1/3 NL, $300 max buy-in, third hand of the session
V1, BB (200) -- 30 year old, spewy hispanic fellow. Wheres sunglasses and never cracks a smile or says a word. Got it in preflop with him yesterday when I had QQ and he SNAPPED my $300 re-shove over an AI shortstack with A
. Donks with air and draws. Might also donk his monsters, but I've never seen him have a monster. He just plays big pots with whatever hand he has. Lines make no sense. Calls with anything preflop; played and lost the previous two hands.
V2, CO (~500) -- 60's hispanic man. Most 60s folks at this casino are either OMCs or ABCs. His stack size means he's either gotten lucky or is a steady ABC player, more likely the latter. Did not play the previous two hands.
Hero, Btn (296) -- 27 white kid. Sat down in the BB and shoved $300 preflop over a few limpers and a $7 raise with AA claiming that winning the first hand is good luck. Didn't show. Folded SB.
3 limps.
V2: raises to 20
Hero: calls behind with A
Was thinking about 3-betting to $60. Also was thinking of folding which is pretty nitty but I do stuff like that on my first orbit. I decided to just play it safe and call with my position. Thoughts on the call?
V1: calls from BB
2 limpers: call
Flop: A
V1 spewer: donks 65
limpers: fold
CO 60's man: min-raises to 130
Hero: ? ? ?
V1 spewer has $115 behind, CO re-raiser covers me, I'm faced with $130 to call and have $276 total behind