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AK underrepped in a big pot AK underrepped in a big pot

04-14-2011 , 08:59 PM
10/25 HK dollar 10-handed game(10/25 sb/bb and $500-$3k buyin). Villian 1 raises $250 from UTG(definitely a very strong hand based on my read),i flat call with A K from UTG1, everyone folds to villian 2 who calls quickly in sb. villian 1 is a reasonable aggressive player. villian 2 is loose but luckboxes his way to huge winnings.
stacks as follows:
villian 1: 5k
villian 2: 9k
hero: 4.2k
flop($750): A 9 T villian 2 checks, villian 1 bets $500,hero calls, villian 2 in sb calls.
turn($2250): T villian 2 checks, villian 1 checks, hero ?
It would be appreciated if you can make comments on my preflop and flop play.
AK underrepped in a big pot Quote
04-14-2011 , 09:09 PM
Preflop and flop look good. Well played so far.

Now bet. 1500 should do the trick. Fold to a c/r from Villain 2. I'd be shocked to ever see a c/r from Villain 1.

If anybody calls the turn I'd plan on checking back all non-Ace rivers and soul read/probably end up folding if they lead into me on the river on a blank and for sure if they lead into me on a club, K, or 8.
AK underrepped in a big pot Quote
04-14-2011 , 09:14 PM
Preflop is fine - if V1's range is tight then there isn't any value in a raise.

On the flop your SPR is around 5 - I'd be happy to bet/bet/bet against V2 but I probably wouldn't be super happy if stacks went in against V1. Flat and control the pot size.

I think I bet half pot on the turn. You can get value from AQ, AJ and if V2 has a flush draw, 9x or is chasing a gutshot, there is value from him as well. I am folding to a raise.
AK underrepped in a big pot Quote
