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AQ tp facing check raise. AQ tp facing check raise.

08-14-2015 , 11:47 AM
i'm gonna just write down the whole hand here if you guys can tell your thoughts. i'm not good, but i'm not a total donk.
i got about 240. Villain got around 300.

I have AQos in 4th seat. i raise it to 10.

Sb calls, BB calls. SB is new to the table, 5 orbits, folded all. BB is a calling station.

flop is Ad 9c 5d. both check, I bet 15.

Sb check raises to 40. BB folds.

i thought he might be check raise semi bluffing here, (he is a guy in his 20s wearing a hoodie). I call.

Turn is an A. he bets out 65. I call.

River is a 7d. he checks i check.

I'll say his card after a few responses.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-14-2015 , 11:54 AM
20year old with hoody I'll assume competent, when he bets a board pair turn he is super strong, since ur range has improved and I would assume he would give up on a lot of his bluffs, he never cr a bare ace on the flop, so it's highly likely that he has a set. No idea why he would check the river. If he shows up with a rando bluff he is lol bad, if he cr a bare ace he is lol bad, actually whatever he shows up with he miss played his hand
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-14-2015 , 11:55 AM
Cybershark, what are you talking about? V checked the river to Hero.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-14-2015 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by 6betfold
Cybershark, what are you talking about? V checked the river to Hero.
I miss read the first time and thought villain shoved river,cos if villain played his hand right, he never has a hand that should check the river
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-14-2015 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by 6betfold
Cybershark, what are you talking about? V checked the river to Hero.
If villain is competent, then this is an easy check back. It's on of the worst cards in the deck. Flush gets there, a lot of straights get there and most competent players aren't x/r'ing this flop with worse Ax hands.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-14-2015 , 12:12 PM
he had AK, vs my AQ.

i'm just wondering should i have folded on the turn?
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-14-2015 , 06:19 PM
5 orbits?
50 hands?
Almost 2 hours?
Just sat down.

You mean to tell me that in 50 hands you haven't seen him do anything of note? He has really folded all of his hands?
Then this is a snap fold and it is not even close.
Someone who hasn't played a hand in 5 orbits just isn't bluffing enough here for our call to be profitable.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-15-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by jamesbob
i thought he might be check raise semi bluffing here, .
Yeah I find myself thinking this sometimes. It's probably my #1 leak right now, or close to it.

I'd say less than 2% of 1/2 players know that trick, of limp/calling speculative hands against a loose raiser and semi-bluff checkraising the flop. If they are doing this out of the SB, I'll bet they aren't making much (if any) money off of it.

Way more often, these are people frustrated with your aggression who are sitting back, waiting for an opportunity to punish you.

It's tough when you actually bink the flop, and in all fairness there are a fair number of aces in villain's range, but overall I think it's best to stick to the game plan, for me anyways. Which is to assume villain is on 2p or better. On my good days, I can fold this flop and feel good about it.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-15-2015 , 11:20 AM
Bart Hanson talks about 2 rules in live poker.

1. Once you have been check/raised by a Villain, that Villain will never fold.

2. If you are check raised on the flop, top pair is never good.

I wouldn't put the player on AK here but I could see A9, A5 and sets doing this all day.

I think that both rules apply here. If he is a thinking player, a FD is likely not doing this OOP. When his hand hits you will shut down.

When Hero calls the flop, the only good card is a Q unless Villain has a set.

The river saved you the rest of your stack so this lesson was pretty inexpensive.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-15-2015 , 03:12 PM
Betting so little also makes it pretty hard to fold for us because we look so weak...
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-15-2015 , 04:57 PM
seems like he missed value

fold flop - AQ top pair is not going to be good vs an unknown all that often.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-15-2015 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by paratrooper99
Bart Hanson talks about 2 rules in live poker.

1. Once you have been check/raised by a Villain, that Villain will never fold.

2. If you are check raised on the flop, top pair is never good.

1 and 2 are not always correct here in this situation. One of the main examples I give is getting raised small on the flop--which can be very indicative of a top pair hand that is wanting to protect against draws--especially with your small cbet. You see this all the time when guys raise with AJ on an ace hi board, KJ on a king high board etc. It is the sizing and the follow up turn sizing that is the real key to his hand strength.

At the river, no one is sophisticated enough to check a full house here (nor really should they be checking) so I think betting is an absolute freeroll. You only value own yourself vs AK and even at this level there was to be a frequency that he 3 bets that hand preflop. You have the best hand here a ton, given your smallish bet sizing on the flop. I expect him to have AQ, AJ or AT.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-15-2015 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
5 orbits?
50 hands?
Almost 2 hours?
Just sat down.

You mean to tell me that in 50 hands you haven't seen him do anything of note? He has really folded all of his hands?
Then this is a snap fold and it is not even close.
Someone who hasn't played a hand in 5 orbits just isn't bluffing enough here for our call to be profitable.
Pretty much this.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-15-2015 , 09:59 PM
I like checking behind. I dont see him calling us with worse.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
08-17-2015 , 06:13 AM
I don't think he ever has a monster when he checks the river. He mostly likely has AQo+.
I think you played it fine.
AQ tp facing check raise. Quote
