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5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action 5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action

05-25-2010 , 02:11 AM

i am working on my live game right now and my biggest problem is to give people specific ranges which gives me some trouble by switching from online to live play.

table is 7 handed,
i start the hand with ~1600$, villain in the hand has me covered
i raise in EP w/ A6 to 30$
4 Players call
Flop is 56Tr (Pot 150)
i cbet 100 and get called by the guy to my left
Turn is Ax (Pot 350)
i bet 250 and get raised to 600.
the guy is around 30 w/ tattoos,etcetc and behaves like a regular/knows the dealer,etc.
he sat down ~10minutes ago, so i have no specific reads and saw no showdown
what can i expect his range here to me ? is it only sets or better 2pairs ?
i called and the river was 6x (Pot 1550)
i checked and he snapships...

is this an easy call turn, broke river for a live guy or do i really have to fold 2pair on the turn as the average live 5/10 regular will not getting it in with worse ?
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 04:35 AM
It's kind of tough, your hand is underrepped since it just looks a lot like you have an AK/AQ type hand that barreled and got lucky, so in that sense it seems like a bizarre spot for him to choose make a move with air since that ace hits you so often. Its a pretty rainbow board and its too specific to put him on 78 or 89 type hands exactly (unless the turn gave a flush draw), but there definitely are some 5/10 live guys who might randomly turn a bare six into a bluff on the turn wanting to make a move, and then valueshoving the river thinking they got lucky.

On the other hand, the only value hands you beat on the turn are 56 or 10 6 hands that slowplayed the flop. You're just about dead to 55, 66, 1010, and A10 (we'll assume AA isn't an option). You beat flopped straight draws and a few random spazzbluffs with bare 6's. The river is definitely the snappiest of snap calls though, since literally the only hand you lose to is 1010 thanks to that fortuitous river card, in which case its a simple cooler.

But yeah, on the turn its just an awkward spot where our actual hand is so much stronger than our perceived hand range, yet villain's range for raising the turn is often stronger than our actual hand plus he thinks you might stack off with the weaker perceived hand range anyway (AND it sucks extra since even just a few orbits of play with villain could make this decision so much easier). Objectively it seems to hinge slightly more towards a turn fold but its so tough to fold aces up on that board so it's completely understandable to at least call the turn bet to reevaluate. If he shoves the river if its a blank instead of a six, I'd probably make a crying fold.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 08:33 AM
The big mistake here is raising in EP to 30 with A6o. I like pretty much doing anything else better, with folding being my favorite by far. It is not a good idea to raise weak aces up front for a very inticing 3xBB raise in live games as you are expected to get multiway action OOP, and you aren't really hoping for an ace on the flop as you could be in serious trouble.

Like you said, even though you boated up on the river, there aren't many value betting hands from villain that you beat. Still, as played, it's a call on the river, though I expect to be beaten a good amount of time here.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by rbenuck4
The big mistake here is raising in EP to 30 with A6o.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 10:52 AM
Yes, raising pre is a big mistake :/

Last edited by jlocdog; 05-25-2010 at 11:04 AM. Reason: removed results to allow for discussion
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by rbenuck4
Like you said, even though you boated up on the river, there aren't many value betting hands from villain that you beat. Still, as played, it's a call on the river, though I expect to be beaten a good amount of time here.
lol, that's like the most gin river for him since he drew out against all of villain's value-shoving range aside from tens full. With that river it's always a snap, the real issue is on the turn figuring out whether his hand is good or not since he can't exactly put in half his stack hoping to hit a four outer.

As for preflop, I just assumed it was A6s, which obv isn't optimal to raise in early but 7-handed with deep stacks its not all that bad, essentially a pot sweetener since OP would presumably be playing for its implied value most times. If its A6o then yeah that's pretty bad.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 03:52 PM
would he really snap ship AT / A5 on the river? would he just flat 56 on the flop?

this seems a lot like TT or 55, absent any real reads. i guess i would call, but it's close.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 06:43 PM
Raising w/ A6 in EP preflop is bad regardless of online/live. Whoever said "its not bad as a pot-sweetener" is giving really unfortunate advice.

The hand isn't an easy decision without any reads. I would've checked the turn. He isn't expecting you to have hit the ace very often, and you can induce a lot by checking, and since you have no reads playing for stacks will seem gross if you get raised on the turn. What are you expecting to call you with on the turn that doesn't have you beat? Why scare off the 10 pairs when the ace hits, your not going to get value on both turn/river from them. I like checking the turn/betting the river here. I probably call the turn as played and then definitely ship the river, then proceed to post on 2p2 and figure out what went wrong (raising preflop!).
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-25-2010 , 08:59 PM
I wasn't giving advice ya nut, I just think there's some interesting analysis to be made on the hand's flop/turn action and didn't want it to devolve to a chorus of 'fold preflop lolz'. By pot sweetener I meant that if he really wants to play the hand a small raise often keeps him from having to limp-call. Its obv always undeniably bad to raise any A6 from early, but 7 handed where the avg raise size is presumably 40-60, then assuming its suited its only a small mistake imo. I'd personally never do it but like I said I just wanted to help engender better discussion. Besides there could easily be a spot where you might raise A6 in the cutoff and get flatted by both the button and the blinds and this exact same situation could occur so it's not like a spot like this is unavoidable.

With that out of the way I'd probably be inclined to check turn also, but assuming he bets I'd probably just call and then donk out a sizable bet on the river. It's sort of an obvious line but since you can't really check-raise the turn for several reasons its what you gotta do.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-26-2010 , 12:45 AM
I was thinking about the hand the whole day and i think i missed out an important point in my opening post. the reason why i raised A6o EP was because of 2 posters, thats why i made it 50 to begin with.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-26-2010 , 03:46 AM
...i made it 50 and 2 posters call and not 30 and 4 callers for a 150$ pot. thats what i meant
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
05-26-2010 , 12:35 PM
akagod I didn't mean my reply to be caustic; but rather that OP posted it to get strategy advice, and I think the most important piece of advice that many would give on this hand is to not take this line preflop. Even if OP wants perspective on flop/turn (which I gave), I think its more important to correct the PF mistake.

Wombert: You'll need to post a whole new HH for this to make any sense. You went from leading out in EP with a raise to $30 and getting 4 callers to limp/limp/Hero raises to $50 and gets called? Those are completely different scenarios. Plus it means your actually last to act post-flop? That changes a lot.
5/10NL Live - 2pair vs Action Quote
