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Another suited red gapper Another suited red gapper

10-21-2022 , 08:38 PM

Hero $stacks
V1 $525
V2 $250

Hero is in the middle of a dream session. Terrible players keep sitting down. Hero is getting dealt many many premiums. Hero is playing no bad hands preflop all day. The poker gods are for Hero on this day. Even the other decent players at the table start table changing or leaving because hero keeps winning allthe chips or they have somewhere to be.

Hero looks down at another red gapper inthe HJ after MP V1limps and LJ limps.

J ♦️ 9 ♦️ . Hero thinks should I play this? Sure why not. You have stacks. Should I raise this? Lets do some more limping to play in flow.

$3 flips into the pot. No need to raise with this premium.

CO V2 raises to $12. Young kid, maybe in college, talking a lot and giving money away and drinking some beers. He was aggressive at first. Lost a stack to H. Now he is decidedly playing like he is clicking buttons.

V1 calls. He is a friendly 70 year old man. The best player 70 years or older in the room. Will make some bluffs of $70-$130 on the river. But also has some OMC tendencies. Very difficult to put on a hand. H has gotten a bit of his money in the session in position, but not a lot.

LJ folds

Welp now I am in the middle and the pot was almost limped and now it isnt. V2 is too short to be playing this hand, but whatever. Im on fire. Donation of $9 to the pot.

Flop ($35). Q ♠️ 8 ♦️ 4 ♥️

Check. Check. V2 almost bets then checks.

Turn ($35). Q ♠️ 8 ♦️ 4 ♥️ 10 ♦️

Poker Gods, not all in one day thank you

V1 checks. H?
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-21-2022 , 08:55 PM
I'm all for playing more hands when you're getting hit with the deck, as long as you can get rid of them post flop.

I'd just raise the J9s though. You want to be able to win pots when you hit the flop and when you miss.

I'd bet small on the turn. Your hand is so strong, being both a made hand and having a draw. It's hard for villains to have too much when they checked the flop and OOP villain checks the turn. I'd be targeting gutshot high cards like AJ and hands like A8/99/KT with a $15 bet.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-21-2022 , 09:15 PM
Wager $50
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-21-2022 , 09:21 PM
Be careful with all that run good partner you won't win again for 5 years lol jk. I would just check your hand is still disguised.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-21-2022 , 10:51 PM

H decides bet big when on a heater. Kind of. $30.
V1 tank folds.
V2 calls and starts talking to his new buddy H? What card do you need or don’t you need a card?
H is not sure what is going on. Seems like maybe V is on some kind of draw himself. Or maybe just maybe V hit a disguised two pair and is slow playing.

River ($100). Q ♠️ 8 ♦️ 4 ♥️ 10 ♦️ K ♦️

Gutter into a backdoor flush. How much to bet?

Is a question that does not need an answer. Because V donks for $70

Poker Gods dont do this to me what is going on?
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-21-2022 , 11:55 PM
I called a cold 4 bet AI for 225$ today from a bad LAG after I 3! to 75$ over an EP 25$ open with QQ and he stacked me with KK. Your return to the cooler approaches with each passing pat on the back.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 02:02 AM
Once I shake off the initial why is he donking into me bad feeling on the river, is this a snap call or do I need to go for some more value? If more, how much more?
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 03:45 PM
There are tons of straights and two pairs, I shove here.

I raise PF, turn I bet a bit more.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 04:26 PM
Ah Larry, you're tempting the fickle poker gods playing these one-gappers.........

Pre, flop, turn standard, though I suppose you can raise preflop at some frequency.

If the V is any good, he knows J9 and small flushes are in range for H based on pre and the turn action. So why would V lead out? I'm not raising him unless I think he's a drooler. I'm calling expecting to be shown Ad4d, AdQd and some AJ that we beat. The spot seems too thin unless we have a specific read that he is clicking buttons/drinking/distracted/tilted.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Grease
There are tons of straights and two pairs, I shove here.

I raise PF, turn I bet a bit more.
Hero's blocking the straights, river bet indicates a polarized, not a merged range.

I call.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Spanishmoon
Ah Larry, you're tempting the fickle poker gods playing these one-gappers.........

Pre, flop, turn standard, though I suppose you can raise preflop at some frequency.

If the V is any good, he knows J9 and small flushes are in range for H based on pre and the turn action. So why would V lead out? I'm not raising him unless I think he's a drooler. I'm calling expecting to be shown Ad4d, AdQd and some AJ that we beat. The spot seems too thin unless we have a specific read that he is clicking buttons/drinking/distracted/tilted.
V almost never has AdQd. He would have opened with that based on past play. I do not think QdXd is likely either. He likely would have bet the turn for $20. He makes lots of plays like that when the flop checks through. Sometimes with air.

Ad2d-Ad7d are all in play. 4d5d, 5d6d, 6d7d, and maybe one diamond gapper like 4d6d are in there. AJ, KJs, K10s. Maybe K8s or K4s. And who knows maybe a nonsensical stab.

V is not a drooler.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend

H decides bet big when on a heater. Kind of. $30.
V1 tank folds.
V2 calls and starts talking to his new buddy H? What card do you need or don’t you need a card?
This action doesn't make sense. Maybe V1 and V2 should be switched. Is the guy left in the hand the old guy or the young guy?
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:35 PM
I don't love it but I think it's just a call. I'm not certain what we are value betting unless we think V is checking back a Q on the flop and will call with 2 pair here. I think that's pretty thin. I'd expect a c-bet with top pair into 2 people. That leaves specifically AJ (which is a pretty thin turn call)

Feel like a shove folds out what we beat and is called by what beats us.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
This action doesn't make sense. Maybe V1 and V2 should be switched. Is the guy left in the hand the old guy or the young guy?
Sorry. V2 tank folded. The young guy. The old guy V1 called.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual
Hero's blocking the straights, river bet indicates a polarized, not a merged range.

I call.
I would argue his bet is more merged because he bet less than 3/4 pot. If he bombs river I definitely just call.

But I see your point and don’t think flatting is a mistake by any means.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 07:24 PM
2/3 pot bets in live poker seem pretty strong to me. It's not like people overbet.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 08:58 PM

Hero almost snap calls because what is happening. Old man donk bet, this is the nuts right? No think it through he can have all those hands discussed in this thead. I just read something about rarity of BDF over BDF on 2+2 in the morning before this hand. He can Have a lot here I have to raise. Do I bet/fold to $190? Jam? I think it might be a call. He is an old man donking. Remember him asking about what I need. Man I canÂ’t flat this. He never has QdXd I have the second nuts. H says IÂ’m all in and tosses in a chip.

V does not immediately call. 15 seconds while H looks at the pot. 15 more seconds. Please call. Please call. “Well I guess I have to call you”. H collects his cards as the old man waits for H to flip over his hand. V looks at H hand, looks at the board. Looks back at H hand. And then V shows H something totally unexpected by yet makes perfect sense from this V. The nuts
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 09:06 PM
Eh, so he's a slowrolling jerk. What was his kicker?
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 10:06 PM
I think it was a three. Ya, first time I’ve experienced it from someone. I got tilted for about 2 minutes limp/folded 10d2d from utg+1 and got everything out of my system. Played a couple more hours really well, made all I lost in this hand back and went home with a nice session. I woke up the next morning and the first thing I thought about was - why did I jam?
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-22-2022 , 11:24 PM
I think he’s just old and slow, a lot of old guys in my room just act so fing slow and its never on purpose.

River as played i wouldve just called and its wrong to assume he cant have Qdxd imo
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-23-2022 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
I think heÂ’s just old and slow, a lot of old guys in my room just act so fing slow and its never on purpose.

River as played i wouldve just called and its wrong to assume he cant have Qdxd imo
This guy is quick-witted and nothing about his game is slow. He sat with the nuts for a solid 30 seconds before calling and then wanted to see what I held for 10 more seconds after he looked at my hand before flipping his cards over. Call him old and slow, but he knew what he was doing. I asked him a couple minutes later why and he had an answer that was too short and made no sense. In the moment and afterwards I was upset about how I overplayed my hand and annoyed about the slow slow roll. Tilted off $3 in the following hand and collected myself and folded to the raise and all was good the rest of the day.

You could be right about Qd7d-Qd2d but he seemed tighter than that preflop. Maybe I was mistaken.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-23-2022 , 12:17 PM
Maybe he thought you had a straight flush. I remember once for a big pot (close to 4k) someone jammed over my bet on the river. I had to take a coupe extra seconds to make sure the guy didn't have a straight flush.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-24-2022 , 12:36 PM
I'm fine with the preflop overlimp.

Obviously didn't want to face a raise but for this price against a guy giving his money away, I also make a sigh preflop call at this point. We're also only going 3ways in a playable SPR so still some chance at stealing a pot.

I also check the flop.

I'd bet a PSB (or even more if I felt I could get away with it, and we probably could in a pot so small) on the turn. Let's hope someone has something to continue with.

ETA: Still think we shoulda sized up a bit more on the turn, but whatever. I just call the river. It's a decent sized donk and all the Axdd/Qxdd probably make up much more than the smaller suited flushes he could have. The best 70 year old player in the room isn't going to call a river raise to a decent sized donk with anything worse than a flush too often, imo.

ETA#2: You were there and probably know better than us, but I'm giving old guys the benefit of the doubt when it comes to "slowrolling". Very pleasant / nice old dude did that the other day at our table, his KK tank/calls a raise on the QJ6Tr turn and then on the river A he checks, the other guy bets, he calls, the other guy tables, and he takes about 10+ seconds of looking at the board / the tabled hand / his hand before tabling the chopped nuts. In spite of the noise kicked up by the opponent / other idiots at the table, it was completely unintentional. Old people do old people stuff. They can't see. They can't hear. They can't read hands as fast. Their brain misfires. They're not doing it intentionally. And we'll all get there too and do the exact same thing if we're lucky enough to still be playing at their age.


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 10-24-2022 at 12:48 PM.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-24-2022 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I'm fine with the preflop overlimp.

Obviously didn't want to face a raise but for this price against a guy giving his money away, I also make a sigh preflop call at this point. We're also only going 3ways in a playable SPR so still some chance at stealing a pot.

I also check the flop.

I'd bet a PSB (or even more if I felt I could get away with it, and we probably could in a pot so small) on the turn. Let's hope someone has something to continue with.

ETA: Still think we shoulda sized up a bit more on the turn, but whatever. I just call the river. It's a decent sized donk and all the Axdd/Qxdd probably make up much more than the smaller suited flushes he could have. The best 70 year old player in the room isn't going to call a raise to a decent sized donk with anything worse than a flush too often, imo.

Thanks. Ya I overplayed it. What is he calling with? Maybe baby flushes. Maybe.
Another suited red gapper Quote
10-24-2022 , 12:56 PM
If he bet out like a 1/3 PSB blocking type bet, then sure, I'd be on board with a raise. So like he bets $30 into $100, then we could raise to $90, which is quite callable in a 1/3 NL game and he might even manage some calls with worse than flushes for that. But facing a chunky bet of $70, even a minnish raise to $150 is starting to get into some serious 1/3 NL money (depending on how big your game plays), and like a 3x raise to $200 is real fricken serious.

Um, you weren't $525 effective, were you? Cuz that means a jam for like $480 would be *horrendous*, imo. If you're going to raise, then like ~$160/fold, ldo.

Another suited red gapper Quote
