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AKs standard fold on flop? AKs standard fold on flop?

04-05-2014 , 10:41 PM
1-3 Aria

Villian -(485$) 50's white guy with a 200 dollar shirt. just sat down about 2 orbits ago and has not shown down any hands and has ran 300 up to 485 in a few multiway pots. No reads on him except that he has been playing about 50% of the hands in 2 orbits.

Hero - (650$) 30's white male playing TAG and if V even has noticed might even appear to be nit as I havent played a hand since he sat down.

Hero Dealt AK on the button. 4 limps including the the V. I raise to 25$ (12-15 dollar raises on this table are getting 3+ callers.). All fold except V who calls.

Flop is 68A
Villian donk bets 20$ - Hero quickly makes it 60$. Villian after about 15sec's makes it 160$

Standard fold?
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-05-2014 , 11:37 PM
People donk bet flops small for two reasons. First, they have a draw and hope to get odds to see a turn. The second is they think they have a monster and want people to call.

Your raise complicates the issue. The pot is 75 and you raise 60. He's getting 3:1 to call, which is sufficient with IO to call with a FD. I'd rather call and force him to define his hand on the turn or raise to $180 and let him know that it is going to cost him to draw. Personally, I'm not looking to stack off with TPTK, so I'd lean towards the call.
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-05-2014 , 11:39 PM
I'd call the flop bet, to keep villain's range as wide as possible. Fold to the 3 bet as played. You have no idea at this point, whether or not villain will 3bet air or a worse Ax hand.
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-05-2014 , 11:45 PM

This may seem nitty but I would just call the flop even with the small bet. Raising will often make the pot large, which is not what we want with a pair. Also any diamond is a vomit card which makes this even tougher to play in a large pot.

As played yeah I would fold. Unfortunately villain could be doing this with aces and diamonds though, so it sucks to fold here. But calling sucks too.
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 12:55 AM
If you just call his $20 flop bet it will force him to tell you on the turn what he's got. So, just call for now and at the same time keep the pot inline with the strength of your hand. TPTK doesn't want to play for stacks. Or do you
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 02:17 AM
Those that have suggested to just call otf is it a problem letting people with the flush draw set the price for themselves? say the turn is a brick and he bets 30 into 90?

Or maybe he has the monster and on the brick turn he makes it 70? Do we just fold on the turn to a strong bet? It just feels weak to me.
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 02:21 AM
I'm thankful for the advice of this community. Thanks so much for the well thought out responses
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 02:28 AM
Shove flop and fade the diamonds!
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by wj94
Shove flop and fade the diamonds!
How would you respond to the donk bet on the flop?
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 03:29 AM
Call flop and if he checks turn or bets turn then bombs away.
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by n0npareil
How would you respond to the donk bet on the flop?
Call or raise to $90
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 03:35 AM
I think the flop raise is just fine. Playing that flop passively is just bad especially againt this villain.
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by truefish
I think the flop raise is just fine. Playing that flop passively is just bad especially againt this villain.
Really? How does this player play his draws?
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
04-06-2014 , 08:22 AM
AP I'd fold. 2 orbits is not enough to guess better.
Think flop raise is good despite being re-raised.
Intersting hand/dynamics.
AKs standard fold on flop? Quote
