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5/5 AA on safe flop in live game 5/5 AA on safe flop in live game

01-28-2012 , 11:06 AM
No significant read on villian. Haven't played with him before and only been playing about 90 minutes. If anything he doesn't appear to be playing a lot of hands. Hero is TAG but has won a bunch of hands recently without showdown.

Villian is UTG + 1 raises to $25. Hero is in MP with AA 3bets to $100. Everone folds except villian who calls and checks dark.

Pot ( $210 ) Flop is 2 4 7 rainbow. Hero bets $125. Villian raises to $300.

The reason I haven't mentioned starting stack sizes is due to the nature of my question. Assuming villian has hero covered what starting stack sizes does this necessitate a shove, what stack size is a call, and what size is a fold? Of course, the deeper the stack the more cautious the play, but what range do people think is correct?

I had $800 to start and with the dark check put the villian on KK,QQ wanting to see if the board contained an ace. I shoved.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-28-2012 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by maddoghuff
I had $800 to start and with the dark check put the villian on KK,QQ wanting to see if the board contained an ace. I shoved.
This is imo waay too much information/too specific stuff from a one dark check.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-28-2012 , 11:42 AM
I just call, and go in calldown mode, bet turn and/or river if checked to.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-28-2012 , 12:04 PM
Why shove? I think being committed is correct, but shoving lets him get away from some hands. Just call and bet turn. I guess if he has 99-QQ you don't want an over to scare him off, but I have a hard time seeing 99-JJ stacking off here if he is competent and you shove.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-28-2012 , 12:20 PM
your stack-to-pot is like only 3.5 on the flop so it really isn't a mistake to get it in. i guess if the guy is very cautious/passive/nitty then he "could" have a set but you just need a read on how nitty he is.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-28-2012 , 02:59 PM
your stack-to-pot is like only 3.5 on the flop so it really isn't a mistake to get it in.
That was my main reason to get it in. I didn't see calling here and then folding later, nor did I think he would fold QQ or KK after putting in $400 of $800.

Of course, he had 77 for a flopped top set which is the only holding I could put him on beating me (Don't see 22, 33, 73, 72, 23, he didn't seem like a maniac).

My main question is how deep at this point would you have to be to fold/call the dark check-raise? Given our current stack sizes, if I call there, and he makes another $300 bet on the turn/river, I don't see folding, another reason I shipped.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-30-2012 , 08:14 PM
I dunno the exact amount where calling is better than raising. I'd guess around 1200. you played it fine.

I'm almost never folding to this ch/r unless I know the guy really really well. and he's a super nit.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-30-2012 , 10:54 PM
if he was supernit he prob wouldnt call the 3bet with 7s

anyway 100 went in preflop with only 700 behind you have to stack off almost any flop with AA.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-31-2012 , 02:08 AM
There's no magic number to answer this question. It's a pretty bad thread.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
01-31-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
There's no magic number to answer this question. It's a pretty bad thread.
At some point it starts being a bad idea to go all in on a 3bet board with max overpair. What's your point.
The answer is that the stacks have to be very deep for someone to fold AA on an overboard comfortably.
At around 400bb, folding starts making sense.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
02-01-2012 , 04:27 AM
And it keeps getting worse.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
02-01-2012 , 09:07 AM
Let me see, a nit's UTG+1 raising range has overpairs here.

We have an overpair.

We are 160 bbs deep AND we 3bet preflop large enough to commit ourselves to the hand.

Folding here is pretty terrible.
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
02-01-2012 , 04:50 PM
Vilain is a fish for set mining here
5/5 AA on safe flop in live game Quote
