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AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in

08-24-2011 , 11:25 AM
You just have aces in the hole and nothing more, c/c to river fold if villian shoves.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-24-2011 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Ahab
You just have aces in the hole and nothing more, c/c to river fold if villian shoves.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 11:21 AM
Okay where I play is a $200 max buy in. With $1500 what should be my bi lvl? and when should I move up to $200 buy in?
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 03:40 PM
You should probably keep studying/learning/reading before you go and blow your whole roll. (Unless you could care less about the $1500).
Cause honestly this hand was really ridiculously bad.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by LolPony
You should probably keep studying/learning/reading before you go and blow your whole roll. (Unless you could care less about the $1500).
Cause honestly this hand was really ridiculously bad.
I understand that Pony, however, I have been playing poker for some years now and do have some skill believe it or not. I turned $50 on Stars into $1400 grinding Micro MTTs within a period of 3 months. I totally agree with what you are saying though. My plan is to continue playing strictly ring games 6max online with the $200 that I have on merge now until I can grind out a big enough roll to play live.
Also, I plan to seriously study ring games by analyzing HH using universal hand replayer and poker tracker ( if I decide to buy it ) and to keep posting hands in this forum that I feel I need help with. I know that in order to safely use BR management one would want atleast 20 bis, however, I prefer 25. 150 x 5 = 3750 that is how much I would be able to feel safely playing with a BR at the casino, but I feel this would take a long time to do and with poker online being so screwed up right now I fear that I could possibly lose the money if feds crack down on merge.
Initially I put $20 on merge just to check it out. I won a dollar dazzler for like $87 almost instantly and went deep in a few others to turn my br into slightly above $300. I started playing stupidly by buying into like $10 bounty tourneys hoping that I could busto a few players to make money back and possibly run deep for a huge score. I did this because there just isn't enough micro tourneys to play on merge like there is on Stars. Although, I must admit that my ring game skills are poor. In an tourney environment players fight however they can to chip up to take a stab at winning a tourney so people make moves like this all the time, and it can be profitable getting them in under circumstances like this.
You see where I am coming from? I am just not a cash game player bro, I love the thrill of running as deep as I can in a MTT and taking it down. Doubling up on a cash table doesn't even come close to running deep through a touney to me. I guess I play poker a lot for the thrill and love for the game. Now that I cannot play large MTTS anymore I want to use this opportunity to sharpen up on my ring game skills.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by ROBSCOTT5385
I understand that Pony, however, I have been playing poker for some years now and do have some skill believe it or not. I turned $50 on Stars into $1400 grinding Micro MTTs within a period of 3 months. I totally agree with what you are saying though. My plan is to continue playing strictly ring games 6max online with the $200 that I have on merge now until I can grind out a big enough roll to play live.
Also, I plan to seriously study ring games by analyzing HH using universal hand replayer and poker tracker ( if I decide to buy it ) and to keep posting hands in this forum that I feel I need help with. I know that in order to safely use BR management one would want atleast 20 bis, however, I prefer 25. 150 x 5 = 3750 that is how much I would be able to feel safely playing with a BR at the casino, but I feel this would take a long time to do and with poker online being so screwed up right now I fear that I could possibly lose the money if feds crack down on merge.
Initially I put $20 on merge just to check it out. I won a dollar dazzler for like $87 almost instantly and went deep in a few others to turn my br into slightly above $300. I started playing stupidly by buying into like $10 bounty tourneys hoping that I could busto a few players to make money back and possibly run deep for a huge score. I did this because there just isn't enough micro tourneys to play on merge like there is on Stars. Although, I must admit that my ring game skills are poor. In an tourney environment players fight however they can to chip up to take a stab at winning a tourney so people make moves like this all the time, and it can be profitable getting them in under circumstances like this.
You see where I am coming from? I am just not a cash game player bro, I love the thrill of running as deep as I can in a MTT and taking it down. Doubling up on a cash table doesn't even come close to running deep through a touney to me. I guess I play poker a lot for the thrill and love for the game. Now that I cannot play large MTTS anymore I want to use this opportunity to sharpen up on my ring game skills.
Well at least you have some what of a plan! haha.
Playing live doesn't require the same BR management as online games IMO because they are so much softer. That being said, you still have to be a solid fundamental winning player in order to beat 1/2 live nl.
As for the MTT thing (I played mtt's before cash) Your run could just be a rungood. (not saying you aren't good) but for MTT's you need a pretty ridiculous amount of games to determine whether or not you're an actual winner.

As of right now I would suggest just playing something like 5-10nl ring games just so you can get a bunch of hands in = more experience, better hand reading, and being more comfortable in different spots.

P.S. saying you like the "thrill" of going deep in an MTT makes it sound like you're a degen haha. It's okay to be happy about a big score, just don't let it effect your BRM.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by LolPony
Well at least you have some what of a plan! haha.
Playing live doesn't require the same BR management as online games IMO because they are so much softer. That being said, you still have to be a solid fundamental winning player in order to beat 1/2 live nl.
As for the MTT thing (I played mtt's before cash) Your run could just be a rungood. (not saying you aren't good) but for MTT's you need a pretty ridiculous amount of games to determine whether or not you're an actual winner.

As of right now I would suggest just playing something like 5-10nl ring games just so you can get a bunch of hands in = more experience, better hand reading, and being more comfortable in different spots.

P.S. saying you like the "thrill" of going deep in an MTT makes it sound like you're a degen haha. It's okay to be happy about a big score, just don't let it effect your BRM.

Lol yea I know ... I would definitely stick to solid br management like I did on stars but like I said there is just not enough tourneys to play on merge for my br. Also, I only put $20 on the site to mess around, but after I got a solid starting BR going I figured I am going to give it an honest shot.

Pony ... do you think I should play 6max online or should I play 9 max so that I will be used to it when I play live? I just like 6max because there is a lot of action, and I noticed that when I play 2-3 tables I have actually been doing a lot better than when I try to play 6-8. Small sample, but still just seems that I can concentrate more and actually plan what I am doing throughout a hand.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by LolPony
Please for the love of god do not take your student loans and go play poker.
Especially if you play as poorly as you did in this hand. (No offense.)
This is just a recipe for disaster. Learn to play, and if that means waiting to use a disposable income, then so be it.
You see, this is why DOJ needs to protect America and shut down online poker.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:25 PM
7 buyins should be enough.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by benbrochill
You see, this is why DOJ needs to protect America and shut down online poker.
Absolutely not. You'd rather degens lose their cash to casinos? It's going one way or another

P.S. Not implying OP is degen I play poker not only for profit, but because the game and the learning process is enjoyable.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:55 PM
I was looking forward to this thread from the title, and it did not dissapoing. Call or Fold Turn. Dont raise. As played, Dont shove or call turn 3bet, you are always drawing dead now.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by livegrinder
7 buyins should be enough.
Thank you, I will build my br to $1050 and give the casino an honest shot. However, should I play 6max online or 9max? Or does it really matter?
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Redsaddict
I was looking forward to this thread from the title, and it did not dissapoing. Call or Fold Turn. Dont raise. As played, Dont shove or call turn 3bet, you are always drawing dead now.
Yea that is pretty much what everybody has been telling me lol. This is why I started this thread ( my first thread ) to begin to get critisizem good and bad lol. Not going to hurt my feelings, all I can do is learn haha!
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by m2p
Absolutely not. You'd rather degens lose their cash to casinos? It's going one way or another

P.S. Not implying OP is degen I play poker not only for profit, but because the game and the learning process is enjoyable.
I feel the same way bro, it's only fun to me. I used to be hardcore into drugs in the past and actually done a lot of time but made A LOT of money ... won't give numbers but a lot. So losing $150 is not that bad of a thing to me. I have blown thousands in one night partying before so not a big thing. My family, kids, and poker keep me straight now, but I am the kind of guy that has to do somehting can't just be a family guy you know lol.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 06:42 PM
I love when some guy goes "Just ten/*insert raise amount*" aka I am set mining. Sorry you were on the losing end on that, but usually in these spots the premium hands are going broke.. good for taking down small pots, always getting it in somehow behind in big pots. Without the Ad I play much more cautiously and also, when he makes it 120 rather than just jamming it on the turn I don't put him on a flush draw or straight draw anymore, because he loses any fold equity when trying to push a hand out that might beat him already. Its more or less that he is ready to get it all-in and you are in trouble rather than I am on a draw, ya dig? But then again much mroe experienced players on this site than me, but thats just my opinion. Just a bad flop for ya.

Also, on such a scary board play for pot control rather then your stack, there are alot of hands that can beat ya after he check calls the flop and the turn peels off.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-25-2011 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by CbuT12
I love when some guy goes "Just ten/*insert raise amount*" aka I am set mining. Sorry you were on the losing end on that, but usually in these spots the premium hands are going broke.. good for taking down small pots, always getting it in somehow behind in big pots. Without the Ad I play much more cautiously and also, when he makes it 120 rather than just jamming it on the turn I don't put him on a flush draw or straight draw anymore, because he loses any fold equity when trying to push a hand out that might beat him already. Its more or less that he is ready to get it all-in and you are in trouble rather than I am on a draw, ya dig? But then again much mroe experienced players on this site than me, but thats just my opinion. Just a bad flop for ya.

Also, on such a scary board play for pot control rather then your stack, there are alot of hands that can beat ya after he check calls the flop and the turn peels off.
Great advice Cbut12 thanks a ton man! You guys have helped me make peace with the fact of this happening, and now I can develop a better plan in a situation like this. I appreciate all the comments from everyone in this thread, the good, and the bad. It has all been helpful! Hope to hear more from you guys in the near future! =)
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by ROBSCOTT5385
Great advice Cbut12 thanks a ton man! You guys have helped me make peace with the fact of this happening, and now I can develop a better plan in a situation like this. I appreciate all the comments from everyone in this thread, the good, and the bad. It has all been helpful! Hope to hear more from you guys in the near future! =)
I would probably try playing 6max. Although you'll be involved in a lot more hands at 6max than you will be playing 9 handed at a casino, it improves your hand reading. Hand reading is definitely one of the most important aspects of llsnl imo.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 05:19 AM
Turn is spew w/ or w/o the A IMO
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by canoodles
Turn is spew w/ or w/o the A IMO
Yea man everybody kept saying if you had the A But I don't really see how it changes much in this spot.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by LolPony
I would probably try playing 6max. Although you'll be involved in a lot more hands at 6max than you will be playing 9 handed at a casino, it improves your hand reading. Hand reading is definitely one of the most important aspects of llsnl imo.
Okay, Thanks Pony that is what I have been playing anyway.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by ROBSCOTT5385
Yea man everybody kept saying if you had the A But I don't really see how it changes much in this spot.
we have 9 outs with the Ad
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by livegrinder
we have 9 outs with the Ad
Bah typo in post bro I am probably going to look even more horrible now. There were only two diamonds on deck I can't really remember which cards were diamonds but I know the T was a diamond. Ummmm I should prolly take something to jot hands down with me next time and bet sizes.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:15 PM
If we're continuing OTT with AA or AA, it's flat to the lead in both cases IMO. I think the main difference between having the A is that we can call the turn more comfortably, where one can make an argument for folding black aces OTT. Getting either of them in OTT seems super thin to me and pretty spewy. Arguably, it might be equally as spewy with the A because we can now take out all pair+NFD from villain's range although we add some outs to our own hand.

Assuming we are against a range of made flush, set, two-pair, pair+draw, and a combo draw or two, it makes no sense to raise against any of these hands with either red aces or black aces. The ones that beat us are never folding (and likely the ones we don't beat aren't either) and we're going to be putting a lot of money in drawing thin if we raise; and, when we are good, villain will be drawing super thin if we have red aces, and with black aces we aren't good enough to raise because we aren't doing well enough against his entire range.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by canoodles
If we're continuing OTT with AA or AA, it's flat to the lead in both cases IMO. I think the main difference between having the A is that we can call the turn more comfortably, where one can make an argument for folding black aces OTT. Getting either of them in OTT seems super thin to me and pretty spewy. Arguably, it might be equally as spewy with the A because we can now take out all pair+NFD from villain's range although we add some outs to our own hand.

Assuming we are against a range of made flush, set, two-pair, pair+draw, and a combo draw or two, it makes no sense to raise against any of these hands with either red aces or black aces. The ones that beat us are never folding (and likely the ones we don't beat aren't either) and we're going to be putting a lot of money in drawing thin if we raise; and, when we are good, villain will be drawing super thin if we have red aces, and with black aces we aren't good enough to raise because we aren't doing well enough against his entire range.
Great stuff man! I like it! One question ,,, what is +NFD and OTT?
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
08-26-2011 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by ROBSCOTT5385
Yea that is pretty much what everybody has been telling me lol. This is why I started this thread ( my first thread ) to begin to get critisizem good and bad lol. Not going to hurt my feelings, all I can do is learn haha!
A Very Good Attitude. A lot of people come in here and post "absurdish"(not trying to be mean- for a lack of a better word) threads and really dont want to hear what their going to hear. So they argue every piece of advice given and are just generally argumentative for no reason. These are the people that will always be profitable to play against, the self exclaimed poker pros if you will.

People like you are going to get better and better. And you will never get yourself in a situation like the one you posted in the thread. Because, rationally, it makes no sense, what you did, and you will learn this with experience.
AA board 4c 7d Jd Td 4bet all in Quote
