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AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG

02-27-2012 , 11:02 AM
I played this hand in my regular casino game in Argentina. The game is 5/10 or USD NL200.


UTG is and old man who has been sitting for about 1:30 and hasn't played any hands. He said that he is happy if he break even at the end of the session.

MP is a young man who just hopes to get lucky. He has been buyin short for a while and go all-in with good looking cards (suited connectors, suited aces etc).

On to the hand.

UTG raises to 25 and seven players call. Im in the BB with AKo and raise to 135 (MP has 250 so I'm looking to him to go all-in). To my surprise UTG calls the raise and, as expected, MP goes all-in for 250.

UTG still has 450 behind but after calling my 3-Bet I've a feeling that he is not folding.

What is the best move? Can we do anything but shove?
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:32 PM
IMO we can ONLY shove here...

Or fold...

but i shove
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:39 PM
I love my AK too much to fold here, so I am shovelling all my chips in, and then I miss or run into a moronically played AA/KK and hate my AK. (see my location)
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by CyrusJavid
I love my AK too much to fold here, so I am shovelling all my chips in, and then I miss or run into a moronically played AA/KK and hate my AK. (see my location)
Actually I can easily see UTG having AA here.
Why would UTG want to scare us out of the hand?
I wouldn't mind playing AA like this, shoving any flops.
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:51 PM
If UTG reraises AA or KK here, MP might actually think his (likely to be) mediocre holdings aren't going to be any good against TWO strong hands. UTG might be thinking to keep MP and Hero in the hand and just flatting here with AA or KK. Unfortunately, MP's all-in constitutes a legitimate raise, so even if hero just wants to call (which I'm not suggesting), UTG can still reraise. At least with shoving, you have FE, even if only a little. If MP has a weak ace or a stronger king, some of your outs are gone, though...
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:52 PM
How much are you playing?
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pug Walker
Actually I can easily see UTG having AA here.
Why would UTG want to scare us out of the hand?
I wouldn't mind playing AA like this, shoving any flops.
Maybe you should reconsider playing your AA this way (if you are UTG) since there are 7 players who have already shown interest in the pot/their hands to act behind you.
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by SamueMX
I played this hand in my regular casino game in Argentina. The game is 5/10 or USD NL200.


UTG is and old man who has been sitting for about 1:30 and hasn't played any hands. He said that he is happy if he break even at the end of the session.
UTG hasn't played a hand in an hour and a half and raises from Early pos. and said he is happy with a break even session. What range do you put him on? Do you see him raising A-Q or worse here and then calling a re-raise.

Once MP shoves you are playing for half of the pot at best. UTG has AK or a large pocket pair AA-QQ.

There are 9 combos of AK, 3 combos of AA, 3 combos of KK, 6 combos of QQ for 21 total hands that UTG has. You are flipping against QQ less than 1/3 of the time and either way behind or tied the rest. Plus you still have to beat MP who you know doesn't have a large hand. He shoved because there was so much $ in the pot.

$25*6 + &135*2= $420 before MP shove. I'm not sure percentage wise how often MP needs to win to show a profit but I think it is about 30%-35%? Any poker stovers here?

Fold and watch MP get felted.....
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:53 PM
I cant believe people are giving advice without even knowing hero's stack size. Its like, the most important variable in this equation and its getting completely overlooked.
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 02:41 PM
Sorry if it's not clear but I cover both players.
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 02:46 PM
Just shove. Sometimes you get owned when he has AA/KK sometimes you get him to fold a flip or a chop. But with the extra money in there and him being only like 60bbs I think this is a pretty easy shove.
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by alew22
I cant believe people are giving advice without even knowing hero's stack size. Its like, the most important variable in this equation and its getting completely overlooked.
OP said utg had $450 left and thought he was not folding....I took this to be his effective stack also.
AK in BB facing a min-raise UTG Quote
