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5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. 5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check.

09-17-2017 , 05:21 PM
V is a bad reg. Leaks: too wide pre, to spewy post. The wide pre part is irrelevant here. His PF action in this hand defines his range pretty well imo.

$430 eff

V limps UTG and a few others limp. Loose BTN decides to make it $35 and Hero $130 from SB w/ AKo. V calls, others fold. Am assuming V had a hand he wanted to l/rr with that isn't KK+, or a mid PP, so I'm ranging him to AK/77-QQ

Flop ~$310

4 2 4 rainbow.

Hero jams...

Only way to play this, as well as our entire 3b range correct? If we had TT-AA would we do something different? Maybe just KK/AA can check sometimes?
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 05:23 PM
Do you think you have FE against a mid pair? That's the key question
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Do you think you have FE against a mid pair? That's the key question
Basically all I was considering. I think I can move him off a chop for sure & likely to get 77-99 maybe TT to fold out. Messing around with a FE calc, & our 25% equity when called, we break even when V folds out 19% of his range.

AK/77-QQ is 45 combos. The 9 AK combos alone is exactly 20%.
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 05:50 PM
So shoving is probably the move. Are you sure he never flats KK+ here? Are you sure he play 77-99 like this?
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 06:24 PM
100% sure KK+ shoves. Not sure on 77-99. If ranging TT-QQ/AK, then the AK combos make 33% of V's range, which makes shoving even better w/ AK.
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 06:28 PM
Meh, shove.

Hand is well played, IMO.
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 06:49 PM
Bet $80 like you should with AA, then jam turn
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Eholeing
Bet $80 like you should with AA, then jam turn
I don't mind this play against a good reg as a good reg is going to realize that we could be doing this with AK or AA/KK. If we had AA/KK there would be no need to bet big since we don't have to protect our hand. However, hero describes V as a bad reg that is spewy post flop. I believe this type of V is just going to see an $80 bet as weakness and he'll jam on us with his entire range. We are then playing the guessing game as to what he has instead of him wondering what we have if we jam the flop ourselves.

I guess the fact that V is spewy post flop could also mean that he will call with all his mid pocket pairs as well so I wonder if we have any fold equity. Hero stated he believed he could jam and fold out 77-99 and AK, so if that assumption is true, then I would shove.
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 07:13 PM
Calling it off after he jams can hardly ever be a mistake ^^
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-17-2017 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Eholeing
Calling it off after he jams can hardly ever be a mistake ^^
ya, if we bet $80 and he jams we'd easily have the odds to call unless he had AA, KK, or a made boat, but those seem highly unlikely
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-18-2017 , 02:59 PM
If you feel like he folds 1010 or worse then WP
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
09-18-2017 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by QuantumSurfer
Basically all I was considering. I think I can move him off a chop for sure & likely to get 77-99 maybe TT to fold out. Messing around with a FE calc, & our 25% equity when called, we break even when V folds out 19% of his range.

AK/77-QQ is 45 combos. The 9 AK combos alone is exactly 20%.
Our goal isn't to break even. We clearly have a +EV check, so we need to do better than checking.

I'd usually bet small with my value combos to GII over 2-3 streets with short stacks in a 3-bet pot on a super dry board, so if V is thinking I'd size my bluffs that way, too. He (probably?) shouldn't be shoving into your uncapped range with any hands, although so short it wouldn't be terrible.
5/5  3bet ranges w/ SPR 1... simple line check. Quote
