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AK on a dangerous board AK on a dangerous board

07-13-2019 , 12:51 PM
This is a tough hand from a deep 1/3 game. Game is very aggressive and a number of players make huge overbets for both bluffs and value. I have a LAG image, but playing tight tonight and V knows it.

3 limpers to me, I raise to $25 in the SB with AsKc. 2 limpers call (both in late position). Main V limped on the button and has a $450 stack (I cover). He's a tight passive player.

Flop (75): KhJc8d

I bet $45, only V calls.

Turn (165): Qd


This board looks very dangerous and I feel like there's a decent likelihood of 2-pair/sets but also draws I need to charge.
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 01:27 PM
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by krilleater
This is a tough hand from a deep 1/3 game. Game is very aggressive and a number of players make huge overbets for both bluffs and value. I have a LAG image, but playing tight tonight and V knows it.
So are you perceived as tight or LAG, or a wizard who's playing tight but also can make crazy moves?

Originally Posted by krilleater
3 limpers to me, I raise to $25 in the SB with AsKc. 2 limpers call (both in late position). Main V limped on the button and has a $450 stack (I cover). He's a tight passive player.
V limps behind 2 limper on the button and is tight passive? V is certainly not limping with JJ+ on the button to play 5-handed, may not even do it with 99+. So the likelihood of V holding a decent PP is small, unless V is plain awful, which is always > 0% chance in 1/3.

Originally Posted by krilleater
Flop (75): KhJc8d

I bet $45, only V calls.
T9, JT, QJ, KT can all be in V's range.

88 is possible, worse hands are possible, KJ and KQ are all possible.

Originally Posted by krilleater
Turn (165): Qd


This board looks very dangerous and I feel like there's a decent likelihood of 2-pair/sets but also draws I need to charge.
It's an exercise of combinatorics. Playing OOP sucks, because V is likely flatting most of his range that beats AK except the very top.

I would still fire turn for $90 and evaluate river. A ton of bad cards on river worse than turn, but given current read, I am not going giving away a free card.
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Tanqueray
So are you perceived as tight or LAG, or a wizard who's playing tight but also can make crazy moves?
Like I said, I'm usually a LAG (and typically perceived as such) but playing tighter than normal. I don't know if V has caught on.

Originally Posted by Tanqueray
V limps behind 2 limper on the button and is tight passive? V is certainly not limping with JJ+ on the button to play 5-handed, may not even do it with 99+. So the likelihood of V holding a decent PP is small, unless V is plain awful, which is always > 0% chance in 1/3.
I agree he doesn't likely have JJ+, but a tight passive type could easily limp 99/TT here (he doesn't want to play a big pot unless he sees an overcard-free flop or a set).

I put him mostly on PP <JJ or two broadways.

It's an exercise of combinatorics. Playing OOP sucks, because V is likely flatting most of his range that beats AK except the very top.

I would still fire turn for $90 and evaluate river. A ton of bad cards on river worse than turn, but given current read, I am not going giving away a free card.
What range are you putting him on where we still want to bet?

KT/JT/QT are the only hands calling a bet that we still beat and I'm not convinced they call (player is quite tight). Whereas KJ/KQ/QJ/T9/88 all beat us.
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by krilleater
Like I said, I'm usually a LAG (and typically perceived as such) but playing tighter than normal. I don't know if V has caught on.
When you describe yourself as both sides of the spectrum, it nullifies the value of having self image.

Originally Posted by krilleater
What range are you putting him on where we still want to bet?

KT/JT/QT are the only hands calling a bet that we still beat and I'm not convinced they call (player is quite tight). Whereas KJ/KQ/QJ/T9/88 all beat us.
Readers can know only as much about villain as OP provides. There was very little to go off.

If V is only calling with 88 and all the broadway cards, then you can simply use combinatorics to determine the range in which you beat and decide whether to bet in this spot and for how much.

If read is solid, this hand can be solved by a simple combinatoric equation.
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Tanqueray
When you describe yourself as both sides of the spectrum, it nullifies the value of having self image.
No it doesn't, what exactly do you want me to tell you? I'm not inside their head.

I typically play a LAG style and many of them know that. I've also been playing tighter tonight and *some* of them might pick up on that. You have all the same information I had at the table.

Originally Posted by Tanqueray
Readers can know only as much about villain as OP provides. There was very little to go off.

If V is only calling with 88 and all the broadway cards, then you can simply use combinatorics to determine the range in which you beat and decide whether to bet in this spot and for how much.

If read is solid, this hand can be solved by a simple combinatoric equation.
I provided a pretty clear description. He's the definition of a tight passive. Only raised twice (with AA/KK) and mostly folding. When he limp/calls, it's nearly always a pocket pair or high broadways.
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by krilleater
No it doesn't, what exactly do you want me to tell you? I'm not inside their head.

I typically play a LAG style and many of them know that. I've also been playing tighter tonight and *some* of them might pick up on that. You have all the same information I had at the table.
You're perceived as loose normally but today you could be perceived as tight.

You don't see that as both sides of spectrum?

Originally Posted by krilleater
I provided a pretty clear description. He's the definition of a tight passive. Only raised twice (with AA/KK) and mostly folding. When he limp/calls, it's nearly always a pocket pair or high broadways.
Then there you have it - easy to solve.
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 03:39 PM
You went from a Tier 1 hand to a Tier 2 hand. You check

Flop bet is too small.
AK on a dangerous board Quote
07-13-2019 , 03:49 PM
V doesn't have many sets here. You think he's overlimp/calling with TT+ here? Maybe there's 3 combos of 88, but his JJ+ raises pre for sure, so you can rule that out. Also, his suited broadways should be Isoing pre also, and if it's an aggro game, maybe he has some offsuit ones that he'll raise pre also. Not much info on V though, so he might overlimp stuff like QJs..? That said, the turn could go either way. Could b/f for ~1/2 pot to charge weaker Kx, mid pairs and turned OESD, or check here and lead on most rivers. I mean, you're still ahead OTT. Here's what V's range OTT as I see it.

AK on a dangerous board Quote
