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AA facing two all-ins. AA facing two all-ins.

01-13-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Conzy91
A player betting big into 3 players with A7o on AKQxx isn't bluffing, therefore he is valuebetting which means he presumes A7o on that board to be good. Therefore we can safely state that he will most likely presume AQ, KQ etc to be good also. There are a lot more combos here that should fit that we're ahead of than combo's we're behind. Therefore we call and hope to not hit the top of his range (which, based on the reads we were given, should be 3 combos of 22, if he's limp-calling QQ then we're being fed faulty intel on him being a LAG.) Was that going to fast for you or would you like me to elaborate further?
Wow, you totally missed what I just said. Value betting thin and calling thin are two different things.

You're acting all high and mighty so just forget it...
AA facing two all-ins. Quote
01-13-2012 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dragon Ash
I actually tend to agree - people at LL loooove to slow-play sets. Which is why a check-raise would be the 'typical' play here. But since my read on him was tight-passive, I simply did not expect him to shove with anything less than a set.

And limping QQ or 99 is sooo standard at the LL I play at. Particularly when you get a 'birds on a wire' chain reaction of the entire table limping in.

So my thinking was that V1 probably had at least a set, and V2 was calling on a pair and/or various flush/straight draws since he'd have so much equity. Two-pair is possible - Q9, for example, but seems a bit less likely given the flush draw out there.

I'm still a 3-1 dog to a made 2-pair hand. Reasonable favorite to any flush draw. Obviously big underdog to any made set. Big big underdog to flush draw vs made 2-pair (15%), and massive massive underdog to flush draw vs made set (less than 4%) since I only have 1 out. Against a flush draw and an ATC random hand AA is about 50% on this board. So at best we're a coin flip.

I don't think either villain is playing ATC here; they both have something. So I folded, and felt pretty good about it even before the hand was over.

Turns out, of course, it was V1 that had the nut flush draw with A7s (so maybe my read as 'tight passive' wasn't quite accurate), while V2 had QQ for the set. Flush didn't hit, so the set of queens carried the pot.
If you define three ranges:
1) AdAh
2) QQ,99,22,Q9s
3) 66+,A2s+,K6s+,Q8s+,J8s+,T8s+,A7o+,K9o+,QTo+,JTo (random top 25% hand).

#1 has 10% equity
#2 has 77% equity
#3 has 13% equity.

Our aces without the ace of clubs doesn't look very good.
AA facing two all-ins. Quote
01-14-2012 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by TAOxEaglex
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

282,639 games 0.024 secs 11,776,625 games/sec

Board: Qc 2c 9d

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 36.454% 36.45% 00.00% 103032 0.00 { AdAh }
Hand 1: 34.675% 34.67% 00.00% 97992 13.00 { AcJc, AcTc, Ac9c, Ac8c, Ac7c, Ac6c, Ac5c, Ac4c, Ac3c, Ac2c }
Hand 2: 28.871% 28.87% 00.00% 81589 13.00 { QQ+, 99, 22, AQs, KQs, QJs, Q9s, AQo, KQo }

This should be a snap call, unless my range is off.
Originally Posted by bandit8402
Wow, you totally missed what I just said. Value betting thin and calling thin are two different things.

You're acting all high and mighty so just forget it...
So you're saying the above ranges are unlikely? Hand 2 is being very generous to villian IMO with the reads we were given. I'm not arguing that shoving and calling ranges are different but if you're putting bad LAG villians at $1-$1 on purely sets and 2 pair in this spot then it sounds like you're playing scared money. Do you think he's shipping AQ, KQ or QJs in this spot? Of course he is, and those three hands we beat alone tip the odds into +EV, even if we tighten the rest of his range to hands we're way behind.
AA facing two all-ins. Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by au4all
If you define three ranges:
1) AdAh
2) QQ,99,22,Q9s
3) 66+,A2s+,K6s+,Q8s+,J8s+,T8s+,A7o+,K9o+,QTo+,JTo (random top 25% hand).

#1 has 10% equity
#2 has 77% equity
#3 has 13% equity.

Our aces without the ace of clubs doesn't look very good.
Of course it doesn't look good when you input that #2 only has monster hands that crush us

And when you input that #3 has random hands that don't have anything to do with the flop
AA facing two all-ins. Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by au4all
If you define three ranges:
1) AdAh
2) QQ,99,22,Q9s
3) 66+,A2s+,K6s+,Q8s+,J8s+,T8s+,A7o+,K9o+,QTo+,JTo (random top 25% hand).

#1 has 10% equity
#2 has 77% equity
#3 has 13% equity.

Our aces without the ace of clubs doesn't look very good.
worst. ranges. ever.
AA facing two all-ins. Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by TAOxEaglex
You need to be good about 25% of the time, I think. Here is conservative range where one guy is only going for the NFD and the other guy only has the hands that beat you or TPTK/TPGK.

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

282,639 games 0.024 secs 11,776,625 games/sec

Board: Qc 2c 9d

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 36.454% 36.45% 00.00% 103032 0.00 { AdAh }
Hand 1: 34.675% 34.67% 00.00% 97992 13.00 { AcJc, AcTc, Ac9c, Ac8c, Ac7c, Ac6c, Ac5c, Ac4c, Ac3c, Ac2c }
Hand 2: 28.871% 28.87% 00.00% 81589 13.00 { QQ+, 99, 22, AQs, KQs, QJs, Q9s, AQo, KQo }

This should be a snap call, unless my range is off.
yeah these appear to be acceptable ranges, gotta call here.
AA facing two all-ins. Quote
01-14-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I raise a lot more preflop. IMO, our goal here should be to get this HU where we can easily get chips in by the turn. Raising to ~$20 and getting a single caller leaves us in much better position than raising to $12 and getting 3 callers, and yet in both cases creates the same ~$48 pot size.

As played, I think I call as board is drawy (flush draw, OESD for JT) and contains a Q that anyone can think is good. If this were a HU case with an SPR of 2, calling would be super trivial here; so let's get it HU next time with a bigger raise.

you do realize this is 1/1 right?

Raise 20BB PF? lol
AA facing two all-ins. Quote
