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Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game

01-27-2019 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
That's absurd.
Agree. In typical games I play I raise or fold almost everything I play in the small blind (unless I just absolutely know how BB plays). In this game I would be called way too much by way too many.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by mikko
Good advice for someone with postflop edge.

But reading this post he doesn't have postflop edge at all
And should continue to utilize his preflight edge to best of his abilities.

Your sizing on flop and turn are horrendous. No other way to put it.
Agree 100%. My best poker quality is i can play tighter than 3 coats of paint. These people are horrible but I don't think I'm good enough to know how to play them. It's why I am here....
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Hal N.

I’m changing my answer (back) to this thread and the one like it earlier this week to checking the flop. In fact, I would probably be changing all my posts if I really thought about how I play live. Yep. I would absolutely, positively not play hands the same way I’ve mentioned in these threads. And I’m using this thread to state that...odd right.
Lol.I thought about checking. It was what I call a resignation bet. I thought I'd bet, get jammed on, and call off and lose to QJ.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by CactusJack
I agree completely. However, if I jam flop i guarantee that both flush draws call and both Qs call. I have no idea what the original limper had.
SWEET! The EV of that is through the roof.

Depending on whether the FDs also had backdoor outs, you're somewhere in the neighborhood of 54% OTF. If we really managed to get $1115 more into the pot, we can expect a return of $602. Subtract the $219 that we put in to make that pot and we are receiving an expected profit of $383. How often does a chance like that come up?
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 11:38 AM
I guess somewhere op must have stated the specific hands he was up against, but I’m still confused with this whole thread (apparently I didn’t read it well though).

I’m checking this flop! That’s what I do.

I’m changing my answers!

This is my strat for live low stakes: i’m In your face, then i’m Not in your face, i’m In your face, then i’m Not in your face, i’m In your face, then i’m Not in your face

This is getting absurd! I’m about to have to self ban!

Last edited by Garick; 01-27-2019 at 11:54 AM. Reason: removed reference to completely different thread.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
SWEET! The EV of that is through the roof.

Depending on whether the FDs also had backdoor outs, you're somewhere in the neighborhood of 54% OTF. If we really managed to get $1115 more into the pot, we can expect a return of $602. Subtract the $219 that we put in to make that pot and we are receiving an expected profit of $383. How often does a chance like that come up?
Thank you for stating it this way.

I can absolutely wrap my mind around it. A weakness of mine for sure is I tend to try too hard to avoid swings. I know it has cost me quite a bit over the years.

I know you are right, but it FEELS gross to me.

In before "poker is not your game, Jack"
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Hal N.
I guess somewhere op must have stated the specific hands he was up against, but I’m still confused with this whole thread (apparently I didn’t read it well though).

I’m checking this flop! That’s what I do.

And you guys know what, I’m c betting way larger than you guys on that 8 high flop in which op had 10 8 off vs 2 v’s!

I’m changing my answers!
Lol, I'm horrible at posting. I'm a 45 year old chicken farmer.

AQ, QT, and 2 flush draws to river. Both Qs checked their boats on river.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 11:55 AM
Hal, calm down. The goal of this forum is to get better and to post what one should do, not a poll to figure out what you would actually do in the moment.

Jack, embrace the variance or don't play that game. It will be a high variance game.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Hal, calm down. The goal of this forum is to get better and to post what one should do, not a poll to figure out what you would actually do in the moment.

Jack, embrace the variance or don't play that game. It will be a high variance game.
You’re right, I know, my bad.

I just don’t know if what’s being generally proposed is right, considering meta game.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Hal N.
This is my strat for live low stakes: i’m In your face, then i’m Not in your face, i’m In your face, then i’m Not in your face, i’m In your face, then i’m Not in your face

This is getting absurd! I’m about to have to self ban!
This needs to be a sticky.

And surprisingly mostly true.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-27-2019 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by CactusJack
In typical games I play I raise or fold almost everything I play in the small blind (unless I just absolutely know how BB plays).
That's also absurd, but perhaps it's an indication that you are just playing too tight. However, if you have a hand like a small pocket pair in the SB you should never be raising or folding.

Originally Posted by CactusJack
Agree 100%. My best poker quality is i can play tighter than 3 coats of paint. These people are horrible but I don't think I'm good enough to know how to play them. It's why I am here....
Maybe they aren't as terrible as you think they are. The hands I told you to play, suited aces and pocket pairs, are pretty much the easiest hands to play in limped pots, even out of position. If players are playing virtually any 2 cards then you would still be playing much tighter than them. However, if you don't feel you have much of a postflop edge you should still be playing a wider range of hands in late position (if everyone is just limping around).
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-28-2019 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by CactusJack
Also, 2 people at the table had me covered and just weren't in the hand. A big stack also just left when the second table started and we were 8 handed.
Where is this game??
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-28-2019 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by CactusJack
I agree completely. However, if I jam flop i guarantee that both flush draws call and both Qs call. I have no idea what the original limper had.
So if you could see everyone's cards and know they would call as you say and you had better than a 50% chance to win a 5 way all in (quadruple up plus some?) you wouldn't want to take that shot? That sounds like printing money to me. The Qs are blocking each other and flush draws are blocking each other. You basically have to fade 11 outs twice. And after the turn it's only 8 outs once.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
01-29-2019 , 01:39 PM
6ways to a 7x open? Yawn, standard in most 1/3 NL games I've played. I'd mostly limp here and hope for a raise, even at tables that are mostly playing passively. If I am raising (which I almost never am at loose tables like this) I make it $40+. My last session out, I saw it limped to the Button 6ways, who then made it $75 (that's TWENTYFIVEx!!!!); he saw a flop 3ways, yawn. We either want a very high SPR where we simply play postflop poker (i.e. limping around eleventeen ways ain't great, but it's perfectly fine) or a very low SPR *having gotten in enough of our stack where we haven't offered the world good IO and can comfortably stack off postflop*. Our result is completely expected, and it sucks, imo.

Flop is why preflop sucks so bad. The SPR is lol <= 2 and yet we offered everyone pretty decent IO of 20+. But now we're between a rock and hard place of two major mistakes we can make, the two biggest in NL poker, which are (a) folding the best hand in a huge pot (and to some extent not correctly protecting our hand in a huge pot) versus (b) calling off all our chips with the worse hand. Making these mistakes will render pretty much everything else we do in poker meaningless. So what to do now? I think you could argue for a shove (which could end up being a huge mistake if you run into a bigger hand). You could also check/evaluate (which could also be a huge mistake by not protecting the best hand), or any other bet size (again with all huge mistakes looming). There'll be lots of people who will argue that you simply get better at postflop play to the point where you're making the obvious correct move here, but I highly doubt it's that simple (they'll use words like "range' and "EV", but I'll let you figure out how accurately they are calculating that information in real time at the table eleventeen ways / different stack sizes / no calculator). Preflop is the only thing that mattered in this hand, and postflop is a complete guessing game.

Anyhoo, I've lost track of the pot by the turn but can't imagine we have anything more than just a small percentage left, so trivial ship at this point.

ETA: A lot of this really depends on how good/bad your opponents are. So yeah, if you're opponents are going to call off all their remaining chips with any piece when the nit shoves 2.5x on the flop, ok, fine. But if they're just slightly more sophisticated than that, it's not always going to work out as hugely +++EV as people are making it out to be (people are allowed to be crushing us with QJ and 55 here, as well as be flipping with us with flush draws + straight draw). I feel that raising preflop in EP/MP is so bad in these types of games, but others obviously disagree. My method is slowly moving towards a 0% raising range from any position, which is admittedly likely overkill, but don't let anyone tell you that it isn't profitable (whether there are more profitable methods is the question, and it isn't debated enough, imo).


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 01-29-2019 at 01:49 PM.
Absurd Hand in an Absurd Game Quote
