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5/5 A2ss turn decision 5/5 A2ss turn decision

12-06-2019 , 09:29 PM
Late Friday night
V1 ($880) - active player in a lot of pots, not unwilling to bluff
V2 ($725) - opening a lot and playing wider than average
Hero covers

V1 opens utg 25, H calls next to act A2, V2 calls btn, BB defends 4 way

Flop 722 100
Bb x, V1 x, H 40, V2 calls, BB folds, V1 x/r 85, H calls, V2 calls

Turn A 355
V1 160, H calls, V2 raises 460, V1 shoves 770 total, Hero??
5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-06-2019 , 09:34 PM
Fold preflop
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12-06-2019 , 09:41 PM
ez shove i put him on 72o
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12-06-2019 , 10:08 PM
Fold pre, literally. As played get it in

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5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-06-2019 , 10:24 PM
V1 has AA. EZ fold.
5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-07-2019 , 12:08 AM
Now the turn that's my money card.

Now when V1 leads I'm just gonna call make him think I turned a backdoor flush draw and set the trap for V2.

Just like I predicted V2 raises and V1 goes all in.

Now I'm making it look like I'm pondering a call. But all I can think about is Vegas and where the best spot to hang and bang would be.

"I'm all in cause I don't think you boys got the balls."

As I put my chips in V2 snaps.

The river falls a meaningless brick and I triumphantly flip my cards looking to rake in the pot.

Then I hear V2's voice, "Ayecis Full Mike."
5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-07-2019 , 12:14 AM
Grunch fold pre

AP bigger on flop

As played turn, shove first time around as a third diamond could kill river action.

As played uuuuug. Sigh call. I can't let the full house go against a bunch of fun players, maybe I'm terrible.
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12-07-2019 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
V1 has AA. EZ fold.
Edit* nevermind
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12-07-2019 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
Grunch fold pre

AP bigger on flop

As played turn, shove first time around as a third diamond could kill river action.

As played uuuuug. Sigh call. I can't let the full house go against a bunch of fun players, maybe I'm terrible.

Zeebo's Theorem strikes again
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12-07-2019 , 01:01 PM
I'm not sure if folding preflop or calling the turn shove is easier
5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-07-2019 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
I'm not sure if folding preflop or calling the turn shove is easier
5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-07-2019 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Now the turn that's my money card.

Now when V1 leads I'm just gonna call make him think I turned a backdoor flush draw and set the trap for V2.

Just like I predicted V2 raises and V1 goes all in.

Now I'm making it look like I'm pondering a call. But all I can think about is Vegas and where the best spot to hang and bang would be.

"I'm all in cause I don't think you boys got the balls."

As I put my chips in V2 snaps.

The river falls a meaningless brick and I triumphantly flip my cards looking to rake in the pot.

Then I hear V2's voice, "Ayecis Full Mike."
“All your hopes and dreams, down ze facking drain.”
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12-07-2019 , 05:10 PM
We’re in second place at best.
And I actually think we are in third place a lot.
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12-07-2019 , 05:54 PM
AA v. 77 v. A2
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12-07-2019 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Spanishmoon

Zeebo's Theorem strikes again
What is zeebo's theorem?
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12-07-2019 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
What is zeebo's theorem?
Basically that nobody folds a full house.
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12-07-2019 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by XtraScratch8
“All your hopes and dreams, down ze facking drain.”
Wrong scene. That one goes with "It's my house, I'll splash ze pot whenever the fack I want!"
5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-08-2019 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
Wrong scene. That one goes with "It's my house, I'll splash ze pot whenever the fack I want!"
I know. Just felt like a relevant KGB quote given the circumstance.
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12-08-2019 , 06:38 PM
I really think V2 has the 77. Tough fold.

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5/5 A2ss turn decision Quote
12-09-2019 , 04:53 AM
At best one villain has overplayed K2s which is one combo.

Compare that to AA/77 combos of V1 and 77 combos of V2 and I think we have a fold m8
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12-09-2019 , 12:29 PM
Vs. these villains as described by OP, I'm not sure I can fold. I'd need to be at the table and go with my gut / real-time reads.
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12-09-2019 , 01:39 PM
It's close and probably depends on how many suited 2x combos V2 can have.

Leaning toward a fold though.

Pre is definitely a leak.
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