5/5: facing a turn donk bet OTT w TPTK
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 4,421
Villain (UTG) is a really bad player, extremely loose pre and post flop. Passive as well, I don't have a good read on his bluffing abilities though.
BB is a rec player, not very relrvant
Stacks 700
UTG limps, hero makes 35 w AsKs, BB calls, UTG calls
Flop(105) Kd2h4d
Hero cbets 75 and only the UTG calls
Turn (255) 8d
UTG insta- leads out for 130, hero ?
In general, what would this pattern represent when paid by a bad player? Do they often attempt to check raise flushes or donk out? How about hands like pair+lone diamond? Help me estimate his range.
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 27,329
IME, if a loose-passive bets out when a flush card hits, he almost always has a low flush, and is afraid you'll check back losing him action and possibly counterfeiting his flush.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,126
yea I agree with Garick. The problem here is our hand has become very vulnerable; there are virtually no good river cards for us; our hand is already made.
I'm folding, as the river is very difficult to play.