1/2 at an Atlantic City Casino this weekend
Hero is seen as LAG, winner in the game, playing & raising almost any 2, successfully running over the table
V1 is quiet, prob a winner in the game but waaaay to nitty to really come up ahead. i do NOT think suited weak Kings are in his range, though 89ss or 910ss probably are?!
V2 is a loudmouth, playing any 2 and spewing $
Hero is BB, V1 is SB, V2 is MP
Effective stacks around $350...
V1 raises to $10
V2 calls
some more callers
Hero calls in BB with 6

Flop: A



V2 bets $20
a few folds
Hero calls $20 trying to trap and pot-control
V1 raises to $75
V2 raises all-in
V1 looks reasonably happy about the shove