v1: likes to put a lot of money into pot, with bluffs, and value hands, but has a tendency to overplay hands and wont fold 2pair+ when obvious draws get there.
v2: plays straight forward, but have seen him make a bluff ( probably would have worked if opponent wasn't so short)
I have $200 (effective stack ) and open for $8 in ep with aj, and get called by v1 in mp, and v2 in lp.
pot 27
flop j


I bet $16, v1 calls, v2 calls
pot $75
turn t
I check? ( not sure if I should just bet fold this, but v1 could have a ten, v2 not sure ) v1 bets $30, v2 folds, I call )
pot 135
river a
I check? ( I think I made a mistake here, I think I should lead and fold to a raise )