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AQo from sb AQo from sb

06-24-2015 , 09:26 PM
Playing 1/2 live. AQo in small blind. 9 handed. $130 effective stack
4 limpers and i raise to $16 from small blind. *first question: was the raise good or should i have just called? BB calls 3 of 4 limpers fold button calls.
Flop comes out 10 7 2 rainbow. I check *pretty sure checking here is terrible* BB makes it $15 button folds, BB had been pretty aggressive so i decide to call with intent of trying to take it down on the turn. Turn comes out Q, i check with intent to check raise. He bets 45$, i tank for about 30 seconds and go all in because a raise only leaves me with about $20 behind. He calls and shows 77 for the set.
I know i played this hand terrible thats why I'm looking for some help lol any criticism is welcome.
AQo from sb Quote
06-24-2015 , 09:52 PM
Preflop is a raise, don't ever just call here. I prefer betting on the flop, but I don't think x/c is horrible in certain situations (not this one). I'd x/f flop if we were multiway most of the time. Turn is fine given stacks.
AQo from sb Quote
06-24-2015 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by straitsicko
Playing 1/2 live. AQo in small blind. 9 handed. $130 effective stack
4 limpers and i raise to $16 from small blind. *first question: was the raise good or should i have just called? BB calls 3 of 4 limpers fold button calls.
Flop comes out 10 7 2 rainbow. I check *pretty sure checking here is terrible* BB makes it $15 button folds, BB had been pretty aggressive so i decide to call with intent of trying to take it down on the turn. Turn comes out Q, i check with intent to check raise. He bets 45$, i tank for about 30 seconds and go all in because a raise only leaves me with about $20 behind. He calls and shows 77 for the set.
I know i played this hand terrible thats why I'm looking for some help lol any criticism is welcome.
You didn't play the hand that bad. You raised to $16 and he set mined at incorrect odds (needs to make 10-15X your raise depending on who you ask). With $130 stack you hit your A or Q so you're gonna get it in by the river. Unfortunately you ran into a set.

Most villains would've bet the flop with a 10 and some may bet a 7 or as a bluff. Only thing you may have been able to do would be to fold to his flop bet but I think that's too tight. Also may just consider check calling an aggressive villian down once you hit your card (shoving turn gets most 10s and worse to fold). When you play with 65 bb and hit TPTK I'd be happy to get it in on most boards vs most villains.

Last edited by TheRyno; 06-24-2015 at 10:12 PM.
AQo from sb Quote
06-24-2015 , 10:03 PM
Ok thanks guys, good to hear positive feedback, i thought the raise pre flop and then checking the flop was a really bad move.
AQo from sb Quote
06-24-2015 , 10:10 PM
This will be an unpopular post but: sometimes, I check AQo here. I usually raise with it, especially depending on my image, my opponents's tendencies and stacks. But I find limping along here some of the time can be valuable for deceptive purposes when we hit and we can get away cheaply when we miss. And if BB raises, we can re-evaluate and possibly jam with eff stacks at $130.
As played: $16 feels a little light. OOP and with 4 limpers and the BB yet to act, I'd consider making it a little bigger.
As played, BB flat called a raise to $16 wig four players yet to act. He has a hand.
Flop missed you, you opted to not c bet into 2 players. BB fired. Time to fold. Pot odds look juicy, and that's no accident. If he had a medium hand, he'd bet more on this board. Possible straight draw, and of course, you raised pre, so you have over cards or a pair. So the small bet is alarming. Just fold. You missed, he has a hand, and if you hit, you'll have trouble getting max value from your hand.
Fold on the flop.
Tons of posters will advocate raising AQ from the blinds. You should raise AQ from the blinds but not all the time. Position, position, position. When you raise from the blinds, you'll be OOP and even the best players give up edge OOP.
AQo from sb Quote
06-24-2015 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dutchstreetfish
This will be an unpopular post but: sometimes, I check AQo here. I usually raise with it, especially depending on my image, my opponents's tendencies and stacks. But I find limping along here some of the time can be valuable for deceptive purposes when we hit and we can get away cheaply when we miss. And if BB raises, we can re-evaluate and possibly jam with eff stacks at $130.
As played: $16 feels a little light. OOP and with 4 limpers and the BB yet to act, I'd consider making it a little bigger.
As played, BB flat called a raise to $16 wig four players yet to act. He has a hand.
Flop missed you, you opted to not c bet into 2 players. BB fired. Time to fold. Pot odds look juicy, and that's no accident. If he had a medium hand, he'd bet more on this board. Possible straight draw, and of course, you raised pre, so you have over cards or a pair. So the small bet is alarming. Just fold. You missed, he has a hand, and if you hit, you'll have trouble getting max value from your hand.
Fold on the flop.
Tons of posters will advocate raising AQ from the blinds. You should raise AQ from the blinds but not all the time. Position, position, position. When you raise from the blinds, you'll be OOP and even the best players give up edge OOP.
Might be unpopular with most but very helpful for me as a different thought process. You're very right that the small flop bet was alarming. Thanks for the post
AQo from sb Quote
06-25-2015 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by straitsicko
I know i played this hand terrible thats why I'm looking for some help lol any criticism is welcome.
You played the hand fine. Just take a (mental) note that he bets small with the nuts, and probably bets large with bluffs.
AQo from sb Quote
06-25-2015 , 10:41 AM
I think it was played OK. The float on the flop against an aggressive player is fine. I might have check/raised him
AQo from sb Quote
06-25-2015 , 11:55 AM
Raise bigger pre if you're going to raise.

Flop is either a cbet or c/f. C/c is horrible.
AQo from sb Quote
06-25-2015 , 04:38 PM
this isn't that bad. Id prefer a c/f otf multiway though. You really don't have that much chance of 'taking it down' ott. there's not that many hands that you would play for a c/c and then c/r for value multiway, like none. they would all be b/b

in response to your apprehension about raising and then c/f it actually is ok. you can make a +ev raise on one street and then fold on another when the situation turns sour for you. its good poker to be able to do this and not everyone is capable of doing one side or the other, and recognizing that both were ok, even if one had a negative result.

overall not that badly played of a hand, its good to be hard on yourself though, it makes you better
AQo from sb Quote
06-25-2015 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
I think it was played OK. The float on the flop against an aggressive player is fine. I might have check/raised him
+1 c/r > c/c
AQo from sb Quote
06-26-2015 , 10:45 PM
I 3b pre (good), then x/f flop.
Why cbet into 2 others, no need to be balanced at 1/2 live where everyone is a station. You hit 1/3 of the time and most of the time have the best hand. you have 2 callers so perfect, if you hit (1/3 of the time) you can get some value having only invested 1/3 of the total pot anyway, therefore when I fold it can't be too bad.
if it was heads up, half pot cbet, they only hit 1/3 of the time too so the fold 2/3 of the time. Inaddition to a half pot cbet only needing to work 1/3 of the time, that would be a good time to cbet.
AQo from sb Quote
06-26-2015 , 10:49 PM
Definitely c betting a dry board like this , and when you hit on the turn , your getting it in by the river
AQo from sb Quote
06-26-2015 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Raeed561
Definitely c betting a dry board like this , and when you hit on the turn , your getting it in by the river
Why cbet? Instead of just the reasoning of, ofc we have to cbet, because thats what all the good people do. What do we fold out, how do we continue OOP?
Im interested because it might be a leak I have not cbetting multiway without a hand OOP.
the T just hits people so often, if it was a J instead I see more warrant in betting, if it was HU, 100% cbet.
AQo from sb Quote
06-26-2015 , 11:15 PM
I like the raise pre. Maybe just a tad bit more, $18-20 since you will be OOP but that's nitpicking. I think this is a good board to cbet as there just isn't much that would hit v's range. And if you do get floated light, well you've get two overs that do occasionally hit on the turn like you saw here. Just bad luck you ran into the top of his range.

As played, I am probably bluff raising his weak flop bet and folding or shutting down if he calls or raises.
AQo from sb Quote
