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5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button 5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button

02-18-2022 , 12:46 PM
UTG+3 limps and I limp with KJ on button. SB/BB check. I have $1,700 behind.

BB plays any two cards suited. BB also plays any 1-2 gap cards to hit his straight. He frequently puts maximum pressure with his draws. If someone bets out to charge the draws, he won't fold, and he won't call either, he re-raises. He's been on a heater and people have folded to his aggression or he has sucked out on the turn/river to complete his draws. he has almost $4K behind.

($20) K79 SB bets $20, BB raises to $75. UTG +3 folds.


People will say I should've raised pre...but my question is:

1. Would you pop it and try to charge the draws this deep (and if so, do you call/fire another barrell if either a club or a card that completes a straight comes on either the turn/river). The pot will get inflated and BB isn't going anywhere and any scare card (flush or straight that comes - he'll come out firing)

2. call to keep pot control and just fold if Club or a card this completes the straight comes on turn/river?

please help/let me know your thoughts, thanks everyone!!!
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 01:37 PM
Yeah, raise pre ainec here

As played I would just let it go otf tbh
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 03:20 PM
I don't hate the preflop limp. If you do that you need to be able to get flops like this and happily chuck your hand. Villains can be on anything and you have no idea where you stand. You can be anywhere from significantly ahead to way behind. With a big stack you have to be able to just let these uncertain situations go.
Your are more likely ahead then behind in a limped pot but raising isn't worth it. You will have to raise more then the pot so when everybody folds your profit is small and in the rare cases that somebody has a big hand or good draw you lose too much. Flatting just builds the pot without helping answer who has the best hand and you can be facing a lot of possible draws if you let people chase cheaply.
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 04:09 PM
Wager $350
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 05:17 PM
Over a single limp (assuming standard fishy limping ranges), I would just ignore the limp and open your standard BTN range here — IE never overlimp any hand.

Really hate the idea of raising 1-pair at 85SPR. Call is probably fine, but you can also just let the hand go on the flop given that there are so many bad turns for you and either V could have you drawing near to dead.
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 05:28 PM
Unless I missed something, H doesn't close the action here. So it's a pretty easy fold. SB could easily come over the top if we call. We have a minimal investment and this deep, it's not the spot to get fancy with a middling hand.
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 06:52 PM
All ranges are uncapped so SB has every Kx hand up to KJ (assume he raises KQ pre), he also has every 97/99/77 combo. You can also give him all the NFDs as a lead.
Then give the BB any flush draw exceept the best stuff which I assume he raises pre (like suited broadways). Give BB all K7/K9/97/99/77 (two pair +). Also give BB all T8/86 (OESDs).
In this scenario your equity is 33%, SBs equity is 25%, and BBs equity is 40%.
So I guess it's a good fold on the flop in a vacuum, even when we give BB every conceivable draw played with this line.
What does seem true is that if you strongly believe BB will overplay his draws across future streets (so he ends up way overbluffing turns and rivers), you might be able to profitably continue and then just fold on turn/river clubs.

Edit: Not uncapped. I mean unbounded from below. Don’t know what this is actually called.

Last edited by ChaosInEquilibrium; 02-18-2022 at 07:14 PM.
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 06:54 PM
Trivial raise pre.

Is BB always going to bomb turn and river? If so I guess I fold but flop should be a call given reads.
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
02-18-2022 , 07:00 PM
Yeah raise pre is far and away best option.

As for flop, raising is suicide this deep. Im just folding and I don't think it's close either. We have a player behind us that can very easily raise and we're almost never getting to check back turn so we're just folding then anyway

Disclaimer: I have no idea how to play limped pots generally.
5/5 NL with KJ o/s on button Quote
