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Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Aces up OTF 1/2 nl

01-11-2020 , 12:24 AM
Hero: 200, SB,tight image
V: has me covered, cutoff, fairly straightforward LAG. Seen him bluff occasionally but with smaller pots

Preflop: HJ limps, V limps, button limps

I raise to 12 on the SB with AcJc
(Such raises tends to get some folds when there are multiple limpers at this table)
BB folds, limpers call

Flop (50): AKJ rainbow (one club)
I bet 20
Folds to V who raises to 100
Folds back to me

Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
01-11-2020 , 01:21 AM
I think 100bb deep I'm just shoving here. Don't feel great about it but both fold and call seem wrong so I'll go with option 3. There's no shame in reloading. Of course this can be broadway a lot
Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
01-11-2020 , 02:00 AM
I raise a little bigger pf.

I mean with the stack sizes it doesn't matter much so just get it in now.
Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
01-11-2020 , 03:51 AM
I also want to ask, would AJo be raised preflop here? What about ATs? I think my raise should have been slightly higher. Because this table folded a lot to raises pre I made that sizing. Normally I think I'd go 15-17.
Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
01-11-2020 , 04:45 AM
I don't like to play from oop, AJ even AQ are hands I look for reasons to fold pre from the blinds, especially from the sb. Its hard to put him on Q10 because what does he have to fear that he would raise you so much and not get more value from you (plus i think thats a hand most people would raise pre)? He cant have sets there unless he limped call with KK and less likely AA or JJ (since you have blockers to those hands). Maybe he is on a draw, if it were me I would lean towards moving all-in. Either way its a tough decision and the key is to make your decisions as easy as can be. Good luck buddy!
Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
01-11-2020 , 08:34 AM
His main hands are QT and KJ I think plus 1P with gutters. For 100bb I think we can easily rip vs. a LAG. Not happy about his sizing but w/e.
Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
01-11-2020 , 09:15 AM
You bet small to induce. You induced. Now smash it in his face
Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
01-11-2020 , 11:16 AM
I go $25 pre; to answer your question - no, I would not raise AJo here, I would just call.

AP, I like going $30 otf. Gii AP.
Aces up OTF 1/2 nl Quote
