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AKo line check MW AKo line check MW

02-15-2023 , 04:02 PM
Hero has around $430 and has good image, but has shown the occasional airball.

Villain 1 is OWG who has a tendency to stab when checked too. I observed he does a lot of donking. He's fairly sticky. I consider him passive loose. He's been stacked twice since I sat down at the table and has around $500.

Villain 2 is MAHG, recently sat down. He's to my right and has around $200-275.

Villain 1 is in the blinds, Hero is on the button, and Villain 2 is in the cutoff.

There's a limp, V2 limps, I make it $22, Villain 1 calls, the original limper folds, and V2 calls.

Flop comes AQT ddx. V1 checks, V2 checks, and hero bets $35. Both villains call.

Turn comes the Td. V1 donk leads $75, and then V2 snap jams over. Hero ???

I feel like I can call one when V1 donk leads $75, but the V2 snap jam makes its pretty clear I'm behind one, if not both players.

AP, I think I can size better preflop knowing that V1 is a fan of calling. On the flop, I think 2/3rds may be more appropriate, but if I'm gonna cbet this board texture MW and this dynamic, I think going smaller is better as there will be more equity changing runouts.

AKo line check MW Quote
02-15-2023 , 04:35 PM
Please put stakes (1/2 or 1/3?) and pot size on each street.

Hand is fine. Once they both check, betting flop is good. $35 is fine on this scary board. (Do you have A or K of diamonds?) Turn is a fold, unfortunately.
AKo line check MW Quote
02-15-2023 , 04:40 PM
Yeah my bad. This is 1/3.

Flop is around $66, and then turn becomes $172.
AKo line check MW Quote
02-15-2023 , 05:01 PM
I might go slightly larger preflop to target V2's stack so I can setup a more comfortable commitment spot postflop if I flop TP (because at this stack depth we'll mostly be creating an SPR where stacks will be in play).

Next time post pot sizes on streets so we don't have to do the math ourselves.

Looks like pot is about $70 on the flop, so SPR is 6ish against V1 and 3.5ish against V2. In multiway spots I typically concern myself the most with the biggest stack, so I'd more be concentrating on V1, so with an SPR of 6 I'd typically aim for not attempting to commit. This is a pretty craptastic flop for our hand as so many dominated hands outflopped us. With all that in mind, if I'm betting I'd be leaning to a small bet (so I think 1/2 PSB is probably too much although it isn't horrendous). I actually wouldn't hate a check back either and just play two streets to not get stacks involved.

The turn donk from V1 is concern enough, although for this price of $75 into $175 we'd probably have to consider continuing (but it is a very strong move against a preflop raiser who has continued to bet this flop into 2 players and we're still 3way to the turn, so I think a fold should also be considered). But with V2 now getting involved, I think I exit now.

ETA: +1 to including steaks, noting that I assumed this is 1/3 NL.

AKo line check MW Quote
02-16-2023 , 12:55 AM
It's annoying on the turn when they both have fairly short stacks but hero is losing to at least one of them the vast majority of the time. Unless villain's are spazzing the best hero can hope for is that one has AK also and the other is shoving a draw. Which is an unlikely combination once the flush comes in and doesn't have much EV for hero anyways. There will be more times that hero is already drawing dead.

Preflop is fine, you can quibble about bet sizing but it's in the good range. On the flop your bet is aggressive but neither villain bet, with TPTK your entitled to bet. Checking such a wet and ugly flop would also be OK.
AKo line check MW Quote
02-16-2023 , 05:50 AM
What’s our diamond situation? Regardless this is a snap fold and not close at all.
AKo line check MW Quote
02-16-2023 , 09:59 AM
No diamond blockers in this case.

Hero folds. Villain 1 excitedly calls.

Villain 1 has J7dd
Villain has 53dd.

River was irrelevant. V1 wins.
AKo line check MW Quote
02-16-2023 , 11:01 AM
Lol. Poker is alive and well. I've seen some of the worst play in my life lately.

I raise w/ 98ss, fold to blinds who call. Flop is QJ8 rainbow. SB bets $50 into $45, BB calls, I reluctantly fold. Turn is second diamond blank, SB shoves for $60, BB calls. River is blank. SB has Kd2d, BB has Td7d. SB wins w/ K high.
AKo line check MW Quote
02-16-2023 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by selbor61
No diamond blockers in this case.

Hero folds. Villain 1 excitedly calls.

Villain 1 has J7dd
Villain has 53dd.

River was irrelevant. V1 wins.
To be honest, I completely missed the fact that there was a flush draw on the flop and it got there on the turn, so even more of a trivial fold to this action. (i.e. I would have likely folded even if there was no flush draw / flush to this action).

AKo line check MW Quote
