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advice pls advice pls

10-06-2010 , 08:53 AM
hey guys,

my local casino has changed its poker structure lately and its had me wondering whether i need to re consider the way i play due to the change in structure. Before the change i used to play NL 200, with the small bllind and big blind equalling to $5 AUD. The minimum you could buy in to the game was 200 and the max you could buy into the game was 200. There was a time charge of $5 per hour and the rake was capped at $10 or %10 of the pot under the cap.

Recently they changed the structure to a 80-200 NL game. They also made the blinds $1-$2. Now i know the level of play is going to decrease as all the donkeys who used to play the 80 NL will be forced to play this and the 200 NL regs will be forced to play this or be forced to move up in stakes.

My question is, should i change the way i go about the game now because of the change in structure. How do i combat the shortstackers who will buy in for $80 ? I would say i play TAG but i can also change gears into a LAG player, i like to see flops so i dont mind calling a $20 pre flop raise with sum 7-6, T 8 hand combo's, however with the shortstackers now at the table does this mean i have to play tighter and narrow my range?

how would you guys approach the change of game? would you change anything about your own game and try and adapt? or do u just remain the same and not change anything. It sort of annoys me that with every hand i have to think " Is this hand worht $80" because if i call a $20 pre flop raise, then im likley to get shoved by a shortstacker and i HATE FOLDING.

I'd appreciate some advice pls, if your going to bag out or be stupid then dont bother replying. Thanks guys and goodluck at the tables

Last edited by Rapini; 10-06-2010 at 11:11 AM. Reason: Moved from B&M to LLNLHE.
advice pls Quote
10-06-2010 , 09:06 AM
in before the flaming

it will depend on your table. I highly doubt that you'll see a lot of $20 PF raises at this new structure. more likely you'll see raises from 8-12 PF, especially from the people who are now *forced" to play this higher end game. this 1-2 structure is quite common in most casinos nowadays, which is why they probably changed to it. I would suggest staying tight, until you know your new dynamic, ad loosen up as needed.

and games that allow more fish in them are NEVER a bad thing.
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10-06-2010 , 11:00 AM
What Casino are you playing in ?

How can you make any money with a $10.00 rake. On top of that they hit you for $5.00 an hour.
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10-06-2010 , 11:08 AM
How in the hell do you make money in this game? A rake AND a time charge?
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10-06-2010 , 12:32 PM
Pretty sure with this structure the game can not be beat in the long run.
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10-06-2010 , 12:37 PM
This makes me want to drop to my knees and thank Jesus for the structure at my local joint.
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