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AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot

05-02-2014 , 09:28 PM
1/3 NL, $300 max buy-in, third hand of the session

V1, BB (200) -- 30 year old, spewy hispanic fellow. Wheres sunglasses and never cracks a smile or says a word. Got it in preflop with him yesterday when I had QQ and he SNAPPED my $300 re-shove over an AI shortstack with A5. Donks with air and draws. Might also donk his monsters, but I've never seen him have a monster. He just plays big pots with whatever hand he has. Lines make no sense. Calls with anything preflop; played and lost the previous two hands.

V2, CO (~500) -- 60's hispanic man. Most 60s folks at this casino are either OMCs or ABCs. His stack size means he's either gotten lucky or is a steady ABC player, more likely the latter. Did not play the previous two hands.

Hero, Btn (296) -- 27 white kid. Sat down in the BB and shoved $300 preflop over a few limpers and a $7 raise with AA claiming that winning the first hand is good luck. Didn't show. Folded SB.


3 limps.

V2: raises to 20

Hero: calls behind with AQ

Was thinking about 3-betting to $60. Also was thinking of folding which is pretty nitty but I do stuff like that on my first orbit. I decided to just play it safe and call with my position. Thoughts on the call?

V1: calls from BB

2 limpers: call

Flop: A T 7 ($94)

V1 spewer: donks 65

limpers: fold

CO 60's man: min-raises to 130

Hero: ? ? ?

V1 spewer has $115 behind, CO re-raiser covers me, I'm faced with $130 to call and have $276 total behind
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-02-2014 , 09:34 PM
I think I would have still 3bet unless you knew he was a complete nit and I would even fold if he hardly ever raises.

flop = fold. you are way behind and 60's guys min-raising are just trying to milk you
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-02-2014 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by dunderstron!
Sat down in the BB and shoved $300 preflop over a few limpers and a $7 raise with AA claiming that winning the first hand is good luck.

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AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-02-2014 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by dunderstron!

Hero, Btn (296) -- 27 white kid. Sat down in the BB and shoved $300 preflop over a few limpers and a $7 raise with AA claiming that winning the first hand is good luck. Didn't show. Folded SB.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-02-2014 , 09:48 PM
Lol, well I don't want the thread to get de-railed by this, so I'll just try and answer it so we can put it aside:

I've always wondered what I would do if I got dealt AA the very first hand. I've been planning for some time now just to shove it and see if anyone calls, and if no one does, just act like I'm a gamboooler who wants to win the first hand. Only 1 of the players at the table knew me so I thought it might work. *shrug*

More optimal than playing it normally? Eh, probably not. I just wanted to experiment with this and see what happened. Results: no one called and no weird table dynamic was created. I was obviously playing normally after that, so if there had been smart players at the table they would have figured out what I did.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-02-2014 , 09:56 PM
do you really think someone is gona call? you could have doubled up but instead you won pennies.

glad you got it out of your system tho.

those reverse "im a idiot" tells dont really work, and if they do, its only for one or two hands anyway
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-02-2014 , 11:40 PM
shoving AA there is a wasted opportunity

I 3 bet PF here like always (and not a big 3bet either as you want him to call with 100% of his range.) he might be solid but once you put is a small 3bet, that will go out the window and you will be in the driver's seat.

if a 60 something 4bets I dump

given the action OTF you beat AJ.

don't particularly think min-raises are strong but just cut bait
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-02-2014 , 11:58 PM
V2's pre flop raise is pretty big. What does this mean?

As played, easy fold OTF. You have 3 outs or less.

Also, I don't see the point of 3b a CO raise from the button.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-03-2014 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
Also, I don't see the point of 3b a CO raise from the button.
value? take initiative away? he will be raising limpers with all sorts of hands we dominate and we can take the pot away post when he misses (as most players call to hit.) it also sounds like that other villain might come along for the ride at any price.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-03-2014 , 03:11 AM
I'm not at all worried about V1 here by the way. He can have any ace, any ten, any seven, 89, T7, or 77.

It's villain 2 that I'm worried about. The $20 preflop indicates to me that he's competent -- raising a little bigger over the limpers. Or he has a hand he really likes.

What do yall think the bottom of his range is? I thought the bottom of his range was AQ and folded.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-05-2014 , 12:31 PM
Ha ha, love the preflop shove with AA on the first hand, especially with your no doubt get-off-my-lawn-you-young-punk image; this is straight outta HOC, nice. ETA: Oh well, I guess others hate it, but I'm fine with it honestly.

I would have actually folded preflop. If our reads are correct, this guy simply ain't getting out-of-line here after 3 limps and a decent sized raise. We really think we're up against AJ? No, we're not. And we win very little against JJ/TT postflop on A/Q boards. And we're OOP. If we were suited, I could perhaps see calling at a loose table and hoping the flop ends up 6way where we could nutmine.

As played, my plan would be to check the flop and see what the raiser does. If he checks behind, then we probably have the best hand and can go about getting two streets of value from someone on the turn/river. If he bets, we're in a gross spot. Even AT is ahead now. We're beating exactly AJ. With 4 players in the hand including the payoff monkey, I would probably plan on folding to a bet (which is why I would fold preflop).

As played, super easy fold to this action, imo. He's never getting out-of-line vs the loose payoff monkey. We've been ahead of AJ the whole time, and that's it, and lottsa old guys don't raise AJ. Take notes if old guy shows up with anything different and go from there.

AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:15 PM
I like the flat especially with the spewy guy in the big blind. As played gotta fold to the raise, V2's range has our hand crushed.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-05-2014 , 02:06 PM

Ugh... I mean, you probably know better than I do, but most 60y/o OMC's/ABC's open range after 3 limps has AQo in bad shape. I would probably fold pre... Unfortunately. Read dependent though... If he's opening wider than flatting is fine I think. Wouldn't be 3betting this hand versus the player being described.

As played super super snap fold. You can only beat AJ, and OMC may play that hand different on both streets so far.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-05-2014 , 02:42 PM

I fold after a couple seconds of thought,

spewtard reraises,

old man puts him all in,

spewtard calls.

Turn and river are low bricks.

Old man shows AQ.

Spewer mucks.

It seemed like a pretty standard spot to me and I didn't feel bad about the hand afterward. Unfortunately we can't learn much. Is AQ at the bottom of his range? I still say yeah, but it's not a slam-dunk. I almost wished he had showed AJ so we could've had our assumption contradicted and we could've learned something.

This guy didn't play that many hands and left a couple hours later, so my read post-session is: yeah, AQ was probably the bottom of his range. He likely just limps in AJ. Again, no slam-dunk read here. He didn't go to showdown much.

I stacked the spewer for $200 later that night. All-in preflop, my TT against his A9. TT holds. Woohoo!

P.S. results-oriented thinking says that I should've 3-bet AQ preflop. Should this be a standard move against old men who probably play fit-or-fold in 3-bet pots? The good: we have position and likely take down the pot with a c-bet. Or we take it down preflop. The bad: his calling range crushes our AQ.

Last edited by dunderstron!; 05-05-2014 at 02:49 PM.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
05-05-2014 , 02:46 PM
Yeah AQ is probably the absolute bottom of his range.
AQo button, third hand of session, pretty common spot Quote
