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5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have 5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have

05-22-2023 , 01:47 PM
what do you think V has here?? I have my thought but want to see if I'm on point...also lmk if you would have played it differently

5/T ~$3k effective...V has bero covered.

V is Younger Asian male. seems to play snug but has 3! opens often. have not seen him limp ever. always in for an open or 3! have seen him fold/call to 4! an equal ammount. hes on my immediate left

Hero has been active almost the same as V never limps. always in for an open or 3!. jammed for $2k on a $1500 pot OTR about an hour ago as a pure bluff against V friend who tank folded....

OTTH we are MP1 and MP2 in the hand...

1 limps (and one late position post for a missed blind) to me I raise AQo to $50

V 3! to $125 (small for him...his usual for this open would be $150 at least)....folds to H

I 4! to $375 ...V thinks for a bit and calls.

FLOP $775 742r

H c-bets $210 V thinks for a bit, and flats

TURN A $1195 (completes the rainbow) Hero bets $600. villain asks how much i have behind I count my $100 bills to show 1800....V flats

River $2395 Q (bink) Hero GAI for 1800...V tanks for about 4 minutes before flicking in a chip...

5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 02:02 PM
Ouch. His thinking is either stringing you along w/ AA or he has AK/AQ.

His river tank leans toward AQ/AK, and I hope it's the latter.

I don't think he calls QQ on turn. I guess he could show up w/ 77, but very unlikely. (And he should never have a straight nor would he tank with one.)
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 02:39 PM
You played it fine of course. If he’s tanking I guess he has AJ. I’d think he would call more quickly with AK.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 02:45 PM
In game I ruled out all sets and straights prior to river. In fact no straight at all. He plays way to snug ti call a 4! With 53s. And He 100% would have raised the turn in those cases.

QQ doesn’t cross my mind as I don’t think he floats turn with that. I’ve narrowed it to AK AJ (although I highly doubt he floats the flop with this unless he has a bdfd) I also added KK he decided to get sticky with assuming he doesn’t put me on Ax
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 02:49 PM
I like a turn check, betting is fine too obviously.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 02:54 PM
Idk what MP1 and MP2 means but vs this sizing I guess you could just call in a presumably looser live game. If you do 4b the sizing has to be much bigger 300bb deep. You're repping like KK+ and AK anyway so you really want an SPR where you can virtually always just gii with TPTK+. 500-600 is much better, that actually puts TT, KJs, or 56s into a tough spot. Now he can basically call his entire range profitably IP, which is definitely not what you want.

I wouldn't bet range on this flop at this depth, you have a lot more missed hands than made ones, so I'd play more defensively. He is more pp heavy than you because he should have around 99+ while you should mostly just call pre even with QQ vs this stupid small 3b. Not to mention he might not even have a 5b range here so you don't necessarily have top end advantage.

After binking turn the hand kind of plays itself, you just have to get it in vs a non-nit guy, even though you definitely don't have the nuts. I guess after him tank calling you do and he has Ax almost always, probably not AK, but it's not like he would be in a fun spot with AK. Hard to see what you would bluff with tbh, probably Kx which makes it a pretty bad bluffcatcher and who knows if you would even ship 300bb in early positions with just a pair, so might not even chop with value.

Last edited by crackedaa; 05-22-2023 at 03:11 PM.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 03:11 PM
Why did you pick half pot for your turn sizing?
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 04:47 PM
the river seems clear but i think the flop and turn are worth taking a look at. in particular, what is your plan on a brick river? do you have any turn continues beyond AA that we're checking with that beat a5? because this seems like a very good hand to do it with since he's going to have AK a ton if you go bbb and get called.
it also feels like the frequency of 4betting this type of hand should go way down as we get this deep esp with positions. i get him sizing down the 3b leads to us doing that but idk. hes probably 3betting like 5-7% or something here, i really doubt you're printing with a 4b
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 06:45 PM
Brick river I was checking and reasses. I felt once he flatted I could be behind AK but that’s such specific hand and I have removal.

How the V played the hand is very confusing. As to what I can narrow his range to.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-22-2023 , 07:13 PM
A2s, A4s, or AK.

I would have called the PF 3-bet rather than 4-bet, but perhaps that's a 4- I should mix in. With that PF action, I like your line.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-23-2023 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
Why did you pick half pot for your turn sizing?
To setup river jam

What sizing would you prefer?
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-24-2023 , 02:24 PM
Bigger 4-bet pre as we are OOP.
I would bump up turn a little (2/3). Still jam river.

There are more combos in lag-v range that we beat than those we don't. The single combo of AA and QQ neither seem most likely though possible I suppose. Unless he is an ******* I can't see him tanking river with either of those hands. He could have flopped a set and that is just bad luck.

You should be good here most of the time. Never all of the time. V most likey has AK/AQ/AJ/undersets/worse 2 pair (A4ss).
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-24-2023 , 05:10 PM
I think river is a no brainer, every other street is worth discussing though
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-24-2023 , 08:52 PM
I agree that river is an easy decision, while preflop/flop/turn are more interesting.

OP, I don’t see why you’re confused about his range. He should be floating flop with ALL his AK, even w/o the BDFD and he calls turn with all those hands. Idk if he tanks river with AK but that’s besides the point as to how we should play the various decision points.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-24-2023 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by ChaosInEquilibrium
I agree that river is an easy decision, while preflop/flop/turn are more interesting.

OP, I don’t see why you’re confused about his range. He should be floating flop with ALL his AK, even w/o the BDFD and he calls turn with all those hands. Idk if he tanks river with AK but that’s besides the point as to how we should play the various decision points.
More just curiosity. What the masses think. That’s all really. I appreciate the input from all
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 12:11 AM
Your bet sizing throughout the hand is on point. I don't have a problem with the AQo 4bet. Well played.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 04:53 AM
I’ve been curious, what did he show down?
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by ChaosInEquilibrium
I’ve been curious, what did he show down?
He didn’t. Lol. That’s where my curiosity is.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by bmoney
He didn’t. Lol. That’s where my curiosity is.
So he tank called, then you showed he mucked? AK my guess.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by donkatruck
So he tank called, then you showed he mucked? AK my guess.
Yeah. He insta mucked. As soon as I flipped my hand over.

AK is my guess as well. I think he snaps with A4 there. MAYBE a disbeliever with KK. But I think he would 5! Pre. Or 3! Flop
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 11:58 AM
5/T deep stacked is above my pay grade. Even so here's my thoughts:

Preflop: At this stack depth KK is a call to your 4!. Let's say V calls the 4! some of the time with AA.

Flop: From the information OP provides, my assumption is that V is competent at this level. Unless other factors are in play (we are IP to a whale/weak player(s)) I'm getting a table change. V's non pair hands (floats) consists of suited A (AJ+ 8 combos), maybe KQs (3 combos) for the bdfd equity and AKo (11 combos) . V calls H's range bet with pairs JJ-AA (18 combos).

Turn: H's bet sizing is what stands out for me. If this was the flop with the A and some 2 card combination of 742r; wouldn't we be betting smaller (range bet)? I'm not putting much thought into V's possible (probable) Hollywooding with the "how much you have left" shenanigans. He's shown himself to be competent (again my inference from the description provided by OP). He knows damn well how much H has behind.

AA is now 1 combo. H's bet sizing comes off as value heavy. The question is how low of a kicker from V's suited A flop floats is V continuing with; after all H is uncapped from the preflop and flop action. I think V drops AJs. That leaves 9 combos in V's Ax range and V continues with QQ+ (7 combos).

River: V is getting 2.3:1 here. H's value range is AA, QQ, AQ, AK (14 combos) . H's bluffs are..... I mean are we really turning KK into a bluff? So V calls here with AA, QQ, AQs, AK (12 combos).
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 01:02 PM
AK, AJs, ATs all make sense

Were you shoving river if the Q didnt hit?
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by bmoney
He didn’t. Lol. That’s where my curiosity is.
LoL, we don't even know the answer !

We'll never know, but I think A2s and A4s are very much "in play" as possible V-hands. They are consistent with his 3-bet and think-call of your 4-bet PF. And, I agree they are calls on the river, but not snap-calls IMO. You've played this hand very much like AA, AK, AQ. If I'm V, it's a sigh-call with A4s.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
AK, AJs, ATs all make sense

Were you shoving river if the Q didnt hit?
Depends on the river. But I set up the betting to shove a non Q.
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
05-25-2023 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by tipperdog
LoL, we don't even know the answer !

We'll never know, but I think A2s and A4s are very much "in play" as possible V-hands. They are consistent with his 3-bet and think-call of your 4-bet PF. And, I agree they are calls on the river, but not snap-calls IMO. You've played this hand very much like AA, AK, AQ. If I'm V, it's a sigh-call with A4s.
Inwould think A2 and A4 are as well except the fact that he didn’t raise the Turn. Unless he really gave me credit to have AA. But if that’s the case he shouldn’t be calling river after my shove
5/T line Check after Rivering what i think is the virtual i wrong? what does he have Quote
