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A2s bb vs strdl A2s bb vs strdl

08-03-2024 , 03:00 AM
1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - loose passive that runs like a god. HH: V opens MP with Q9ss, I raise btn with KQo, he calls 3-bet pot IP, flop Qc 9d 7d SPR 1 he x I jam he calls and wins.

V straddles UTG 6, folds to H in BB who goes 25 with A 2, V calls HU OOP. H is eff stack with just over 400$.

Flop 50 - K 6 4

H bets 30, V calls

Turn 110 - 6

H bets 125, V calls

River 360 - A

H jams 235 total... thoughts?
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-03-2024 , 05:47 AM
Overbet on the turn isn't really a thing, especially with this hand. He has way more 6x than you do. I don't see him folding Kx either (so turn overbet with value only would be a good exploit). The turn bet also folds all the worse draws out and you would like to keep his flush draws in so you can stack him.

On the river you made his range really strong and now he's going to have a hard time calling Kx. It's really a coin-flip b/c this is a spot where people would fold to a tight player and call down an aggressive player. So with an aggressive image and a sticky opponent, I would go for it as you did.
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-03-2024 , 03:14 PM
You're bloating pots with marginal hands, and over-playing marginal value.

Hand 1 (KQo), just flat call pre, and c-bet small on flop. Fold if he check-raises. Especially if we have a diamond in our hand, it's a good spot to check back.

Hand 2 (A2s), again, just flat call pre. Our hand plays fine as a flat call. Check call,.or even better, check raise flop from OOP.

Not sure why we'd jam river. What worse is calling? Are we doing this with QJdd? Our hand plays well as a bluff catcher. Hope he bluffs at it with his worse flush draws, or thinks his K is good and bets thin for value. Pray he doesn't have 6x.

If you want to raise pre and c-bet flop, I'd go smaller, like 1/2 pot or less. Turn, I'd check, and hope to get a free card.

Just from these two hand histories, I would suspect your table image isn't great, and your bets aren't getting any respect. I'd just slow down and let the game come to you more, especially when OOP. It's okay to keep the pots smaller and chip up with some marginal hands.
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-03-2024 , 04:35 PM
Pre fine.

More on flop, prob pot or overbet, to put pressure on bottom pairs and better ace highs while still getting action from dominated draws.

Turn relatively simple c/c, you essentially have a bluff catcher with extra equity. Overbet is prob the worst line behind open folding. I'm really curious behind the logic here, a 6 isn't folding, a K isn't folding...are you really that excited to get 89dd to fold?

River is whatever. If he's calling all of his kings it's prob fine, if he isn't it's a massive punt because he's got a ton of 6's here. I'm prob c/f here, and kicking myself for overbetting turn.
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-03-2024 , 10:41 PM
So for context this guy is pretty sticky post. He's opened 69hh from the LJ and called a 3-bet OOP, postflop here his range is like:

after flop call - Any KX as wide as K7s K9o, 6X, 4X, 99-77, 55,33,22, all diamond draws, 57s, 53s, some A-high like AJo/ATo/A9

after turn call - Any KX as wide as K7s, KTo, 6X (I think the turn overbet folds out a ton of hands that are ahead of me like PPs, better A-high, and yes unfortunately some diamond draws)

once I hit the A OTR I'm ahead of 2/3rds of that range - the KX not the 6X and I have less than a I only need 30% equity or so if he calls with all his KX. Maybe river is a x/call? or a x/fold.
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-06-2024 , 12:18 PM
Think I would either just complete or do a minnish raise preflop (to get us initiative, although we can also just donk limped pots too). I'm just not a fan of overbloating pots OOP with marginal hands.

Think I probably cbet smaller.

By the turn I'm just never attempting to get a loose player to fold. I'd just check/call a reasonable bet.

Against a passive player who isn't going to bluff missed draws, I think I can get behind the river shove at this point due to lol stacks remaining.

A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-06-2024 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Stupidbanana
So for context this guy is pretty sticky post. He's opened 69hh from the LJ and called a 3-bet OOP, postflop here his range is like:

after flop call - Any KX as wide as K7s K9o, 6X, 4X, 99-77, 55,33,22, all diamond draws, 57s, 53s, some A-high like AJo/ATo/A9

after turn call - Any KX as wide as K7s, KTo, 6X (I think the turn overbet folds out a ton of hands that are ahead of me like PPs, better A-high, and yes unfortunately some diamond draws)

once I hit the A OTR I'm ahead of 2/3rds of that range - the KX not the 6X and I have less than a I only need 30% equity or so if he calls with all his KX. Maybe river is a x/call? or a x/fold.
Your bet sizing is making it easy for him to play perfectly. Switch your positions, so you're IP - would you c-bet the flop, and if so, for how much? $30 into $50? Are you also then going to over-bet the turn when the middle card on board pairs, with your NFD, no pair, on a somewhat static board. Are you going to raise top pair if your opponent in the BB donks 60% pot into you, and over-bets the turn when the board pairs 6's?

Say instead of c-betting 60% pot from OOP, we just check, or c-bet small, like $15. V is going to feel compelled to bet or raise with his strong hands, and check back or call with his weak hands. If we check, and he bets, there's a good chance he'll telegraph the strength of his hand with his bet sizing.

So we c-bet small or check flop, and now we get to the turn. What are the strongest hands we'll have here, after raising pre, and checking or c-betting small on the flop? We could have 66, KK, 44, and some 6x maybe, but when V calls in the straddle, he's going to have a pretty wide range that includes a lot of KX, some 6x, and some worse draws.

Based on what V did on the flop, we'll have more info to work with, to inform our decision regarding our action here. But I'd think the 6 is probably a better card for his range than ours, so we should mostly be checking, or barreling small if we c-bet the flop, not over-betting.

The way you've played this, it looks like you had the NFD that made top pair on the river, or you're filled up, or you're triple barreling with air. Yes, you're ahead of all his KX combos, which might be 2/3 of his range, but are any of those combos calling you down here, and if so, how many, and how often?

If he's reasonably sensible, he might put you on the NFD and fold all his KX when you jam, not believing you'd take this line with all your missed draws. Most players wouldn't, because it sure looks like he's got a strong hand, when he called your big bets on flop and turn. I'm never paying you off with worse than A2 here.

I'm not even sure how much KX this guy has in his range by the river. At some point he's got to consider you could have better KX, or AA, and all his weak KX combos are toast. If we've seen this guy open 96, can we be sure he doesn't have 6X here, or 44, or more 2P+ than just KX?

I would be concerned that the 2/3 of his range we beat is also the 2/3 that's folding to our jam, and we're only getting called by the 1/3 that will be chuckling as the chips are getting pushed towards him.
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-09-2024 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Stupidbanana

after turn call - Any KX as wide as K7s, KTo, 6X (I think the turn overbet folds out a ton of hands that are ahead of me like PPs, better A-high, and yes unfortunately some diamond draws)
it sounds like the overbet is to fold out hands that beat you, but this is not the hand with which to do that.

feel like I have seen overbets on paired turn cards in theory, but it was on a KT4 T board

no need to raise pre here being OOP
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-10-2024 , 01:07 PM
He calls river with 6 7
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-12-2024 , 07:54 PM
PF and flop is whatever. I don’t hate it.

V - loose passive that runs like a god
From this description I wonder if he has you on tilt when you’re playing against him. Maybe not, but I just wonder.

after flop call - Any KX as wide as K7s K9o, 6X, 4X, 99-77, 55,33,22, all diamond draws, 57s, 53s, some A-high like AJo/ATo/A9
I think if you check the turn a lot of that range will just be checked back from a passive player.

Then if you hit the ace you can make a value bet on the river that will be much more likely to be called by kings than the 235 you bet. If you make a flush you have a chance to stack him if he makes a flush or has a 6.

If you do bet turn I think a much smaller bet like 60 would likely fold out pocket pairs and ace highs, and keep in the flush draws. If you get raised at least you put less money in the pot before villain let you know you’re way behind. But I still prefer checking; you can take advantage of his passive play this way.

once I hit the A OTR I'm ahead of 2/3rds of that range - the KX not the 6X and I have less than a I only need 30% equity or so if he calls with all his KX. Maybe river is a x/call? or a x/fold.
It’s less than a PSB but it is still much larger than any other bet you made, and is this villain even going to bother with trying to know how much is in the pot? To a passive player 235 is going to seem like a very big bet.
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
08-13-2024 , 03:46 PM
what purpose does the turn bet serve?

river bet never gets called by worse even vs a station. either block bet small or check. given you block diamonds if you check the river you should fold to any substantial bet.
A2s bb vs strdl Quote
