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AhQh vs aggressive player. AhQh vs aggressive player.

01-19-2017 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by McSkinny
bet/bet/bet on this board, im not sure if x/r flop is the play with our value hands with these stacks, if we raised to $140 theres ~$335 in the pot with ~$435 in stacks so we could x/r maybe to $150-160 and shove turns but would we really do that with overpairs/is that the most +ev way to play overpairs?
betting is fine, but he may just fold all his air. All we win is $25+6 vs an aggressive player where we flop really well.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Nice_Guy_Eddie
Pre is good. Either bet the flop or check-raise to setup a turn shove. You do not want him to blast away so you can call.

I agree we beat LAGs by calling with any made hand and holding on for dear life. That is not the case here. You have ace high. You can get him to fold plenty of better hands by playing more aggressively.
Ace high is a strong hand in this spot. His river bet is polarized to nuts or nothing. Unless he is turning a hand like pocket 3's or a random 4 into a bluff, I should have the best hand. Most of his 8's and 7's will check back the river, as there is no reason to bet those so big. He may be aggressive, but he's not an idiot. Although if he did bet $275 with a 7 or 8 that would be really sick because I really want to call him on this river. And I don't see him limping a hand like pocket 7's or 8's or 4's pre flop. Also my hand kind of looks like exactly what it is.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 08:14 PM
Gobbledy you are limping this? Also this is the exact guy we want to be barrelling.

You have like 51% equity vs his dcent hands on the flop and x folding turn/giving up on that much equity in any way shape or form is a crime.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 08:34 PM
If he's spewy, you would prefer not to give up your inititative otf when you can be bet/3b or bet/barrel turns a lot, as he may overplay a ton of worse draws or fold 1p hands on later steeets (unless he's just a stationing whale).

Also, you would like to have hands you raise ftb that can comfortably bet/take heat on this flop/any turn. You also should be leaning on utilizing the value components of a bway NFD by making pots bigger against lesser draws (impled odds), weak pairs (FE), and better playability on all streets which is marginalized when you start off with a ck-c.

It feels 'ok' to ck-c two steeets for a few obvious reasons, but when you miss, you have no FE to lean on and are stuck deciding whether or not to bluff catch psbs otr instead of the other way around. It's a pretty monumental EV shift the times you miss even though you feel like you got a discount on your draw and can safely ck-f to the spew.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
If he's spewy, you would prefer not to give up your inititative otf when you can be bet/3b or bet/barrel turns a lot, as he may overplay a ton of worse draws or fold 1p hands on later steeets (unless he's just a stationing whale).

Also, you would like to have hands you raise ftb that can comfortably bet/take heat on this flop/any turn. You also should be leaning on utilizing the value components of a bway NFD by making pots bigger against lesser draws (impled odds), weak pairs (FE), and better playability on all streets which is marginalized when you start off with a ck-c.

It feels 'ok' to ck-c two steeets for a few obvious reasons, but when you miss, you have no FE to lean on and are stuck deciding whether or not to bluff catch psbs otr instead of the other way around. It's a pretty monumental EV shift the times you miss even though you feel like you got a discount on your draw and can safely ck-f to the spew.
ya I would generally bet the flop, and most likely ship it if he raises, but I felt he would of just folded the flop a lot when i bet. And I was pretty sure he would barrell off if I check, it just sucks I got this kind of run out. He wasn't the type of player to just call bets, he would only bet when checked too.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 08:45 PM
You played it perfectly dude (assuming you called). Is it more likely that he is value shoving 98o knowing you have the NFD and are going to hero call A-high or that he is clicking buttons with K6 and doesn't know what else to do but shove on the river?

I'll take the latter.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
You played it perfectly dude (assuming you called). Is it more likely that he is value shoving 98o knowing you have the NFD and are going to hero call A-high or that he is clicking buttons with K6 and doesn't know what else to do but shove on the river?

I'll take the latter.
I called the river and thought it was an interesting hand

He showed up with

j9o for a busted gut shot and we win a nice pot
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
I called the river and thought it was an interesting hand

He showed up with

j9o for a busted gut shot and we win a nice pot

I make a decent amount of hero calls with A-high. Sometimes it's the best way to maximize the value of the hand vs. aggression.

His bet sizing was all over the place and incongruent. 70% PSB on flop, 60% PSB on turn and the ~PSB jam on the river just screams bluff.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 09:47 PM

It was a bit of a gamble because he could of showed up with pocket 3's or some random 4 and i've been owned like that in the past, but this was too tempting to pass up and i knew he was bluffing just was hoping he wasn't bluffing with a pair.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 10:07 PM
Nh. Are there any rivers that you would c/f to?

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AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
ya I would generally bet the flop, and most likely ship it if he raises, but I felt he would of just folded the flop a lot when i bet. And I was pretty sure he would barrell off if I check, it just sucks I got this kind of run out. He wasn't the type of player to just call bets, he would only bet when checked too.
I'm not sure why you think taking down the pot on the flop is a bad thing. while you have a ton of equity you still have ace-high so he's always going to have outs and you have no idea what they are. If we're going to take the pot down a lot that's an excellent result.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
Hand was played fine. Now call.

Villain is never folding a made hand on the flop so betting accomplishes little.
So he doesn't have draws like 9T, or 9J you extract value from? So a hand like 76 or 75 or 44 calls 3 barrels no problem? So there's no point in denying free equity to hands like KQ, QJ, KJ, JT?

I do want to say that I agree about calling as played. Well, to be precise, based on villain's description and the fact you made your Ax face up, there's a good chance he's bluffing enough to make a call profitable. However, if he showed a bluff the last time around, this time, he maybe exploiting his image to value bet.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by MIB211
I'm not sure why you think taking down the pot on the flop is a bad thing. while you have a ton of equity you still have ace-high so he's always going to have outs and you have no idea what they are. If we're going to take the pot down a lot that's an excellent result.
Yes. On the flop, he's got like a bit more than 50% equity. Taking down the pot on the flop is the variance free way of realizing his equity as opposed to hero calling on the river.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-19-2017 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
ya I would generally bet the flop, and most likely ship it if he raises, but I felt he would of just folded the flop a lot when i bet. And I was pretty sure he would barrell off if I check, it just sucks I got this kind of run out. He wasn't the type of player to just call bets, he would only bet when checked too.
Well this is light-years different than an "aggressive" player ffs, and you certainly don't need a shred of advice if this is his strat.

Rather, I wonder how the pat-on-the-back posters would feel about your line had you come across what would normally be a massive riv ck back range that has AQ beat and just found 2 streets against your stationing. While AQ high is a call given the new info+his sizing, you'd still be far better taking this line with whatever pairs you raise pre ftb so you have a wildly valueable check on all rivers no matter what he does.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual
Yes. On the flop, he's got like a bit more than 50% equity. Taking down the pot on the flop is the variance free way of realizing his equity as opposed to hero calling on the river.
Am I missing something? How does V have a bit more than 50% equity on the flop? And if he did, he is not folding, so you aren't taking down the pot on the flop variance free.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 01:09 AM
I meant that hero has more than 50% of equity.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by djevans
ya I would generally bet the flop, and most likely ship it if he raises, but I felt he would of just folded the flop a lot when i bet. And I was pretty sure he would barrell off if I check, it just sucks I got this kind of run out. He wasn't the type of player to just call bets, he would only bet when checked too.
I see I'm post-results here, but given the bolded, this is actually a great runout for you because virtually all of his air on the flop is still air. If you were good on the flop, you're still good now.

The only way you can fold here is if you believe he gives up with his air often enough to justify a fold.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 01:18 AM

OK. I misread who you meant by "he." But I am still assuming you made the statement knowing V's cards. Hero has ~75% give or take a few percentage points depending on if V's J or 9 is a heart or not.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold

OK. I misread who you meant by "he." But I am still assuming you made the statement knowing V's cards. Hero has ~75% give or take a few percentage points depending on if V's J or 9 is a heart or not.
No, I didn't know villain's cards. Against villains cards, hero has 75% equity indeed. Against his pf calling range, hero is massively favored, far more than 50%. Against the range he continues with, it should be between 50-55%.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by meale
Gobbledy you are limping this?
Because I don't like getting myself into situations where I'm playing 280bb+ pots with what will mostly be Ace high out of position to a difficult player.

AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by jonrubs
id sigh fold river and like your line to be honest. Have massive equity vs any range and hes not the type of person to slow down if a Heart or Q/A comes.
I agree with this. Be patient and wait for a better opportunity. It seems like you'll have another. His range could have paired up somewhere in there, so your bluff-catcher may not beat his random two cards. Wait for a better spot. I like every play you made, though.

Alternatively, check-raising OTF or OTT, perhaps? Depends on your read of V's tendencies. Some of these LAGs shut down when you play back, sometimes they push harder.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
Well this is light-years different than an "aggressive" player ffs, and you certainly don't need a shred of advice if this is his strat.

Rather, I wonder how the pat-on-the-back posters would feel about your line had you come across what would normally be a massive riv ck back range that has AQ beat and just found 2 streets against your stationing. While AQ high is a call given the new info+his sizing, you'd still be far better taking this line with whatever pairs you raise pre ftb so you have a wildly valueable check on all rivers no matter what he does.
betting the flop is fine and so is check raising. And how is it different from an aggressive player. He is being aggressive. like I said I wanted him to barrel away and felt he would if I check called. If my heart ace or queen comes I am pretty sure he would Bet as well and my plan would of worked as well. I just wanted some different view points on this hand
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
like I said I wanted him to barrel away and felt he would if I check called. If my heart ace or queen comes I am pretty sure he would Bet as well and my plan would of worked as well.
How do we feel about our plan if he checks back the river with a better hand that we just stationed with A high for two streets? Or we check/call the huge river bet and he sheepishly turns over a small pair that he figured he needed to bluff (or the nuts that he was simply value betting the whole way, not much difference) and he owns us in a 280bb pot?

I'm not convinced that these are great spots to get ourselves into (regarding preflop and flop decisions), and I think we're being somewhat results oriented in our thinking (although I also certainly understand the strategy of giving an aggro some rope to hang himself with, but I'd rather do it with a better hand). I imagine our feeling on this hand would be quite different if he turns over 43hh and we've just realized we've shipped him 1.4 BIs with the monster known as Ace high.

AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
betting the flop is fine and so is check raising. And how is it different from an aggressive player. He is being aggressive. like I said I wanted him to barrel away and felt he would if I check called. If my heart ace or queen comes I am pretty sure he would Bet as well and my plan would of worked as well. I just wanted some different view points on this hand
I'm usually all for giving aggressive players rope and letting them hang themselves, but I think this is one of the nut hands to c-bet against an aggressive player for a number of reasons:

1. A lot of times we just take down the pot, and that's a good thing with just ace-high. Going to be hard to have the best hand unimproved on the river (results in this hand notwithstanding) and it's going to be hard to know what cards hit him (for instance, if river in this hand is a T rather than a 2, are you paying him off?)
2. Lots of aggressive players also like to raise "obvious" c-bets. Our hand here is strong enough to withstand a raise, and still has good equity against is raising range. So, if he raises us we have the ability to re-raise him (presumably all-in), win his raise when he is bluffing (which will happen a lot if he's aggressive), get called by a worse draw if he's semi-bluffing, and get it in with decent equity if he has a strong hand or decides to be a station. Also is my experience that aggressive players hate calling off their stack, and you'll be surprised how much FE you can have against them if you're the one pushing all in.
3. If he flats, which is the worst result since we're OOP, we still have good equity here.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
01-20-2017 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
How do we feel about our plan if he checks back the river with a better hand that we just stationed with A high for two streets? Or we check/call the huge river bet and he sheepishly turns over a small pair that he figured he needed to bluff (or the nuts that he was simply value betting the whole way, not much difference) and he owns us in a 280bb pot?
I'm not convinced that these are great spots to get ourselves into (regarding preflop and flop decisions), and I think we're being somewhat results oriented in our thinking (although I also certainly understand the strategy of giving an aggro some rope to hang himself with, but I'd rather do it with a better hand). I imagine our feeling on this hand would be quite different if he turns over 43hh and we've just realized we've shipped him 1.4 BIs with the monster known as Ace high.

This. While I don't hate calling the river bet, it's not a slam dunk spot because we're not even ahead of all of his bluffs, and we're certainly not happy we're in this position to make a marginal bluff catch on river even if it's now profitable to call. Hard to imagine that even if he bluffs a lot, that the river bluff catch is higher EV than just winning $50 on the flop with a c-bet.
AhQh vs aggressive player. Quote
