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AQo TPMK 4 way OOP AQo TPMK 4 way OOP

05-01-2013 , 06:53 PM
UTG $200ish- loose passive older indian gentleman. no real history. likely doesn't think deeply past what his hand is.
MP - $350 - young black tournament player , usually buys in min and just gambles at cash (ships over limps straddles , straddles his min buy) i haven't played a bunch with him but see him at the room everytime , he seems somewhat competent in terms of live 1/2 players
im there. He's not quite lag , his preflop starting hand requirments are pretty loose but on the passive side. hard to say how he plays post as he usually
doesn't have much of a stack in front of him.
BTN - $300 - Loose passive. Doesn't raise often preflop. Calls down middle/3rd pair. Will bet middle/3rd pair OOP on flops when u isolate. Very wonky and
hard to tell what he has a lot of the time (i know this can be a trait of a good player but he's certainly not he just plays really eratic)

UTG limps , MP limps , BTN raises to $12 , Hero flats UTg flats MP flats

Pot $48
Checks to button who bets $15. WE all call.

Buttons underbet don't mean a whole lot. Don't think theres a bet tell here. I just think he doesn't consider very much what's in the pot compared to
the amount he bets.

Pot $98 minus the $6 max rake
Turn 9 putting a diamond draw out there for A759 2 diamonds.

Checks to button who bets $30 , all calls

Pot $218
River 10 (no diamond)
for a board of

Hero checks , UTG checks , MP leads $70 , Btn flats , Hero?

I folded in game but not sure considering odds. 1 left behind to act. OESD gets there. A bunch of Ax that can call 2 streets got there. I'm just playing & running terrible and don't know wtf I'm doing anymore.

Play it different anywhere?

Vs aggressive BTN opener I see reasons to 3bet.
Flop so dry I don't see a reason to lead.
Turn I kinda want to just take initiative and bet...
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-01-2013 , 06:53 PM
Ughhh title meant to say TP2nd kicker , can't edit it tho
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 11:30 AM
Bump for bad folds
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 11:43 AM
You are in the blinds, correct? so only reason i wouldn't be 3b here when the BTN opens with AQ is if the opener has an extremely tight opening range, even otb. if it is something like { JJ+, AQ+}, then this is actually a fold pre from oop since you have less than 40% equity. What do you think his opening range is?

if he has a wider opening range than this then i'd 3b and take the initiative from oop. but just flatting and playing passively by c/c the entire hand in a multiway pot when he's making these small probing bets is probably the worst way to play it. i'd rather take the initiative at some point in the hand, either otf or ott, than than play passively and go into call down mode.

does the btn often bet small when he is the pfr and connects with the flop? if you can't stand a river bet, then i'm just folding ott. if he really has that tight of an opening range, i think the biggest mistake is calling pre from the blinds.
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 11:47 AM
Raise pf. Bet flop.

70 to win 350. Are you good here 1 in 5 times ? I think the answer is yes.
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 11:52 AM
Yea I thought PFR range was something like AJ/a10+ KQ and since he will flat 3bet with everything more likely and 4bet like KK/AA I agree 3bet get it heads up

Also thought I should take initiative on the turn

Oh well . Hate how I played it thanks for replies
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 12:51 PM
with that opening range i'd likely three bet.

are you in the blinds?
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 01:20 PM
Yea I'm sb . 2 limpets already so by flatting I'm basically guaranteeing this flop gets seen 4-5 ways.

I hate the flat tbh.

As played I like taking initiative on the turn.
On the river 2nd limper leads into every1 after taking c/call line flop/turn. He's only one in the hand that I view as somewhat competemt
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 02:55 PM
If he has a tight range I might just fold pre, although raising isn't bad. For example against {AJo+,ATs+,KQ,TT+} (trying to use a version of the vague range you mentioned ITT) you're a hair under 49% equity, and you also have the other players behind you to worry about, giving you the worst possible position both absolutely and relatively. From the blinds with AQo I think calling is the worst option (all 3 are pretty close though), but I'd like calling if we were either IP or it was AQs which plays much better multiway.

Given the bad relative position I referenced earlier and the PFR's fairly passive nature, I'd just donk out on the flop as played. Once you call pf you pretty much have to keep betting once you flop TP on a board this dry, but the fact that you're still (justifiably) hesitant to put a lot of money into the pot after flopping this well illustrates why folding pre is probably better. And this is coming from someone who almost never folds AQ to one raise.
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 03:24 PM

Either fold or squeeze pf and your life will be much easier. If V is wide, squeeze. Otherwise, just fold (note: he doesn't have to be super-wide here). Since V does not raise super-wide, just fold since you are going to be OOP.

Post-flop, I don't know what you were trying to do. You are taking a pot control line in a multi-way pot with TPGK. You have to put in a bet at some point.
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
05-02-2013 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by th1986
Yea I thought PFR range was something like AJ/a10+ KQ and since he will flat 3bet with everything more likely and 4bet like KK/AA I agree 3bet get it heads up

Also thought I should take initiative on the turn

Oh well . Hate how I played it thanks for replies
If that his range then you have to squeeze with a hand like this. As you realize now, it is a very hard hand to play OOP even when you get pretty much an optimal flop.
AQo TPMK 4 way OOP Quote
