQ and maybe JJ are not in his range. After that....?

($175) HU TURN = 2c

I'm unhappy with this card but very close to committed. I check. But takes a second or two, checks his cards, takes a couple more then bets $60.

Next to nobody at LLSNL checks their hand if they have the flush here. Really. They have two cards who's suits they cannot remember (I never forget). I now range him pretty well. 9X, TT, 88, JJ, and less likely given the odd bet size, 77, 33, 97s.

I push $205 to (just barely) deny FD odds. I don't know what I'd have done without his peek.

He sez "Well, your overpair is good here."
He folds TsTh face up.

01-12-2015 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by InTheDark
3AM Strip poker.
...Did you win his satin boxer shorts?
01-12-2015 , 06:15 PM
It is a tell that when someone posts a new thread on a common topic like this then they haven't searched for previous active threads...

01-12-2015 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by InTheDark
Next to nobody at LLSNL checks their hand if they have the flush here. Really.
Against certain aware opponents, I like to check my hand when I have the flush. I'm sophisticated enough to do that a couple of times then not do it against that specific opponent for four or five months.
01-12-2015 , 07:06 PM
Do you hear that? It's the sound of mods coming to close
01-12-2015 , 07:14 PM
thread has full blown SARS
01-12-2015 , 07:23 PM
I guess I have to put a stop to it then.

OP, this is a strategy forum. Post your brags in one of the many Brags, Beats and Variance threads and forums on 2+2.

01-12-2015 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by JGP417
Do you hear that? It's the sound of mods coming to close
This is not only true, it is so true that when I clicked "close thread," it actually re-opened it, as venice had ninja'd me.

Closed Thread Subscribe
