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5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line 5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line

07-26-2012 , 03:09 PM
Table with pretty weird dynamic, at table for a couple of hours. Two good players playing really LAG against each other mostly. One was 3 betting to like $115 repeatedly and showing one card like a 5 or 2 occasionally and trash talking a bit, they were calling down $200 bets on river with middle pair against each other but folding to 3bets from tighter players but it has loosened the table up some.

BB super LAG $1500

Other LAG $650 MP

Hero $660 in Hi jack Probably seen as tight as I haven't gotten involved with the LAGs other than to 3 bet squeeze and take down pots a couple of times pre flop.

Villain $800 in cutoff, mid 30's playing pretty tight TAGish, Raising always when 1st to act, attacking limpers in position, pretty aggressive when he plays a hand

Villain 2 Button $1100 loose pre but tightens up post flop, might be OK but seems too loose pre and tight post

Folds to Hero, who picks up AKo and raises to $25 standard and am hoping BB will squeeze and am willing to 4bet get it in vs him
Villain 1 calls
Villain 2 calls
BB thinks awhile and folds

pot $77 Flop A33

Hero bets $45
Villain 1 calls
Villain 2 folds
I put Villain on range of AT-AK or QQ JJ TT that isn't folding yet, Probably a decent A, I can't see him ever having a 3 here unless it is quads.

pot $167 turn 5 putting 2 diamonds on board
Hero bets $140
Villain calls
At this point I really feel he is on AQ, AJ or AK, never 2.4 or a 3, or 55

Pot $447
river 7
Hero bets $240 to give him good odds to call with AQ or AJ
Villain shoves. WTF!?

I have $210 left into a pot of $927. I don't think I can fold here.
Did I totally misread his range?
Did I screw this up on turn with that big value bet?

Thoughts on all streets here. thanks.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 03:32 PM
You're almost always beat here. He's betting like he can beat AK.

Try to plan your hand out better. AK is a great hand, but against a decent player if you're allin for ~120BB by the river you're beat when all you usually make is TPTK. So I like preflop and flop, but why the big bet on turn? Bet ~1/2 pot here. Think ahead on river also, before you bet 240 you should have a plan on what to do if he shoves.

As played pretty much have to call/I look for a read first.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 03:35 PM
sorry you got coolered. This is a standard call OTR.

Maybe bet a bit less on turn. I'm thinking like $90.

I suppose you could check the the turn to induce value OTR from pocket pairs...
But I'd take a bet/bet/bet line most of the time on this board.

fwiw, villain's line is never a bluff. So you're beat quite often. If you had kept the pot smaller, you may have been able to bet/fold the river. He's usually just flatting the river with Ax.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 03:48 PM
Do you hvae Ace of spades?
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 03:55 PM
I'm no expert (yet - hopefully participating in this forum will help that); yet I'd like to contribute my thoughts on this one... Alarm bells go off for pocket 7's. Really tough to fold though with that pot. I'm thinking a shove from a TAG means it's not a bluff, and TPTK starts shrinking when calling an all-in. IMO he's not shoving with one pair after calling flop and turn. Tough decision, but I'd fold. Looking forward to the result...
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 04:02 PM
Bet a little less on the turn.

River cry-fold. I mean you're good here like 0% of the time.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 04:37 PM
Yes A spades why?
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 04:44 PM
Yeah SABR I agree, I feel I'm beat like 90% of time unless he spazz bets some missed combo draw with an A that he is turning into a bluff.

I just couldn't figure out a reasonable hand that he plays this way that beats me though. I mean I never hear from him until river at all. How does he get there with 55 77? with my flop and turn bets. Only 33 plays this way and I have a hard time giving people exactly 1 combo.

I'm almost willing to pay 200 to see what he played this way.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 04:53 PM
AA is actually possible if he's good and expects the blinds to squeeze a bit.

I'd say he has AA/33/A3s or 55. 77 doesn't call twice to get there, but 55 may have called one.

It's not that many combos, but you're still like never good here unless villain is a drooler clicking buttons.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 05:25 PM
6 combos of AK and we're getting 2.5:1 on a chop, why wouldn't he raise AK here?
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 05:33 PM
I think your mistake was blowing the pot up with a hand that was not good enough to play in a big pot. Harrington in general is a nit, but he gets one thing critically right. Big hand, big pot. Small hand, small pot. Is he really going to call down three streets of value here with AJ/AT? The fact that there are virtually no draws here and he is calling you down is pretty scary.

Also, I would keep my eye on those two LAGtards. It is possible those two are running some sort of road game where they are looking wild and crazy against each other so the other players will call them down lightly. Afterwards they split the profit.

As played, I would call on the river. You are getting a good price.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Rusty Bumwaters
6 combos of AK and we're getting 2.5:1 on a chop, why wouldn't he raise AK here?
my thought exactly. if i were V and had AK, a guy betting 3 streets into you and you had TPTK, id ship it too. i think its a call but unfortunate if he filled up somewhere.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 06:10 PM
I'd curiosity call. Not sure you never see something fishy or a chop, but if we're beat I'm expecting it to mostly be by quads or A3.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 06:50 PM
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by dom80e
I like A7dd here and honestly there aren't many hands you're beating outright. I don't think he's calling the big bet on the turn with 77. AA is tricky, and possible, but unlikely. 33 plays the line the same way too.

I probably still make the call here and hope to catch AJ AQ getting silly.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 09:01 PM
you have 43% equity against A3s/AA/AK.
its a call.

his line makes complete sense with AK btw.
the button is "too loose pre" and he has no value in raising you here. he's much better off calling vs your range to get you to bet the turn with hands he beats.
he'd just be giving money to the button who sometimes has a 3. and maybe button has an ace and you are just c-betting. why does he want to bet villian out.

by the time he gets to the river hes probably hoping you call the last $200 with AJ/AQ.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 09:18 PM
Villain described is not shoving the river w AK. I mean, calling can't really be toooooo bad because of pot odds, but we're pretty much not touching a dollar of this pot.

OP, I'm not so sure why you're certain he doesn't get to the river with FH+?
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 09:28 PM
Well I called mostly because I'm a total station on the river. But really I couldn't make sense of the action and figured he might play AK same way or spazz some missed combo draw.

He flips A5 for 2 pair

I felt he couldn't call that flop bet without an A and then I couldn't figure out how he was ahead of me there if he had an A on that board. I guess I paid to find out.

I guess he called flop bet with a 3 outer and some backdoor shyte on a paired board and spiked.

I think I needed to keep that pot smaller on turn, but to be honest I've gotten tons/max of value from AQ several times like this in the past and I think that clouded my judgement. Just confused the hell out of me and I knew I was almost definitely beat but confused + odds on river = call for me lol.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 09:43 PM
Well what FH does he get to river with? 55? 77?

Only AA 33(1 combo each) and A3s(4 combos heavily discounted) really and I didn't think he was that loose preflop at all(probably a mistake on my part but I didn't think he was out of line much in 2+ hours of play).

I mean I bet $45 0n flop with $590 behind. Is it +EV to call with 2 outs (55) or 3 outs(Ax) even if you think you have a 100% chance of stacking me? how about if you figure 50% chance of you hitting turn and me stacking off? What about when I have AA or a 3 which I could have as open raiser there.

If I pot control, which I will in the future(lesson learned), how can you ever make money with that call?
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by crackleback
Well I called mostly because I'm a total station on the river. But really I couldn't make sense of the action and figured he might play AK same way or spazz some missed combo draw.

He flips A5 for 2 pair

I felt he couldn't call that flop bet without an A and then I couldn't figure out how he was ahead of me there if he had an A on that board. I guess I paid to find out.

I guess he called flop bet with a 3 outer and some backdoor shyte on a paired board and spiked.

I think I needed to keep that pot smaller on turn, but to be honest I've gotten tons/max of value from AQ several times like this in the past and I think that clouded my judgement. Just confused the hell out of me and I knew I was almost definitely beat but confused + odds on river = call for me lol.
He's probably a 2+2er. A lot of people on here like flatting with a dominated ace b/c it has a disguised kicker, as evidenced in the How to get max value with nut flush thread
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-26-2012 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by surviva316
Villain described is not shoving the river w AK. I mean, calling can't really be toooooo bad because of pot odds, but we're pretty much not touching a dollar of this pot.

OP, I'm not so sure why you're certain he doesn't get to the river with FH+?
If villian doesn't raise AK theres nothing to think about. Fold.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-27-2012 , 12:17 AM
I think it is a fold on the river. However, I might have just moved in on the river there, lol. I know it sounds crazy but I get paid off a lot in these spots against worse Aces. I disagree with the others posting that your turn bet is too big. A lot of his range is going to consist of dominated Aces, IMO. You have to bet big for value. Harrington isn't always right. If you aren't willing to go for full value with TPTK you aren't that good. Hand is played good enough. Now fold the river and be thankful you got away for $200 less. Nh.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-27-2012 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by jasnlcas
If villian doesn't raise AK theres nothing to think about. Fold.
Well it's not a matter of if he's doing this with AK 100% of the time or if hr's doing it 0% of the time. If he even takes this line once every 8th time he has AK, then this is a call.

Anyway, I probably never bet this amount anyway. b/c'ing this
much is a great way to lose the max amount when they have the nuts while only getting half that amount in value when we're ahead. I would probably either shove or if I didn't think he'd call a shove with less, you could b/f like a 1/4 pot or you could just c/f.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-27-2012 , 10:36 AM
Possible hands villain is holding:

AA - we lose
33 - we lose
A7 - we lose
A3s - we lose
35s - we lose
34s - we lose
AK - chop (although as described villain shouldn't be capable of shoving river with this hand)

I know we are getting ridiculous odds to call but there is no point, we are beat and we know it.

Why did you make that huge pot sized bet on the turn...???

Last edited by PayOffWizard1987; 07-27-2012 at 10:41 AM.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
07-27-2012 , 10:39 AM
As said above we're never good here.
5-5 NL reraised all in on river weird line Quote
