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Back in the streets... 2-5 Back in the streets... 2-5

04-05-2023 , 09:22 PM
Haven't been able to play much poker this year after putting in >1khrs a year before corona as a rec-reg...maybe have 20 hrs cash this year before this trip and still rusty...

This hand is from the last session at the Aria 2-5 midday on the weekend.

Hero MAWG (1500) being a degen before his red-eye back home has only been at the table for 90 minutes or so and has been playing snugish pre- and tight post- (lots of multi- pots).

V1 400- loose passive Rec like your classic 75/5 fish

V2- younger woman siting on 1500 (think there was one other person with at least a max buy-in as we had a pretty rec heavy table) she was playing tight pre- and looked competent, didnt see anything unusual at showdown from her so just assume she is a generic 2-5 reg.

Hand: V1 limps UTG+1, folds to me UTG+2 and I open A4 to 20 (maybe a little loose to iso but have clean image plus he honestly had been playing fit or fold post and the table wasn't three bet heavy...prob just opening EP RFI range) folds to V2 in SB who flats, BB folds and V1 calls.

Flop (60) 8 5 2 checks to me and I bet 15 (seems like the rec will play his hand face-up so this cleans up equity from him and the small bet attacks the suited broadways in SBs range while still having a over and gutter against her pocket pairs.) V2 c/r to 65 and v1 folds...I call the 65 (seems standard)

Turn (185) 2 SB bets 105, hero? (first decision point, could be drawing dead against boats (though she may just flat flop with a set and a Rec in the hand and a rainbow board) and I def have alot better hands to call turn with..pocket pairs and overs that turned a FD...but decided to get a little OOL and make the call planning on bluffing non-heart rivers if checked to, would try to bet as if I had a good overpair.

River (395) 8 V2 bets 305, hero???

the large sizing surprised me, she def can have an 8x here but she also has alot of busted gutters and the open ended busted, plus something like A7 etc...I have alot of 8x on the river Ax8x,Kx8x,9x8x,8x7x but was just a surprising size as I don't think she is betting like 99 here on the river for 3/4 pot...

knock the rust off 2+2
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04-05-2023 , 09:34 PM
Snap fold turn, no clue what you’re doing
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04-06-2023 , 12:31 AM
Liked it until the turn. Your backdoor is dead and you're now drawing to the 2nd nut straight on a paired board, you'll have plenty of hands that are comfortable continuing on this turn. As played, not really buying V2 for an 8 or a 2 esp since there's only 1 combo of A8s remaining, which kinda narrows her value range down to just a set of 5's. Blocking A8d is nice, not blocking backdoor hearts is also nice. Can def get behind $850 or so
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04-06-2023 , 12:36 AM
Preflop is a little too loose from UTG+2 but not particularly bad.
Flop fold to the check/raise. Your hand doesn't have enough potential to stick around when all of your outs could be dirty. The small bet is OK but just give up to the check/raise. You will be semi-bluffed here fairly often but it's also easy for villain to have you in huge trouble. Between 76/43/64 all of your outs can be dirty.
Turn. Calling with a plan to bluff is pretty aggressive and you need a better board and better idea what villain check/raises on the flop before it's a good idea.
River. Really hard to say. Without knowing more about how aggressive and bluffy villain is it's hard to say how often she is bluffing vs how often she has you beat. Chops are unlikely because what chops are raising flop?
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04-06-2023 , 04:58 AM
Fold turn. River I kinda wanna call just to see it. She’s not repping a whole lot and you may have induced a spaz with flop sizing. But seriously fold turn ainec.
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04-06-2023 , 05:23 AM
Does someone who calls from the SB have the correct CR range construction on a board like this? It should have a lot of backdoors, open enders and probably some top pair hands but is probably pretty skewed. However there shouldn't be much (any) by way of two pair hands so calling is fine, if you wanted to find a snug fold I wouldn't squawk.

Turn when you don't pick up any additional equity and may be drawing dead, you should fold. If SB has barrelled with hearts then good on them; you've got Ace high after all.

As played river is tempting - but are they going to keep blasting with an overpair, their backdoor hearts or 76? Comes back to flop range construction. I don't hate a call as played but you should be long gone by now
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04-06-2023 , 10:03 AM
pretty cool hand.
Not even sure turn is a fold, we still beat her draws and could rep an overpair if checked to otr to get folds from overplayed pairs. It´s loose and prob a fold, but I don´t think its horrible to flat.
I prob call river, not a lot of value hands she can have here.
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04-06-2023 , 12:04 PM
Pre: I like it. SB flatting range from EP raiser should consist of middling pairs, suited connectors like 45 through KQ, and maybe offsuit broadway if they're loose.

Flop: I like it.

Turn: V can still have those suited connectors with BD hearts and overs. I'm neutral to call and fold.

River: H looks like he has an overpair up until now. V is now repping 8x, 55 or 22. The value vs bluff is actually pretty balanced.

Bluffs = 67s (4), 9Thh - AJhh (13) (14 combos pure bluff + 3 combos A high bluff)
Value = 68s - 8Ts (2 each; only dd and hh), Ah8h (1), 88 (1), 55 (3), 22(1) (14 combos)

The question is if the value lines are credible. I think c/r'ing flop and betting turn with 8x is completely reasonable. Ad4d is not a bad hand to hero call with as we unblock the bluffs. Also I don't see 5x, 33, 44, 66 and 77 playing this way so V is probably not bluffing with the best hand. There's a small chance we're chopping. I lean towards fold against gen pop because you don't find many players in the 2/5 streets willing to c/r with overs and BDFD and follow through to the river. But against this particular V who might be capable, I just flip a coin because it's close. If I were a vlogger I would call for content.
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04-06-2023 , 02:10 PM
I fold the turn, but I get the call. Definitely folding river. I just don't think A4 is good here, and there are so few draws she should have. If you are really confident that she is bluffing, raise her
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04-06-2023 , 02:58 PM
Preflop/flop fine, not much to talk about

Turn: I'm leaning toward a fold here. Can she be bluffing? Of course but unfortunately there's just not a whole lot you can do about it. You've got A high and a gutter. Once the 8 hits you can no longer make the nuts. Also, once the 2 hits, it becomes harder to bluff the nuts b/c you can't rep a 2. If the turn was a non pairing card that also brought a 4 flush I could get on board with calling with plans to bet when you hit your gutter, ace, or bluff the flush if it hits but now you can't really do that. Worse though is that you are now potentially facing RIOs 2 ways when you hit your gutterball. Since you've lost your bluffing equity, I think this will be a hard hand to play profitably and just fold. The other thing to realize is that this is a good board for villain to play her sets fast on the flop targeting your overpairs and overcards w/BD equity so you could easily be drawing dead

River: You don't actually have a lot of 8x in your range, more 8's should be in her range over yours but the reason she doesn't bet 99 here is b/c you have all the overpairs and I don't think she'd turn that hand into a bluff. This is just a weird spot, would she really be c/r'ing the flop w/8x? This is one of the best boards to make an A high calldown. I think it's pretty close either way and would need some sort of read to decide whether to fold or call. If she hasn't been 3 betting a ton pf and playing mostly tight, I lean toward a fold b/c I don't think she'd play her draws that aggro
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04-06-2023 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Diezeljj

Bluffs = 67s (4), 9Thh - AJhh (13) (14 combos pure bluff + 3 combos A high bluff)
Value = 68s - 8Ts (2 each; only dd and hh), Ah8h (1), 88 (1), 55 (3), 22(1) (14 combos)
I don't think she c/r's AJhh or other overcard hearts here. Maybe she c/r's 97hh, agree with 67s
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04-06-2023 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by ssmallz
I don't think she c/r's AJhh or other overcard hearts here. Maybe she c/r's 97hh, agree with 67s
Yea I was being pretty generous coming up with bluffs. In the 2/5 streets I doubt we would see overcards w/ BDFD as a c/r much.
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04-07-2023 , 12:35 AM
yeah would imagine overs with backdoors rarely bluff it but I'd imagine backdoors with a gutshot would...the turn was interesting to me as in theory on the 2 she is supposed to go very polar, like geometric or check with heavy >80% checking. (this was GTOwiz 200bb 6-max cash ranges with UTG open and SB flat (cant sim the third wheel)).

In the moment I was going to fold the turn but was about to leave and wanted to spice it up/ punt...on the river I didn't think about it but I think a small raise is best, the river raise here is underbluffed at LLSNL and bluffs like 5x6x and 66 will not accidentally beat you.

ssmallz- actually only disagree about 8x, I feel like I have a decent amount of it here, as the board pair makes it a better call down (8x I mean not my hand) IMO than slight overpairs 99, TT as like 9x8x has 5 outs to beat AA where 99 has 2...
results below.

I tank for a while and end up making the call, she shakes her head and slowly ends up tabling QhJh...


Just kidding about the hand, she shakes her head and tables JhJd and gets shipped the pot.

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04-07-2023 , 02:37 AM
Very strange line by SB there. Was that a bluff at the end?
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04-08-2023 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by moxterite
Very strange line by SB there. Was that a bluff at the end?
Yeah, I’m pretty’s sure, she thought she was bluffing based on mannerisms etc.
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04-08-2023 , 04:15 PM
Fold turn, and flop sizing seems kind of sketchy.
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