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5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish 5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish

09-09-2011 , 03:00 PM
Villain is super aggro fish. Never wins in this game. Biggest station ever. Super rich and sometimes drops 8-15K in this game. Reason everybody stays in game. He plays baccarat and paigow for 10k a hand when at the casino. Likes to gamble and Hero has a lot of history with villain. Villain has told hero that he is good and wants to back hero. He is middle eastern decent and prob in his 50's. We play several times a week together and he never adjusts to anything and will play ATC from any position for any amount of money. Likes to button straddle to 100$ or more. LOL He does like to 3 bet pairs 55+ and usually will get it in...

Hero is known as solid winning reg, and known to be able to change gears from LAG to TAG at anytime. Plays position well and has a winning image overall. Villain has gotten it all in pre flop against hero for 150+ bb's with 88 vs. hero's AA in the past more than once.

eff stacks about 1100$

Hero in CO with AKo with A of

1 or 2 limps to hero hero makes it 30$
BTN calls
Villain squeeze from bb to 150$

folds back to Hero......?????

4 bet get it in always vs this villain this deep even if he is never folding any pair. Not sure if he would call it off with AQ or the like... or play hand IP and try to take away from villain on good textures and outplay since villain has respect for hero and I can generally tell when he is strong post flop and when he is weak. I have a pretty solid read on his post flop tendencies vs. me.... I will resume hand after a few posts....
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-09-2011 , 03:57 PM
4bet too 380 and never fold.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-09-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Badb19
4bet too 380 and never fold.
+1. Not sure how "super aggro" and "biggest station ever" go together, btw.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-09-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by IronedSheik
+1. Not sure how "super aggro" and "biggest station ever" go together, btw.
He's overly aggressive and he can't fold once pressure is being applied back to him. So in these spots whats the deepest we are stacking off here with AK against villains that fit this description....?
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:01 PM
Does villain bluff a lot post flop? If he is the type to 3bet (and fold to 4bet) with stupid rags and triple barrel any board, I like calling. Otherwise, I like 375/call.

I would probably be opening a lot bigger here if villain is playing any two for any open. Why not make it 50, 75, or 100?
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by The Muffin Man
Does villain bluff a lot post flop? If he is the type to 3bet (and fold to 4bet) with stupid rags and triple barrel any board, I like calling. Otherwise, I like 375/call.

I would probably be opening a lot bigger here if villain is playing any two for any open. Why not make it 50, 75, or 100?
The reason I don't make it huge here is because there are also other thinks competent regs at this table that I play with several times a week and I have to try to keep my ranges balanced somewhat.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-09-2011 , 08:01 PM
Hero decides to flat 3 bet in position. I guess maybe I'm results oriented. I don't mind getting it in 100bb's deep with AK but it seems like every time I get it in this deep against any villain I'm behind and end up whiffing and losing a huge 4-500 bb pot. I can see shipping it if I think villain will call with worse or 4bettin if I think villain will 5 bet shove with AQ or worse, but I just don't see that happen really ever.... Anyway

FLOP 8h 4d 2h ($355)

villain checks

5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-09-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
The reason I don't make it huge here is because there are also other thinks competent regs at this table that I play with several times a week and I have to try to keep my ranges balanced somewhat.
How do you think you are going to be exploited here when you make a huge open with AK?
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by The Muffin Man
How do you think you are going to be exploited here when you make a huge open with AK?
This. Obviously.

Only exception would be if the entire table adjusts to Villain by open limping their entire range in an effort to avoid getting 3bet by the reason for the season and/or to limp-3bet same player.

Otherwise this is just silly. Open raise huge with AK knowing Villain will be calling super wide and way behind (OOP, I might add) while everybody else grumbles and folds being OOP against an ATC monkey-no-foldy range and you (who will have position). Added bonus, the bigger open is more likely to fold out the button which other than getting heads-up against Villain should be your primary objective preflop.

As played, 4bet/call. And don't be results oriented. It's bad for your emotional well-being.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 01:56 AM
You're hesitant to get in 220 BB with AK vs the biggest fish ever?

5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 05:31 AM
So I if I raise it to 380$ and he just calls like he most likely will with whatever the hell he has, then when if he checks flop just stick the rest in regardless? I'm sorry if I seem like a noob but these kinda spots are the ones I have trouble with especially the deeper the game gets. I've always played AK more passively in live super loose games because they usually play really deep and I don't like getting in these 3 and 4 bet wars, never know what to do when I wiff. Callers in live typically put the raiser on AK, so doesn't that work against us when we really have AK??? Thanks for all the help so far!
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 07:45 AM
We got one of these fish in our games lol know EXACTLY what you mean. The more I can get in pre heads up vs a fish like this the better I believe. I like a 450/call line pre then set it up to get it in by the river at least, most likely shipping on flop.

As played I think I like a check behind. I know villian can show up with 2 pair already on a flop like 248 if hes anything like the guy I play with like this. Against any competent player I bet there but not vs a maniac fish.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
So I if I raise it to 380$ and he just calls like he most likely will with whatever the hell he has, then when if he checks flop just stick the rest in regardless? I'm sorry if I seem like a noob but these kinda spots are the ones I have trouble with especially the deeper the game gets. I've always played AK more passively in live super loose games because they usually play really deep and I don't like getting in these 3 and 4 bet wars, never know what to do when I wiff. Callers in live typically put the raiser on AK, so doesn't that work against us when we really have AK??? Thanks for all the help so far!
If callers keep putting you on AK when you raise, maybe you should be raising lots of other kinds of hands.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 03:42 PM
I do raise a real wide range. For some reason I have a tight image in this game. They seem to forget the times I've showed up with 75o after raising pre and stacking off deep 2 pr vs top pair. I dunno why they always put me on AK.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
I do raise a real wide range. For some reason I have a tight image in this game. They seem to forget the times I've showed up with 75o after raising pre and stacking off deep 2 pr vs top pair. I dunno why they always put me on AK.
Occam's Razor suggests that they do this because they are typical live players
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-10-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by jrr63
Occam's Razor suggests that they do this because they are typical live players
Yes exactly.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
Hero decides to flat 3 bet in position. I guess maybe I'm results oriented. I don't mind getting it in 100bb's deep with AK but it seems like every time I get it in this deep against any villain I'm behind and end up whiffing and losing a huge 4-500 bb pot. I can see shipping it if I think villain will call with worse or 4bettin if I think villain will 5 bet shove with AQ or worse, but I just don't see that happen really ever.... Anyway

FLOP 8h 4d 2h ($355)

villain checks

Pre depends on a lot of things obv, but come on, he's not folding a pair post-flop (and you have everything else slaughtered)---> CHECK.
5/5 NL 200+ bb's deep AK 3 bet pot vs. aggro fish Quote
