Hey everyone, if you want to hear a more detailed breakdown of the exact hand you can watch my vlog:
https://youtu.be/eAcwgLmgezQ. The hand starts at around 8:20.
Villain is a MAWG, spewy player who is tilted after losing a big pot. Plays a good amount of hands and will raise randomly post with all sorts of hands to take it down. One hand I opened K9dd to 25 and he called in position. Flop is TT3dd, I bet 35, he made it 200, I ripped it for 300 more and he called with 54dd and we hold.
Villain raises $20 in EP/MP, I call in SB with Q


, BB calls.
Flop ($60): T


Hero checks
BB checks
Villain bets $60
Hero raises $175
BB folds
Villain calls $115
Turn: ($410) T



Hero bets $225
Villain calls $225
River: ($860) T




Hero checks
Villain bets $275 (all in for Hero)
Hero ?
So my thought process is this. Pre is probably pretty marginal but against a tilted bad villain and getting good odds and a passive BB, I think call is fine, and we are decently deep (140BB).
Flop seems like a great candidate for raise. Double gutter and BDFD, I want to raise a lot of hands here so this is a great one to mix in.
Turn is interesting. I get an ounce of SDV but IMO negligible, since any hand we beat with it will bluff and we will be forced to fold. Continue to barrell at a small size since we won't have too many sevens but a lot of sets / 2p that still want to bet.
River is interesting. I see merit to jamming ourselves to avoid this situation. Still, with tilted villain I could see him never folding his TP hands so I felt bluffing may not be the best option. However, when he jams I don't have to right a lot. I think a good amount of sets / 2P are 3 betting flop or ripping turn from this player, so he's mainly value betting 7x here. We dont block any clubs and we block QJ.