Originally Posted by keuwai
Main reason for sizing down is that the lack of absolute position postflop hurts our potshare. So there’s not as much point in bloating the pot pre.
Compare this with BTN open where we are always in position vs a wide and capped range. Clearly we would want the pot to be as big as possible.
If we use a standard raise size pre (for our entire raising range) of either 4x IP or starting at 5x from the blinds, we're not "bloating the pot" just by raising pre.
We take into consideration that we're going to be IP when we raise OTB, and therefore our raising range is much wider, but we should never raise smaller just because we're OOP. I would rather open fold than raise small from EP.
And since our raising range OTB is wider, why would we wanna bloat the pot by raising bigger with hands like KTo for example, or Q9s, it only makes our Cbet have to be that much bigger; and then our turn bet, etc.
Raising bigger when we're OTB just to bloat the pot because we have position isn't a very good strategy, aside from, of course, when we have value hands like KK/QQ/AK and the table is full of stations.