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Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM

12-21-2014 , 04:56 PM
Hero has 1250ish
Villain has me covered

As far as my image goes, I have been tag. Raising several straddled pots and raising ip and getting a bunch of folds. Villain has been splashy preflop in multiway pots and opens a decent amount with a lot of bad hands near the button. One sd in a pot he opened to 15 from the CO he had 6s2s. He is here on vacation and wants action. He has only 3b pre about 3ish times and seems to be a thinking player. We have been playing for about 5 hours and he notices me raising straddles and opening ip a decent amount.

A couple lp limpers, I have Ac5c on the button. I raise to 25. Villain 3b to 80 from the sb. I?

Last edited by 7weeks2days; 12-21-2014 at 05:12 PM.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:03 PM
Fold? Calling sucks because we have reverse implied odds and will miss most of the time. I guess you can 4 bet fold but that needs to work a large % of the time and we aren't even sure if he's capable of 3 bet bluffing.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:07 PM
If this is the first time he has 3 bet you, then fold. With that hand if he does this this enough you could make a case for 4 bet/fold but until you have a history of him 3 betting I would rather fold. Against a generic 3 betting out of the blind range your dominated too often.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:12 PM
You have a hand with good implied odds and deep enough to peel. Call. Would be a boring pahwm anyway if you fold lol.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:13 PM
I think you can probably fold. If yall are both 200bb deep, you could consider a call, but his 3-bet isnt all that small so your odds arent that great. If he is 3-betting alot, you could consider a limp behind
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:22 PM
Ill often limp behind if there's multiple limpers.

As played, whatever. Call/fold are fine.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:28 PM
I'd be folding too like almost always,

I guess calling is fine if I had a personal vendetta with Villain and stacking him would bring me much happiness
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:36 PM
Did BB and the limpers all fold?

Irregardless, as others said, unless he's been uber-aggro and we feel he's 3-betting light, it's a fold. Actually, even if we feel he's 3-betting light, I don't this this is the kind of hand I'd choose to make a stand with.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 06:59 PM
Like others have said if he is 3 betting a tight range JJ+, AK then folding is best.

If he is agro then I like a call with these stacks sizes.

With 100bb a 4 bet is fine as well.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 07:12 PM
Everyone else folded
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 07:46 PM
Fold...theres bettet spots
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 08:22 PM
lol @ ever folding this deep vs such a well defined range. I would rather have a hand that doesn't contain an A or K but oh well. still flatting. What's the flop OP?
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by oh-nahhh
lol @ ever folding this deep vs such a well defined range. I would rather have a hand that doesn't contain an A or K but oh well. still flatting. What's the flop OP?

His range is definitely not well defined
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 10:14 PM
I called. Flop is Jd6c4c. Villain leads for 120
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 10:19 PM
Call. Not sure how much fold equity we have. If he shoves, it puts us in a bad spot. What range of hands do you put him on?
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 10:35 PM
Mostly TT+ ak/aq but maybe some other weaker stuff since he seems to notice my constant opening and may be frustrated. Me raising his straddles or opening pots is preventing him from getting as much action as he likes which led me to add some weak hands to his 3b range. At the same time he hasn't really 3bet a ton so that type of thinking may just be me being optimistic. That was ore flop.

On the flop, when he leads for 120 I think that type of cb from him is JJ-AA. If he had TT,ak/aq, or some other non-over pair he would cb smaller.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 10:40 PM
Also although some people advocate a fold preflop, at what point are we deep/not deep enough to make a call right or wrong?
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 10:48 PM
We are deep versus a splashy villain. Call IP for sure, especially if we are confident a 3b range is JJ+ with AK.

As played, call. FD and BDSD are there, our A could be an out as well. A lot of turns can freeze the villain and give us phantom outs, including any A, K, Q, club, possibly an 8 or 3.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using 2+2 Forums
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 10:59 PM
call see a flop ip, don't like 4 betting if he's 3 betting sparingly.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 11:10 PM
flop- another easy call. no reason to raise as he's never folding worse, at some point we can use the board to start putting pressure on his one pair hands, but not yet.

any 2,3,5,7,8,J, club ott I'd be raising on the small side. Don't mind a call as we can then drop the hammer otr. 9,T,Q,K, I'm calling a turn bet, checking behind if he checks these, and I'm checking back or flatting an A,4,6 as well.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 11:33 PM
4 bet to 220.

It lets your range stay as wide as possible and it really narrows his range. He can't set mine profitably with hands like TT- vs our 4 bet range, as well as folds out many Ax that are destroying us.

He 5bets, this is actually a great AI polarized bluff hand 100bb deep, but it really depends if you think stacking off 200 bb deep is really wise, probably not so it's probably a fold. Also, it depends on if he can fold, if not, it's just burning money to 6bet

As played, 120 into 160 with a FD and a BDSD isn't really great. We're not ahead of really any of his 3! range. it really depends on if he'll stack off if you hit your front door FD. If he will, continue. If you can push him off if something else comes in, it's a call too. If neither of those are true, then it's a fold.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-21-2014 , 11:57 PM
Love the out of the box thinking with the 4-bet. Makes a whole lotta sense imo. However, with no idea of V's 3b range this feels like we are burning chips. If we are opening light we need to be confident of our post flop skills. Otherwise limp behind.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using 2+2 Forums
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-22-2014 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
Love the out of the box thinking with the 4-bet. Makes a whole lotta sense imo. However, with no idea of V's 3b range this feels like we are burning chips. If we are opening light we need to be confident of our post flop skills. Otherwise limp behind.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using 2+2 Forums

We do have an idea of his 3b range and his 2/3 cb range on the flop.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-22-2014 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
4 bet to 220.

It lets your range stay as wide as possible and it really narrows his range. He can't set mine profitably with hands like TT- vs our 4 bet range, as well as folds out many Ax that are destroying us.

He 5bets, this is actually a great AI polarized bluff hand 100bb deep, but it really depends if you think stacking off 200 bb deep is really wise, probably not so it's probably a fold. Also, it depends on if he can fold, if not, it's just burning money to 6bet

As played, 120 into 160 with a FD and a BDSD isn't really great. We're not ahead of really any of his 3! range. it really depends on if he'll stack off if you hit your front door FD. If he will, continue. If you can push him off if something else comes in, it's a call too. If neither of those are true, then it's a fold.
I'm not sure if I agree or am understanding your logic behind 4b to 220 or ai polarized bluffing if we were 100bbs deep. The small 4b I guess could make sense but I don't really like it. Shoving over his 5b pre if we were 100bbs deep seems really bad to me. I might be misunderstanding your post though.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
12-22-2014 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by 7weeks2days
One sd in a pot he opened to 15 from the CO he had 6s2s.
If someone is opening 26s them I'm definitely limping pre-flop. A5s is the perfect hand to have against someone with a worse flush draw.

As far as calling a 55 dollar raise with A5s you really can't do it if your goal is to hit a flush. You're 15-1 against hitting a flush by the river.

If you call this bet on the flop, assuming you've got no more than nine outs, you need to win 627 dollars (120/(9/47)) just to breakeven. The pot will be roughly 400 after you call; so he needs to call 227 just for you to breakeven.

If you do call the flop bet it's because you think one (or both) of the following things are true.
1. He's likely to check the turn.
2. He's likely to put lots of money in the pot after the obvious draw hits, or likely to fold to a bluff.

I think in the long run these spots really aren't very profitable. If you have JJ+ you're happy to be in a pot where someone is calling large bets hoping to hit their draw.

I would not bluff the flop unless
1. you thought a small raise would cause Villain to check the turn
2. you thought it would disguise your hand.

I think both of those things are pretty rare in general.
Ac5c 200+ bbs deep 2/5 PAHWM Quote
