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ATs OTB flop and river play? ATs OTB flop and river play?

10-11-2013 , 03:26 AM
9 Handed $1/$2

I get dealt AT OTB with $125 stack and 4 limpers to me. I raise to $15 and get 3 callers SB, BB and LP, others fold.

4Way Flop ($51) comes : 662

Checked to me and I C-bet $30/$110

SB folds, BB with $150 stack calls. LP folds. BB is an older gentleman with no reads so far as this is his 4th hand. Hasn't splashed around at all and seems like a tight conservative player.

Turn ($101) : 662 | Q

BB checks. I check.

River ($101) : 662 | Q | A

BB checks. I check.

Appreciate any comments on all streets (especially flop (shove or C-bet?) and river (check or bet?)).


Last edited by StillLearnin; 10-11-2013 at 03:46 AM.
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-11-2013 , 03:32 AM
Pre and flop are fine. Think the Q is a good card for you to fire a double barrel but checking is fine as well. As played you def need to bet the river.
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-11-2013 , 04:32 AM
Shoving turn seems good since it should fold all of his medium PPs. I would also have bet $60 on river. If he has a 6 then he played it pretty badly.
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-11-2013 , 08:24 AM
Pre - with 62 bbs, I'd prefer to limp BTN, keeping implied odds high. After topping-off, raising is better.

I think flop and turn are fine, but should value river. With the turn check, you may get thin value from TT-77, thinking missed FD.
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-11-2013 , 01:51 PM
Q is a good bluff card, and I probably would have shoved turn.
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-11-2013 , 02:03 PM
I'd raise a little bigger pre with that many limpers - maybe somewhere in the 16-20 range.

Flop is fine and I like the turn check against an unknown. This is LLSNL and people love to call. Speaking of which, definitely make a small v-bet on river - maybe like $40.
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-11-2013 , 08:55 PM
everything up to turn is fine*. i would bet about 70 on the turn. Checking is showing him we gave up, and I am noticing more people are floating flop cbets light anyway hoping we give it up. The turn barrel will fold out smaller to medium PP's or over's in case we dont hit another heart.

if he called the 70, I'm valuing/folding about 120 into 240.

*I guess imo its always better to top off so you have more ammo but I do see a lot of what I think are somewhat good players wait untill they lose their complete buy in before reloading, sometimes they jam it in ligher while short but I can never figure out why...

Edit: forget about the above that is if we were fully loaded, the only thing to do with your stack now is jam the turn.
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-12-2013 , 01:09 AM
He has $80 left in his stack ott. Betting any random x amount is kinda lol unless people are unsure of the amount. Buy in for 100BB in future
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
10-12-2013 , 10:18 AM

Thanks for your comments. They definetly made me re-think this hand. Ie. the turn card and action given my stack size. Instead i had to rely on lady fortuna (yeay my one time) as villain had 88.

Nice read everyone. :-)
ATs OTB flop and river play? Quote
