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AA facing turn aggression 3/5 AA facing turn aggression 3/5

01-24-2017 , 11:40 AM
Hero: Early 20s white guy. Reg at casino. Have played many hours with villain. Played all Friday night @ 5/T with villain. This hand was on Saturday @ 3/5. TAG image. Have ran over villain 1 for months. Always go for fat value and he just calls down.

Villian: middle aged European (from Poland?) known as biggest station in the room. Just doesn't fold any equity what so ever. Massive swings but somehow always seems to have a lot of chips. He is the king of calling with ace high, bottom pair, rivering bottom set. A true calling station. When he shows aggression he almost always has 2 pair+.

Other villain: less relevant to the hand but is a millionaire who's won the Washington state lotto twice and is always good to dump 1k min every weekend.

Hero: $800
Villain: $2k
Villain 2: $600

Hero has AA UTG +1 opens to 25
Villain 2 calls
Villain 1 calls on BTN.
Blinds fold

Pot: 83

Flop: J86r

We bet 60. Call, call.

Pot: 263

Turn 5c (brings in club draw)

We bet 145 and villain 2 folds a jack face up (lol)

Villain 1 Rasies to 340

Hero?? About 525 behind

Last edited by kidgambol; 01-24-2017 at 11:51 AM.
AA facing turn aggression 3/5 Quote
01-24-2017 , 11:44 AM
Read your description.

You answered your own hand.
AA facing turn aggression 3/5 Quote
01-24-2017 , 11:49 AM
"When he shows aggression he almost always has 2 pair+." Fold.
AA facing turn aggression 3/5 Quote
01-24-2017 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by kidgambol
When he shows aggression he almost always has 2 pair+.
/ thread (and hand)
AA facing turn aggression 3/5 Quote
01-24-2017 , 11:52 AM
Ok fair enough. I folded without much thought.
AA facing turn aggression 3/5 Quote
01-24-2017 , 11:57 AM
The only question is whether or not your read is correct. I would say even without a read, in general, you are beat here. Hardly anyone raises AJ here. They just call down.

About the only way you are ahead is if the guy is known to flat call preflop with KK but that's pretty rare.
AA facing turn aggression 3/5 Quote
