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AK suited AK suited

04-16-2011 , 06:46 PM
3-5 spread limit game with a max bet of $500. Hero has about $420 and villain has me covered by quite a wide margin. Villain is laggy and has been opening a lot of pots and calling re-raises pre-flop and flop with a lot of hands that could be second best like middle pairs and decent aces (AJ AQ).

UTG limps (weak player who limps and calls way too much) and folded around to Villain who raises to $25. I am on the button with AK of hearts and raise to $75. UTG folds and its heads up.

Flop: 2 4 6 Villain checks; Hero checks behind

Turn 5 Villain bets $75. Hero?

Would appreciate your thoughts on best turn play. Comments also welcome on other streets.

Thanks much.
AK suited Quote
04-16-2011 , 06:53 PM
I flat the button pre and I fold as played probably... Unless you are sure you can stack off with your 15 outs.
AK suited Quote
04-16-2011 , 06:57 PM
Fold?!? LOL. Raise to $315 and get it in. Worst case scenario is you have 9 outs and he's calling a shove. But you could have the best hand + alot of fold equity. Plus, it's much more likely you have 19 outs than 9 outs. Villain might have 88 and be confused why you didn't bet flop w/ your overpair, but convince himself he's beat. You have huge equity against his range and huge fold equity. Raise.
AK suited Quote
04-16-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by yodachoda
Fold?!? LOL. Raise to $315 and get it in. Worst case scenario is you have 9 outs and he's calling a shove. But you could have the best hand + alot of fold equity. Plus, it's much more likely you have 19 outs than 9 outs. Villain might have 88 and be confused why you didn't bet flop w/ your overpair, but convince himself he's beat. You have huge equity against his range and huge fold equity. Raise.
Not this.

3bet pr, Check back flop and then jam this turn, as a line, is horrible. It reps basically nothing, so you should be getting looked up by all kinds of pairs as well as sets or straights or god knows what, depending on how marginal you think Villain's range is to call your 3bet preflop. He's folding the hands you crush (AQ, AJ) and even against the weak part of his calling range you only have about 34% equity with one card to come.

Call and play poker on the river. You're getting more than the right immediate odds to see one card if you're behind and you may be ahead and win unimproved.
AK suited Quote
04-16-2011 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by mark82880
Not this.

3bet pr, Check back flop and then jam this turn, as a line, is horrible. It reps basically nothing, so you should be getting looked up by all kinds of pairs as well as sets or straights or god knows what, depending on how marginal you think Villain's range is to call your 3bet preflop. He's folding the hands you crush (AQ, AJ) and even against the weak part of his calling range you only have about 34% equity with one card to come.

Call and play poker on the river. You're getting more than the right immediate odds to see one card if you're behind and you may be ahead and win unimproved.
Put yourself in villains shoes. Imagine you have 1010 here and are posting this hand on this forum. I guarentee you 90% of replies will say fold to the turn raise. Do we rep much? I suppose not, overpairs should bet the flop. Is the bet very scary still? Yes, I can definetly see villain folding hands like medium overpairs like I said.
AK suited Quote
04-16-2011 , 08:04 PM
Why did we give up on this flop headsup? That's your mistake. Fire your c-bet and maybe it gets checked through on the turn if you don't improve. He could be betting ATC here. It's an easy call and possibly a raise depending on how I feel.
AK suited Quote
04-16-2011 , 08:56 PM
What kind of hand would check the flop IP after 3-bet preflop?

A/K...unless hero is a spewing maniac.

Shoving on the turn would entice a hero-call from the villain. Not easy, but nevertheless a lot of villains would make such call.

If for whatever reason I checked the flop, I'll min-raise in this spot to screw with villain's head =)...or...

I'll call here and look for my 24-outs. Why 24 outs? I can easily represent any of the two flushes available, and my A or K is probably good as well. It's a shove on river if any of the 24 outs hit.

9 + 9 + 6 A/K.

Last edited by poke4fun; 04-16-2011 at 09:02 PM.
AK suited Quote
04-16-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by yodachoda
Put yourself in villains shoes. Imagine you have 1010 here and are posting this hand on this forum. I guarentee you 90% of replies will say fold to the turn raise. Do we rep much? I suppose not, overpairs should bet the flop. Is the bet very scary still? Yes, I can definetly see villain folding hands like medium overpairs like I said.
Really? I think if posted from Villain's perspective with any pp above the board that most people would - rightly - say to call because Hero looks FOS and like he's blowing up or semi-bluffing with AK (depending on the suits).

Hero's line with a turn shove best reps his exact hand - AKhh. I'd expect to get calls from anybody who was hoping to see that.

Would a shove gets folds from some Villains with some of their pairs? Sure, but not enough to make this a profitable shove spot imo, and there's certainly nothing in ops description of Villain that makes me think this particular one is going to let go of his pairs to a turn shove here.

Also, fwiw, I'm still not clear what you think we're repping other than a bet that will make some less thoughtful players say "oh wow, hm maybe I should just fold my tens." Only AA makes any sense for check flop/shove turn. Every other pair either bets flop or is pot controlling turn. Given that, basically every pair in Villain's range should be equally likely to go with it. I don't see a rational reason to expect Villain to dump 88 here if you don't think he'd dump QQ, and that's not something I'd expect most people to do given the way the hand played out.

Villain: I call
Needler: Nice hand
Villain: I put him on AK
AK suited Quote
04-17-2011 , 12:30 AM
I shoved the turn, got snap called by nines and rivered my flush. At the time I felt it was the right play but I think that was influenced by the results. I think the better play would have been a c-bet on the flop followed by a turn shove. Otherwise, as Mark (correctly in my mind) pointed out I am not repping much other than AK. I didn't c-bet because I knew I was getting called by almost 100% of Villain's hands (based on prior play) and I didn't want to bloat the pot. I wanted to see what peeled off on the turn.
AK suited Quote
04-17-2011 , 12:47 AM
Villian was probably CR flop so its ok and gave us a backdoor. I dont know why people say shove the turn. All you rep is AK and any other hand would play it differently. You got lucky so whatever but dont let that make you think its the right play.

Unless villian folds the hands we put him on which I dont think live players will do.
AK suited Quote
04-17-2011 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by art_vandelay
I think the better play would have been a c-bet on the flop followed by a turn shove.
This. When you bet $75 pre and check back the flop, it is easy for the villain to put you on two big cards that didn't hit---likely AK. It gives up too much information. When you bet 60-80% of the pot on that flop, the villain has got to give you credit for JJ+ and fold...
AK suited Quote
04-17-2011 , 11:28 PM
The fact that we have 38% equity against his range means if raising only gets him to fold a better hand once in a while, then raise is still higher EV than just calling.
AK suited Quote
04-18-2011 , 12:52 AM
You should obviously put in a big raise on the turn, and tell him if he doesn't fold, you'll **** him in the ass with a shotgun.
AK suited Quote
04-18-2011 , 08:25 AM
I dont mind the check behind esp against someone that check raises a lot. you have good equity to see another card with overs and backdoor draws. Good turn card. A shove is fine but hard to sell as played. I like a call as I still think you get paid if the flush hits
AK suited Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:55 AM
I think the 3bet pre is fine. I'd make it a little bit bigger since you have a limper in the pot from MP.

I think the flop check back is fine, as you said villain likes to float flops.

I would ship the turn here. We are in a 3bet pot with the nfd, 2 overs and possibly a 3 for the chop.
AK suited Quote
04-18-2011 , 11:07 AM
IP I'm more likely to flat this preflop, but will still 3bet sometimes. OOP I'm more likely to 3bet to simplify the hand, but will still flat sometimes.

I don't mind the flop check, but I do agree with everyone that you have to be aware of what it does to the perception of a turn raise from you and squashes your FE.
AK suited Quote
04-18-2011 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by yodachoda
The fact that we have 38% equity against his range means if raising only gets him to fold a better hand once in a while, then raise is still higher EV than just calling.
What range?

Against a range of 77+ and AKhh we've got 34.9% (31.40 to win and 3.54 to tie). Obviously it gets a lot uglier if we include the rest of the pairs.

When we get called our equity in the pot is $278.50 and we're risking $345 so the shove is -$66.50 when we get called. When he folds we win $230 so we basically need to get a fold from better about 22% of the time for this to be EV neutral, which seems generous to me.
AK suited Quote
04-18-2011 , 12:03 PM
Yeah I don't think we have the FE to shove turn, call seems best as shove reps AK with FD or AA only, Villain has a wide range and we have plenty of equity to call against his current range...
AK suited Quote
