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66 flops middle set and is getting more action that Hero likes - now what? 66 flops middle set and is getting more action that Hero likes - now what?

09-06-2011 , 04:37 PM
1/2 at an Atlantic City Casino this weekend

Hero is seen as LAG, winner in the game, playing & raising almost any 2, successfully running over the table

V1 is quiet, prob a winner in the game but waaaay to nitty to really come up ahead. i do NOT think suited weak Kings are in his range, though 89ss or 910ss probably are?!

V2 is a loudmouth, playing any 2 and spewing $

Hero is BB, V1 is SB, V2 is MP

Effective stacks around $350...

V1 raises to $10
V2 calls
some more callers
Hero calls in BB with 66

Flop: A64
V2 bets $20
a few folds
Hero calls $20 trying to trap and pot-control
V1 raises to $75
V2 raises all-in

V1 looks reasonably happy about the shove

66 flops middle set and is getting more action that Hero likes - now what? Quote
09-06-2011 , 04:46 PM
1) Go back and edit your post. The action is all screwy. If V1 is the small blind, how did he open pre-flop, and how did other people call before you in the BB? Why does V2 bet first on the flop? Did you and V1 both check?

2) Calling the $20 to trap and for pot control is outrageously bad. You can't do both. Either you want to make the pot big or keep it small. Trapping is too risky, just raise if you want to make the pot bigger. Keeping it small on this soaking wet board is bad.

3) A flopped set is about a 2 to 1 dog to improve to a full house or quads by the river. So if both guys are going to get their stacks in, so should you.
66 flops middle set and is getting more action that Hero likes - now what? Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by NoLimitNinjaBri
1) Go back and edit your post. The action is all screwy. If V1 is the small blind, how did he open pre-flop, and how did other people call before you in the BB? Why does V2 bet first on the flop? Did you and V1 both check?

2) Calling the $20 to trap and for pot control is outrageously bad. You can't do both. Either you want to make the pot big or keep it small. Trapping is too risky, just raise if you want to make the pot bigger. Keeping it small on this soaking wet board is bad.

3) A flopped set is about a 2 to 1 dog to improve to a full house or quads by the river. So if both guys are going to get their stacks in, so should you.

EDIT: V2 in MP opened for $10, not V1
66 flops middle set and is getting more action that Hero likes - now what? Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:39 PM
the action still does not look right v2 in mp acts 1s on the flop.? so who bet flop v1 or you? or was it checked around to v2 then he bet 20?.... Edit the action plz better answer, Also +1 no limits number 2 point
66 flops middle set and is getting more action that Hero likes - now what? Quote
