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AQ facing donk bet OTT AQ facing donk bet OTT

07-07-2016 , 09:41 PM
1/3, new table

Hero opens $15 with AQo utg
Only BB calls (MAWG)
Eff stacks are $300

Flop ($30): KT4ddh
Check, Hero bets $20, V calls

Turn ($70): Ks
V donks $20, Hero ??

Calling seems too weak to me and I don't like giving control of the hand so cheaply to him. Also, it gets pretty transparent that I never have Kx. Also, I'm whiffing river often.
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-07-2016 , 09:46 PM
Define your image of a middle aged white guy. I think you need a few hands here. I'd fold.

Or just call so he can hit the diamonds.
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-07-2016 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by happyhappy...
Define your image of a middle aged white guy.

Just your typical rec with some clue. Seen him flat $13 raises with stuff like QTs, T9s, etc, nothing out of the ordinary..

Although his turn donk looks weak, I get cautious because of my tight image and start feeling they're either trapping me with a big hand or they won't fold 2 pair if I try bluffing.. I get desperate to empty the clip here but chicken out..
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-07-2016 , 10:12 PM
Why do you never have a K here? Even an unobservant opponent can figure you for a possible AK or KQ, not to mention TT. Yes, he's less likely to think you have it on the turn, but a raise is going to make him rethink that.

The weak bet could be a K, it could be a bluff with a weak hand or even a diamond draw. I don't like calling because I think we have a good chance to take the hand away and make V surrender his equity. We can put 55 on top (75 total) and put V to the test. If he has a big hand he'll RR and we can safely fold. If he's weak, he'll lay it down. With a diamond he might fold or call, but is very unlikely to 3b bluff.

I expect folds more than 50% of the time. I expect to often win if he calls with a diamond draw that bricks. I don't expect to put any more money in the pot.
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-07-2016 , 10:46 PM
^ Is there any timing or other tell you'd prevent giving out when raising the turn? Tank raise or snap raise his donk? Announce it by mouth? Raise in slow motion?
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-08-2016 , 12:58 AM
Nothing unusual. I'd pause a couple of seconds, enough to make it not a snap decision but not enough to make it look like I thought about it much. Then I'd either watch TV or continue any conversation I was in before my action. I'd avoid becoming rigid, but would also avoid interacting with V.

I generally avoid attempting to influence opponents' actions with false tells because properly randomizing is non-trivial and I don't want to end up actually providing useful information.
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-08-2016 , 09:05 AM
V is only making this play with trips+. Sometimes its ok to fold when your beat.
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-08-2016 , 09:31 AM
UTG at a 10 man table, I would not raise with AQ off, but I am a conservative player.

For your situation here, I would fold. It was a new table with many hands to be played.
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
07-08-2016 , 09:34 AM
Folding for $20 would be bad.
AQ facing donk bet OTT Quote
