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/ NL: JJ in 3-bet pot 4-way / NL: JJ in 3-bet pot 4-way

07-29-2014 , 02:53 AM
$1200 eff. Tight but very aggro (likes to bluff postflop) Asian girl opens to $30 from MP1 ($700 stack), MP2 is a guy who's tight but has been caught in a couple of failed bluffs postflop makes it $90, I flat in CO with JsJc, button is an Asian middle-aged guy a bit degen looking likes to call/flat preflop but tightens up postflop and loves to trap with monsters postflop; he flats, blinds fold, the girl flats.

Flop: 5c4s3c Pot ~ $380 MP1 and MP2 check, I bet $250, button asks how many bills I have and calls, others fold

Turn: 2c Pot ~ $880 I check, button bets $520

You, why and feedback on all streets appreciated.
/ NL: JJ in 3-bet pot 4-way Quote
07-29-2014 , 05:31 AM
Fold turn. Not even sure your Jc is any good and the price you're getting to draw (you're always behind here) is pretty bad.
/ NL: JJ in 3-bet pot 4-way Quote
07-29-2014 , 09:45 AM
Weird hand. Maybe you can bluff here. It would seem pretty ludicrous for him to not jam the NFD on the flop considering it has a gutshot and overcards and the pot is already huge, so IMO his range is weighted heavily toward 99-KK.

I wonder if its possible to bet like 225 on the turn and shove every river? You're at the very bottom of your range here. C/F otherwise of course.
/ NL: JJ in 3-bet pot 4-way Quote
07-29-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Weird hand.
It is as the Original Raiser and the 3-bet aggressor both bailed, leaving the pot to me and the button. I'm guessing the 3-bettor had something like AQ-AK; no idea what OR had, maybe a medium PP that she overfolded OTF given multi-way 3-bet action even though she likely had an overpair. She also had the worst position so that was probably also a factor in her folding OTF.

Was my preflop and flop play OK?
/ NL: JJ in 3-bet pot 4-way Quote
07-29-2014 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
It would seem pretty ludicrous for him to not jam the NFD on the flop considering it has a gutshot and overcards and the pot is already huge, so IMO his range is weighted heavily toward 99-KK.
He's not the kind of guy to shove draws OTF, especially overshove. He's more of a trapper with occasional calling-station type spew (most of his stationing is preflop). I had a hand with him:

I limp KJs in MP, he raises to $40 in CO, I call, BB donkey calls.

Flop: QQ7r Pot ~ $130 check around.
Turn: 8 Pot ~ $130 BB checks, I take a stab with $80, he calls, donkey bails.
River: irrelevant Check-check

I show K-high, he shows AA and says some nonsense about how he was afraid of something. So he does random terribad **** like that but it's generally on the passive side and his spew is more on the passive/station/overvalue hands side rather than aggrospew.

In another hand he stacked off pre for $1500 and lost to a guy who had AK on AKxxx board which means he had QQ or below.
/ NL: JJ in 3-bet pot 4-way Quote
