Are you serious?
Insta-Shove everytime.
Maybe a "BOOM!" in the chat preflop to induce a call. Perhaps you could slow roll before you shove, ask for time if you have that option.
These are the only two factors to consider, the shove is a must!
The only other alternative is to bet all you stack leaving behind 1c so that it looks like an emotive shove attemped but you didn't get the slider right to the end, it could look like your tilted. Then you can value bet the flop with your remaining 1c.
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Out of curiosity, if we flat here and the flop comes KQ5 here, should we give up on the hand and not invest another dollar?
wtf? This is one of reasons for shoving
I would love to see your face when he shows AK!
Last edited by MLonghorn; 02-14-2009 at 06:01 PM.