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5/5 AA utg 5/5 AA utg

04-24-2012 , 03:48 AM
V1 is unknown average 40's recreational type. He bought in for 300 which is min so my guess was he wasn't aggressive or particularly good

V2 is your typical late 30's well dressed, wall mannered business man off work. He was active and talking during hands, being friendly with the players and there to have a good time. He played tight and limped big hands, and called often. He was capable of making plays, one hand he 3bet T4o versus an active loose players 4x open. He showed and said, "I know your opening every hand, I wont let you run us over..."

Hero, normally plays tight aggressive but was playing rather nitty. I called a few raises and folded on flops, stayed out of peoples way, and only raised 1 hand during the first hour where I iso'ed 8x from the co, cbet after btn called and took down pot,

Hero is UTG (~$415)
V1 UTG+1(~$400)
V2 MP+1 (~$550)

Hero is dealt AA UTG


hero raises to $25, UTG+1 calls, fold, MP+1 raises to $75, folds around to hero, re-raises to $250

In this spot, since I have rarely raised preflop at all then suddenly raise/4bet utg, isn't my hand really face up?

I don't know how to do anything other than 4bet here, however I don't know if there might be another way to get more value here. My only concern with flatting is if he has JJ, QQ, 99 type hands and flops a set and I stack off with 2 spr remaining.

Comments appreciated
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 04:51 AM
if you have a nitty image and this guy has only shown to 3b lite active player opens, then you can assign his 3b range pretty strong here. 4b get it in is pretty standard altho you may want to make your 4b a little smaller just to make sure the odd QQ doesnt find a hero fold pre. what even might end up happening is that if you 4b smaller to 200, the ss fish will come along making this 3way to the flop, and your flop shove will give very attractive pot odds to PPs on most flops.

if you want to just flat pre and allow the fish to come in for a smaller price, that's fine too. you'll likely get most of your stack in w a cr on most flops anyway, and if there is lots of action on wet flops you can probably find a comfortable fold.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 05:52 AM
4bet sizing doesn't need to be this huge, you can get away with 180 and shove any flop.

you're <100BB deep so flatting and stacking off on any flop is fine. you're thinking a bit scared if you think that you let him in with 99-QQ "and he flops set".
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 06:38 AM
I'd 4bet-shove.

If you're making a pot-committing raise, I think it's a mistake for that raise to be anything less than all-in. You're giving your opponents implied odds and receiving nothing in exchange. Shoving actually looks weaker than a small 4bet here.

I think calling in this spot is ok against some opponents, but V2 doesn't seem sophisticated enough for this play to be worthwhile. I'm guessing his range is QQ+ AK and that he calls your shove most of the time. Shoving is probably better against that range, because you lose your market against AK on most flops.

I don't hate calling, but I still think shoving is best. All other options seem bad to me.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 12:47 PM
i think when you have AA facing a 3b with less than 100bbs there isn't really a "wrong" play... i think flatting, 4 bet 200, or shoving all have decent arguments...

personally i would flat to get V1 in the pot, higher variance but overall probably most +ev play. but like i said i think we're just splitting hairs here....
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 01:09 PM
I'd peek at MP-1 and if he's grabbing chips or otherwise looks like he is still in this hand I may consider flatting. Otherwise just shove and hope he calls with AK/KK. And if you take it down there, you just won 20bb.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 01:14 PM
I like to play pots with fish, not raise them out, especially when holding a premium.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 01:40 PM
I would flat call pre and c/r all in on any flop. There is 150 in the pot going to the flop and he will very likely cbet otf to about 100. He will likely feel commited once he puts in the cbet making it not a major problem to get your stack in with the c/r.
On the other hand I really don't like to 4bet pre playing live(@100BB's or less) because I feel it makes it more difficult to get stacks in otf due to the fact that everyone is going to put you on aces after you 4bet. Essentially I think when you 4bet you make them play better.
By flat calling pre and c/r the flop you don't reveal the strength of your hand until he has committed a larger portion of his stack. The 4 bet gives him the opportunity to avoid a disaster.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 05:45 PM
reraise to $150 > shove > flat > reraise to $250
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 06:18 PM
i would do the most fishy thing ever and click it back to 140. squeezed fish will probably go out, but whatever the V2 has u probably get an allin.

he will push his strong holdings, and he will continue with all his bluffs, thinking "i know he has aces but i get odds or will outplay him blabla", which isnt even possible given stack sizes, but he doesnt know that.
remember, he is a rich businessman and likes to play. although most of your opponents will know what u have here, he wont know, and thats what matters.

i guess he thinks in absolute terms of money, so 250 might scare him, "only 65 more to bring" he wont be able to fold. no matter what he has.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 08:12 PM
I like the ideas posted about raising less to induce more money. There is nothing wrong with that. But personally OOP i would rather shove here and hope kings calls you. But nothing wrong with flatting or raising less to allow in dominated pairs.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by alm VX
V1 is unknown average 40's recreational type. He bought in for 300 which is min so my guess was he wasn't aggressive or particularly good

V2 is your typical late 30's well dressed, wall mannered business man off work. He was active and talking during hands, being friendly with the players and there to have a good time. He played tight and limped big hands, and called often. He was capable of making plays, one hand he 3bet T4o versus an active loose players 4x open. He showed and said, "I know your opening every hand, I wont let you run us over..."

Hero, normally plays tight aggressive but was playing rather nitty. I called a few raises and folded on flops, stayed out of peoples way, and only raised 1 hand during the first hour where I iso'ed 8x from the co, cbet after btn called and took down pot,

Hero is UTG (~$415)
V1 UTG+1(~$400)
V2 MP+1 (~$550)

Hero is dealt AA UTG


hero raises to $25, UTG+1 calls, fold, MP+1 raises to $75, folds around to hero, re-raises to $250

In this spot, since I have rarely raised preflop at all then suddenly raise/4bet utg, isn't my hand really face up?

I don't know how to do anything other than 4bet here, however I don't know if there might be another way to get more value here. My only concern with flatting is if he has JJ, QQ, 99 type hands and flops a set and I stack off with 2 spr remaining.

Comments appreciated
grunch. flatting is by far the best play given image and stack size. you call here and have 360 left with 185 in the pot easy stack off with any flop you can donk small to induce a raise or just crai doesnt really matter 4b turns your hand face up and gives him a chance to hero fold. calling the 3b disguises your hand and keeps your range wider. yea there are some scary flops for him with qq/jj that may cause him to shut down but its not likely
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 09:10 PM
i dont like shoving because ive seen time and time again ppl fold jj/qq/kk/ak preflop. flatting allows him to continue with his complete bluffs if there are any in his range.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 09:52 PM
I would never 4b here for the reason OP already mentioned. Just call and donk/stack off on any flop.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 09:57 PM
With your image, i would make it $165. It doesnt matter how it looks, he will call or re-pop.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:24 PM
4b is more advantageous w/ deep stacks... I don't think 4b less than all in- ALL IN is OK- is in order here at all and if i did make it 225- 3x the 3b nothing fancy. 4b from UTG is always committing so don't tip your hand by minraising or going 250 leaving 150 behind.

Flatting is prob the nizzles with ~80BB effective and SPR<2... you could easily CRAI, lead 90 into 225 or even overbet shove.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:29 PM
Id be full of s*it if i said ive never flatted here and c/s any flop. 4betting is prolly optimal though.
5/5 AA utg Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:32 PM
How is flatting optimal when a villain is going to outflop us 1/10 times...

OP already told us that villain showed T4o when he 3b previously. 4b just gives him an excuse to dump his cheeseball hand
5/5 AA utg Quote
