Originally Posted by Renton555
Checking back the flop would be very bad. You have the NFD combo that most wants to bet, so assuming you have a betting range at all, this should be a part of it.
I think I just fold turn.
I think its way too black and white to say checking back is very bad. If we want to build a strat where we can have river bluffraise ranges on hearts then we need to check back some hands like this. Like we don't necessarily want to cb 100% of our Ah + Broadwayx hands so if we check this back we can now raise a good balanced range on the river when the turn or river is a heart and villain barrels into us.
Checking back flop also lets us realize more equity if we think villain is going to make us 'correctly' fold A2hh on the turn when he c/r -> turn barrel.