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AK facing large bet in 4-way flop AK facing large bet in 4-way flop

04-18-2018 , 11:06 AM
Looking for some feedback on this hand from a session yesterday. This was the 9th hand I played in the session and the table/action had been crazy so I feel I have to give some context quickly.

$2-100 spread limit game. When I sit down there are already several stacks of $500+ on the table which is pretty deep for this game.

First, the hand right before I posted. The 4 seat straddles, a few callers, and the 1 seat on the button raises to ~$15. The 4 seat then 3-bets to $50 and only the button calls. Flop Qs9s2s. They end up max-betting back and forth several times and all the money gets in. 4 seat has 5s6s and holds against the button's QQ. Pot was ~$1100 which is about as large a pot I've seen at this game. Seat 1 leaves the game.

I then post the BB in seat 3. In interest of brevity I won't post all the HHs, but in the next orbit of 9 hands I get QQx2, KK, and AA - absolutely sick run of cards and by the end of the orbit I'm sitting around $900 and there have been 2-3 pots of over $500, with the 4 seat playing a couple of them. Everyone at the table is commenting how they've never seen so many big pots so quickly and how the 4 seat and I are crazy/action players. Even though I showed at least a few (maybe all 4?) of those hands, these players probably have an image of me as really LAG.

Sometime during this orbit, a new player sits down in the 1 seat and buys in for $300. As the action was so crazy I didn't see when he sat down but I felt like it was towards the tail end of my first orbit.

Hero (~$800) is UTG with AK - raises to $14.
Seat 4 (~$600) calls (My impression of him after 1 orbit is that he will play a lot of hands [I've already seen him 3-bet with 56suited and KJoff] and is solid post-flop. I think his calling range here is very wide).
HJ player calls ($200) (middle aged lady, I've played with her before, she is fairly tight/passive)
SB ($300) (the new 1 seat player) 3-bets to $50.
Hero calls.
Seat 4 calls.
HJ calls.

Flop: K74 (pot is $200).

SB leads out for $100 (the max bet allowed).
Hero ???

Also curious to hear thoughts on my pre-flop. I have thoughts on both that I will post later along with results.

Last edited by Garick; 04-18-2018 at 08:30 PM. Reason: corrected action
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-18-2018 , 11:15 AM
I assume HJ and button folded.

Now call.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-18-2018 , 11:17 AM
I'm usually going to 4 bet this spot to isolate the button as I'm oop. The flat isn't terrible though since you're suited and the others will probably come along.
Flop is a C/C.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-18-2018 , 11:45 AM
My bad guys, totally ****ed up this HH. That's what I get for trying to skip my morning coffeee . . .

The button player (the new player) was actually the small blind and he led out the flop as first to act. It's now my action with Seat 4 and the middle-aged lady waiting to act behind.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-18-2018 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by BornToPun
My bad guys, totally ****ed up this HH. That's what I get for trying to skip my morning coffeee . . .

The button player (the new player) was actually the small blind and he led out the flop as first to act. It's now my action with Seat 4 and the middle-aged lady waiting to act behind.
Even better as now the original raiser is c-betting and we don't have a new bettor.

Now raise $100. There are merits to flatting as well, but I prefer the raise, mainly because the SB has only 300 which I'm willing to get it in against.

The only hand you're behind to is AA which you block (there are only 3 combos left once you hold the A). You also block KK of which there is exactly one single combo left. It's good to define your hand now to the big stacks behind, so you know they have something huge if they call, and if they fold you don't have to play OOP against them. There are merits to doing so depending on table dynamics and live reads, but I prefer raising now.

Last edited by RottPhiler; 04-18-2018 at 08:20 PM.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-18-2018 , 08:35 PM
Edited your OP for you...

Do we have any reads on SB at all? Age, dress, ethnicity?

This is not a big bet, BTW. It is only half pot, even though it is a max bet. I flat with TPTK. Sure, V has AA or a chop a lot (and occasionally KK), but given he only has just over a PSB effective, I'm ot folding and I see no reason to raise on such a dry board when it will only get called by better.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-18-2018 , 10:22 PM
Flatting here all day. Why raise when we're WA/WB? Raising only gives him the chance to fold QQ/JJ.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-18-2018 , 11:20 PM
Thanks Garick. All I can tell you is white guy, maybe 35? And he bought in fairly deep which I tend to associate with better players but obviously that's not 100% reliable.

As played:
I raised to $200, Seat 4 and HJ fold, SB raises back for his last $50 which I of course call. He has AA and it holds.

My thoughts:
For some reason I didn't really consider calling, which in retrospect I feel dumb about. I suppose this is a better option than raising as it lets Seat 4 and HJ come along with KQ or KJ which they otherwise likely fold.

However, I'm thinking I might be able to make a hero fold here facing the flop bet (and I say this as someone who hates folding, I 100% am a player who calls too much rather than folds too much). The pre-flop raise to $50 already puts him on a narrow range - very few players in this game will 3 bet light to begin with, and a solid thinking player who does look for 3 bet spots is very unlikely to 3! light against an UTG raise and a UTG+1 call, especially when he's in the SB and will thus be out ouf position rest of hand. So I think his 3! range here PF is like JJ+ and AK, maybe with some 10,10 and AQ mixed in but I honestly think most players just call here.

Once flop comes I'm now beating JJ/QQ but would he really lead out into 3 players with those hands? Especially when the K should hit my range fairly hard? Hard for me to imagine. So I think his range here on the flop bet is literally KK, AA, and AK. Against that range I have 35% equity but that's 7% to win and 28% to chop. So he has to be getting out of line A LOT here to merit a raise or even a call.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
04-19-2018 , 12:03 AM
Never doing anything but calling flop. Raising folds out his bluffs and worse hands, and only better calls you.

Folding would be asinine.
AK facing large bet in 4-way flop Quote
